
White Sword Dragon

"White Sword Dragon" is a fan fiction novel starting in the world of Against the Gods 3000 years before the events of the main story. Follow the remarkable journey of Xuanyuan Lintian, the young master of the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region. Born with the extraordinary Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins and possessing unparalleled talents, Xuanyuan Lintian's cultivation journey is destined for greatness. [ Tags ] | OP MC | Harem | Romance | Adventure | Handsome MC | World Hopping | Fast Progression | *The Cover for the Novel is not mine, if the owner would want to take it down, please inform me.

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Mastering the Divine Techniques

In the serene training grounds of the Xuanyuan family's residence, Lingtian stood at the center, his every movement infused with grace and purpose. His platinum hair danced in the wind as he prepared to immerse himself in the profound arts his father had bestowed upon him—the Nine Celestial Sword Steps and the Heaven's Descent Sword Art.

Under the watchful gaze of his father, Xuanyuan Haoran, Lingtian took a deep breath, clearing his mind of distractions. He had come a long way since his initial training, mastering the fundamental principles of the 'Heaven's Descent Sword Art.' Now, he was ready to delve into the depths of the Nine Celestial Sword Steps, the secret footwork that would enhance his speed and agility to new heights.

As Lingtian began to perform the first celestial step, his movements flowed like water. Each step was precise and purposeful, grounding him in the present moment. He could feel the energy of the earth beneath his feet, resonating with his every motion. Gradually, Lingtian's speed increased, and he moved with an otherworldly swiftness that left onlookers in awe.

Xuanyuan Haoran observed his son's progress, a sense of pride welling up within him. Lingtian's dedication and natural talent were evident in every step he took. The young swordsman embodied a harmonious blend of power and elegance, his footwork becoming an extension of his very being.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months as Lingtian immersed himself in the intricate techniques of the Nine Celestial Sword Steps. He practiced tirelessly, exploring the depths of the footwork, discovering the subtle nuances and hidden intricacies that would set him apart from others.

Under the guidance of his father, Lingtian refined his footwork to perfection. His steps became ethereal, his speed unparalleled. With every movement, he seemed to dance across the training grounds, leaving behind afterimages that bewitched the eyes.

But Lingtian knew that true mastery required more than just physical prowess. It demanded a profound understanding of the underlying principles, a connection with the energy of the heavens and earth. And so, he delved deeper into his training, seeking to unlock the full potential of the Nine Celestial Sword Steps.

As Lingtian's mastery of the footwork grew, he could feel the energy of the heavens responding to his every move. The air around him seemed to tremble with anticipation, as if acknowledging his presence. With each step, he harmonized with the flow of the universe, transcending mortal limitations.

With the Nine Celestial Sword Steps firmly ingrained in his being, Lingtian's focus shifted back to the 'Heaven's Descent Sword Art.' He sought to combine the unmatched speed and agility granted by the footwork with the devastating power of his sword strikes.

Under the radiant moonlight, Lingtian unsheathed his sword, the blade shimmering with a divine aura. With a resolute gaze, he channeled his profound energy, drawing it from the heavens themselves. The energy surged through his body, intertwining with his every breath.

As Lingtian executed the first strike of the 'Heaven's Descent Sword Art,' the power behind it was unparalleled. His blade cleaved through the air, leaving behind a trail of shimmering light. The ground beneath him quivered, and a shockwave rippled through the training grounds.

Time and time again, Lingtian unleashed his sword strikes, each one more precise and devastating than the last. His control of profound energy reached new heights, allowing him to manipulate it with unparalleled finesse. He could feel the power of the heavens coursing through his veins, empowering every swing of his sword.

With the fusion of the Nine Celestial Sword Steps and the 'Heaven's Descent Sword Art,' Lingtian had become a force to be reckoned with. His presence alone commanded respect, his swordsmanship leaving onlookers in awe. He had surpassed the boundaries of mortal limitations, ascending to a level that few could ever hope to reach.

As Lingtian sheathed his sword, a sense of fulfillment washed over him. The teachings of his mysterious father had unlocked his true potential, and he knew that his journey was far from over. With his newfound power, he would face greater challenges, overcome formidable adversaries, and continue to ascend on the path of cultivation.

And so, Lingtian stood in the training grounds, ready to embrace the future with unwavering determination.