
Chapter Eight: The Teenage Diaries: Part One

To begin with I was a good boy in my teen years but when I started getting suspended or close to being expelled, those were the days I became a reckless rebel who did their own thing in their own time. I was a force not to be reckoned with.

In the years two thousand and fourteen and two thousand and fifteen I studied years eight and nine at Christie's Beach High School before moving to Willunga High School in two thousand and sixteen to begin studying year ten where I moved from being in a special Ed unit straight into mainstream and boy did it take some time getting used to. To begin with I was not a straight A student for all topics but for some like English. English was one of my favourite subjects as well as music but I couldn't study Music due to not having doing it since year eight.

(In two thousand and fourteen living in Christie Downs with my mother and half sister. There was this next door neighbour who enjoyed coming over to play Xbox, go outside or go to her mum's where she would dress me as a girl in girl clothes, hair extensions and makeup. Now at first I did not like or enjoy it but it grew on me therefore I began to like it I would even put on a fake girl voice. This sparked questions about my gender as well as my sexuality.)

Now getting back to topic. Year ten was not easy for someone going from special Ed unit to mainstream without any transition or anything to get used to it. I tried my hardest to maintain a good boy role without getting suspended that was until the wrong motherfucker chose to fuck with me therefore it ended in me sharpening a stick and marched my way to the library where this cunt lurked but before I could make it to the library I saw the teacher on duty so I ditched the implement that would now be classed as a weapon. Where I ditched it was into a bin but I was not let off easy they found it and I was suspended. And the suspensions didn't end there but they followed on afterwards.

Besides school there was life outside of school hours which usually consisted of hanging with friends or spending time with family or watching television. But that was not all. For the first year or two that I spent in my mum's custody she had the department of child protection watching us closely therefore we attended regular appointments after about two years we were free from the child protection watch. I was also set up with a support coordinators who would take me out for the day and catch up with me and family. Eventually I had regular afternoon respites with a support worker that would take me out for the afternoon before bringing me home. Things I would do while at respite would conclude of such things like; going to the beach, buying food if I had been given pocket money by my mother.

Been a teenager with disabilities was not always easy, I didn't have many friends, many feared me, love was hardest for me not once did I maintain a long time love life as such others would. I was easily taken advantage of because of my disabilities. It was either I was taken advantage or people took advantage of my disabilities and used them against me making it difficult for me to do such things in my everyday life.