
White Tiger (Lookism Fanfic)

Kim Sung Jin, with the unique trait of instant mastery, reincarnated into the world of Lookism. This new universe is different from the one he was used to, and Jin quickly realizes that his fighting skills won't be enough to help him navigate this new world. He is tasked with protecting Rose, the daughter of a powerful mafia boss, as she attends high school. Despite his confidence in his fighting abilities, Jin discovers that he lacks knowledge and experience in other areas of life, having only interacted with people within the mafia family. He must now develop and grow in areas such as social skills, personal relationships, and academic knowledge, all while keeping Rose safe from rival gangs and the dangerous underworld of Lookism. Jin's journey will be filled with challenges, from navigating the intricacies of high school life to facing off against powerful enemies, all while trying to figure out his place in this new world. With his unique trait of instant mastery, Jin will have to balance his natural talent with hard work and dedication if he hopes to succeed in this universe. I do not own Lookism or the art. Lookism is belong to Park Tae-joon.

STRO · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Time Skip

Author note: None of the people are using guns because it is more fun to use fists and melee weapons.

Three years later...

"Damn it, Alex, how did you gather this many people?" said Jin, looking at Alex as he was surrounded by about 100 men.

"They suddenly have another reinforcement. I won't be able to beat them all. Damn it, help me," said Alex.

Jin then asked Jax, who was beside him, "Ready for round two?"

"Yeah, let's do it," replied Jax.

Jin and Jax ran towards Alex, who was surrounded by the 100 men. Jin and Jax rushed towards the men while Alex started fighting back.

Although they were surrounded by 100 men, Jin didn't get hit at all. Alex and Jax still got hit from behind, but that didn't stop them. After they finished beating the 100 men, a voice came from Jin's intercom.

"We're done. Get out of the building and meet up at the rendezvous point," said Ava, who was being protected by Kai, Chai, and Jack. They were on a mission to hack data from a secret base.

Five hours earlier...

All of them were in a room when John came in to brief them on the mission.

"Your mission this time is to infiltrate one of the rival mafia's secret bases and hack all of its data. You will be split into three teams. Ava will be the key to this operation, so Chai, Kai, and Jack will be the ones who protect her, while Jin, Alex, and Jax will be the ones who stop their reinforcements. Lastly, Budi and Pedro will be the diversion. Any questions?" said John.

Budi raised his hand and asked, "Why do I have to become a diversion?"

"Because I said so," replied John.

"Fine," said Budi with an annoyed face.

"All of the equipment you need for this operation is ready, so get ready," said John.

They all nodded and got ready.

Two hours later...

They were looking at the heavily guarded base.

"Let's get started," said Jin.

"I'm on it," said Budi.

Budi and Pedro then started wrecking the perimeter of the base, and all the guards started to chase after them. Budi and Pedro then started to run towards another area.

"Let's go," said the rest of them as they ran towards the base. After entering the base, they still saw a lot of people guarding it.

"Split up here. We're going to hold them," said Jin. Ava and the others nodded and went to the base using another way.

"Are you guys ready?" Jin asked. Alex and Jax then nodded.

"Let's get started," said Jin.

They rushed towards the guards, who then prepared themselves. Some of them were using a baton, but Jin, Alex, and Jax started fighting.

When they fought, some of the guards suddenly left towards Ava and the others.

"Alex, go and stop them," said Jin.

"On it," said Alex.

Alex split from Jin and Jax, who were still fighting. Jin then said to Jax, "We need to finish this quickly."

"Okay," replied Jax.

Jax started to beat them up faster, but it took his stamina faster. His stamina was very high, and Jax was like Lee Tae or Logan Lee. Just give him 30 minutes of rest, and Jax's stamina would be recharged, while Jin didn't have that kind of stamina. His talent covered it.

Jin, fueled with adrenaline, picked up a baton from one of the fallen guards and started to beat them with it. After finishing, he turned to Jax and said, "Let's go, we must help Alex."

Jax, taking a while to catch his breath, finally nodded. Together, they saw Alex surrounded by a hundred men, looking like he had just gotten himself into some trouble.

"Dang, Alex, how did you manage to gather this many people?" Jin asked, surprised.

Fast forward to the present, all the teams had finished their missions and were trying to make a quick escape.

But their plans were thwarted by the capos of the mafia group. Team 1, Ava, and the others got blocked by two capos, team 2, Jin, and his crew were also blocked by two capos, while team 3, Budi, and Pedro were only blocked by one capo.

"You have a lot of nerve raiding our base," said the capo, trying to intimidate them.

Alex, never one to back down, replied, "So what?"

The capo sneered, "Kids these days. Don't worry, I'll beat you and bring all of you back to the boss."

But little did they know, these youngsters were not to be underestimated.

After three years of intense training, their fighting skills had reached the level of a crew head, with Jin even surpassing that level and reaching the level of Jonggun or Gun.

He had acquired the [Martial Arts Mastery] skill, enabling him to use any martial arts without restriction, and the [Weapon Mastery] skill, allowing him to use any object as a weapon to maximum proficiency.

With their newly acquired skills, they made quick work of the capos, leaving them dazed and confused. "What the hell is this group of monsters?" said one of the capos before passing out.

As they gathered at the rendezvous point and left the enemy base, Jin congratulated the others. "Good job, everybody."

Budi, always the one to celebrate, exclaimed, "This calls for a celebration, right?"

Jin replied, "Well, after we arrive at the base, it's my treat."

Excited, all of them smiled, but Budi was practically bouncing off the walls.

Upon arriving at their family mafia base, they were called to gather at the auditorium, where they were given the news that they would be granted a two-month vacation. All of them cheered, with Budi being the loudest.

However, Jin's vacation was cut short when the boss called him into his office. "Jin, I have a special mission for you," said the boss.

Jin replied, "What is it, Boss?"

"As you may know, I have a daughter in Korea. She wants to go to school now," explained the boss.

"Why?" asked Jin, puzzled.

"She said she was bored. She was learning all alone in her mansion for protection. Because you are also Korean and one of our best men, your mission is to protect my daughter from any danger that comes to her. Is that clear?" the boss said sternly.

"Yes, Boss," Jin replied, nodding.

"In ten months, you will be sent back to Korea, but before that, I have another mission for you. Because all of your team will be on vacation, I want you to crush one of the mafia groups alone," the boss said.

"Why?" asked Jin.

"This is your final test. After you finish this mission, you will be free to do whatever you want before going back to Korea. Is that clear?" the boss said, giving Jin a meaningful look.

"Crystal clear, Boss," Jin replied.

"Dismissed," Jin nodded before leaving the room.

He headed to a restaurant that was the usual spot for celebrating after a mission.

As soon as he arrived, Budi exclaimed, "Our star has arrived!" and handed him an orange juice since some of their team members were still underage.

As they all settled down, Jin asked his teammates where they were planning to go for vacation. Some of them planned to go back to their hometowns, while others decided to stay in the city and enjoy their time off.

"Hey, I'm planning to go to Bali," said Budi excitedly.

"Oh, that sounds amazing! I heard the beaches are beautiful there," Jin replied.

"Speaking of beaches, have you guys seen the way Ava surfs?" Kai asked, and they all burst out laughing.

"Yeah, she's like a mermaid out there," added Jack.

Their conversation continued as they enjoyed their meals and drinks. Jin was happy to see his teammates relax and have fun after a challenging mission. They joked around, shared stories, and even did a few karaoke sessions.

As the night went on, they continued to have fun, but eventually, it was time to go back to their dorms and get some sleep. Jin said his goodbyes and walked out with a smile on his face, feeling grateful for the team he had.