
Bad Luck

"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy wake up!"

Little Karen Walker screamed at the strawberry blonde woman lying on the hospital bed. Her own strawberry blonde hair in disarray and tears streaming down her cheeks. She was being held in the arms of the man she calls Dad. His face in a similar condition to hers.

"Mommy please wake up..." Karen cried her heart out. She fought herself free of her father's hold and rushed to her mother's side. Hugging her tightly with her one good hand. "Mommy just wake up please. I swear I'll be a good girl. I will listen to everything you say. I won't climb the trees no more. I wont run on the stairs. I will eat all my vegetables. I promise just please wake up for me." Karen stuttered with her words as she tried to hold the tears back but sobs escaped from her mouth. Her words were heartbreaking to hear for those who heard it.

Her father got up off his chair and went to hug both his dead wife and his crying daughter. He himself crying from a sense of loss. Not knowing how he would go on without his wife in his life.

Little Karen was just twelve years old. Her heart broke when she saw her loving mother lying on the bed with bandages all over. She herself had a bandage wrapped around her head and a cast on her left arm. She and her mom was in a car accident. A truck came from nowhere and hit into the car her mom was driving. Directly crashing into her mother's side.

The car did a somersault and landed on the driver's side of the car. Her mom did an emergency operation but that only bought her two hours. Her organs began failing and she passed away in her sleep. Not even getting to say goodbye to her family.

Her funeral was kept on a rainy day in the summer.

"In loving memory of my mother. She was a great woman and a greater mom. She always tries her best to make everyone happy at the expense of her own happiness. Whenever I would see my mom she would always have a smile on her face. Always pleasant to everyone she meets. I don't know what I'm going to do without her. Who's going to help me to bake the cookies in the kitchen? Who's gonna help me with my singing practice for the choir? Whose bosom am I going to cry into when I'm hurt? Who's gonna help ...." A sob escaped Karen's mouth. Taking a deep breath she said "May she rest in peace and ascend to heaven."

Her husband and her daughter grieved terribly for her. Little Karen grew up and healed from her physical wounds but her emotional scars never went away. She ended up without friends.

Her father and herself would visit her paternal grandmother every once a month to make sure she was ok. But as the years passed she saw her father getting skinnier and skinnier. Suffering from hair loss. His few dark hairs were already grey. Aging rapidly.

One day he ended up in the hospital. He was diagnosed with stage four pancreatic cancer. He only had four months at the most left to live. Little Karen was now no longer little. She grew into a beautiful nineteen years old young woman. She was devastated by the news. She cried herself to sleep at nights and in the days she spent it all on her dad. Trying to cheer him up. Her grandmother no longer looked at her the same before. She mistakenly took it for pity and grief.

Her father died two months after his diagnosis. Half the time estimated. She didn't know what to do with her life anymore. After he died her life took a turn for the worse.

Her father left her inheritance in the hands of her grandmother. She wouldn't get it until and unless she proved herself responsible enough. Unknown to her, her grandmother had no intention to give her the inheritance at any point in time. She wanted to give it to her next son's daughter when she turned eighteen.

As a result, she had to get a job. But she got jobs she would never have thought herself likely to do. She wanted to become the best doctor in the world. Able to cure all diseases. But her dreams became a dream she could never fulfill in this lifetime of hers.

One evening, coming from her night shift of cleaning in a hotel, she got held up at knife point. She refused to be robbed but she got stabbed. Multiple times.

Lying there on the floor, she could make out the blurry images of a white haired woman with a walking stick and a cashmere coat walk onto to the crime scene and conversed with the robbers.

It was her grandmother.

".... good job.... pay you..... congrats..... forever..."

And with that she breathed her last breath with a mind full of questions.

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