

writersnob · Realistic
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2 Chs


Next day Rahul enters the office and asks the attender for his seat. He sits in his seat and introduces himself to his colleagues.

Anaya enters the office from the lift and walks into her cabinet. Rahul looks at everyone in astonishment. He asks his colleagues about sudden change in atmosphere. He learns about Anaya's seriousness towards work. He thinks she is quite fun. She gave him a job even after the accident...so he decided to give her back that money. He walks to Anaya's cabin and knocks...

He gets into her cabin and asks if he can sit. Anaya says yes and asks him "What made you come here". He says sorry to her for his behaviour and offers to return the money. Anaya accepts the sorry and asks him to pay her back with a nice coffee.

Rahul and Anaya are in Anaya's apartment. Rahul waited at a huge glass window at the staircase while Anaya brought a cappucino for him and a black coffee for her. They sipped their coffees as the rain danced on the window glass. Rahul asks her "Why do you like white so much?" His questions never ended, while her silence complimented those questions.

Very soon they started hanging out in clubs , coffee shops and restaurants. He surrounded her in his questions...she felt warmth in them...

His questions were always incomplete without her answers..but the questions completed her...in very few days they were close to each other...

Out of all their hangout places, the window near the staircase was their favourite. Sometimes it was just silence between them, pure silence. There were always questions in their minds but none of them knew the answers...

Rahul liked Anaya's silence. He respected her independent nature, her ambitions. He loved how she controls the situations around her. Her stability is her strength....

Anaya liked rahul for his energy, he brought colours into her dull life. He was fun, he was meticulous, yet carefree.

He completed her...she fulfilled him...

Rahul called Anaya and asked her to come to 'their place'....

Anaya, as she walked across the stairs, she found him on one knee with two cups of coffee on the window stand and a ring in his hand. Tears started rolling across her cheeks. She couldn't look into his eyes. He looked at her dumbstruck. "I don't have the courage for another one. I don't deserve this", she cried. She was aldready widowed by that man who she loved like there was a no tomorrow. She didn't have the courage or may be the strength of losing someone again. So, she ran from there and from him forever and ever...