
White Lock

How fun would it be dominating the world of blue lock? The thrill in something like that can only be truly enjoyed by someone who knows the fun and future in it. Mr. Roy was just that someone. He loved the Blue Lock manga. Now he was given chance to reincarnate in one. There was no way he was going to fail because that was his egotism.. Starting at the bottom, he will slowly learn how to play football and crawl his way to top. "So what if others are protagonists. I'm the protagonist myself, I'll just devour their protagonistism. Even the main character is no exception." - Mr. Roy.

Kido_TO · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs


Today was the day I'll defeat Barou. These were the thoughts I had. I had to do everything in mine power to achieve victory.

These were the thoughts Roy had but something else was entirely in play as things didn't go his way.

Rishi was there, cheering up for Roy on the bench. At the same park where Roy played the solo match against Barou yesterday and brought it to tie now had trapped in some sort of chains which were brought to existence because of domination brought by Barou. A unseen red aura was passively flowing from Barou's body, no it was entirely different from aura. It was more like a egotism that didn't exist prior.

Roy who had now desperately lost every signs of hope heard Barou, "It seems I overestimated you, Donkey. This will be my last score after which I win."

Right..it was 0-2. One more score and he will win. That's what I thought and probably it didn't matter if I win or not, not anymore.

No. It wasn't supposed to be like this. Suddenly something clicked in his mind. Something ancient was trying to come out from his inside screaming at him that failure wasn't ALLOWED.

'If I always think of winning later, when will I win now. Why can't I just be like Barou who stands tall and not be the me who is filled with despair?'

Barou who didn't know of the transformation going inside Roy's mind, ran at full throttle speed, seemingly wanting to smash apart another goal against the tree behind Roy.

"Now I'll win." Roy ordered himself. His words didn't falter. His existence seemed ancient as white aura covered his entire being that now screamed that this being doesn't know failure.

As these words were uttered by Roy, his whole perspective seemed to be filled with cards, no they were some sort of puzzles. He looked to be missing some puzzle pieces. His whole being needed those missing pieces.

No..The pieces were what that needed him, not him. With that, all pieces connected to his body, and the last piece that seemed to have a word called "Domination" written also emerged and pasted itself on the forehead of Roy.

Roy burst out with never-before-seen vigour as he dashed in Barou's direction, saw the ball and hit it. The ball didn't had anywhere to go followed Roy's footsteps. Roy emerged with the ball and smashed a goal.

The first goal came to being. Barou who didn't understand what just happened, had his eyes blank. Rishi also seemed shocked. Soon after Rishi clapped, "Congratulations Roy! You win a goal!"

Roy, however didn't look convinced, he said in the same tone Barau used to say, "Is it good to score against donkeys? Easy-Peasy."

Having heard this, Barou was enraged. "Dare you say this again, I'll show you now your position. I'm the King!" Now it was Roy's chance to dribble. He went to Barau with the same white aura that covered his body. He created fast feints by moving his torso left and right. Finally Barou fell prey to the feints. And Roy took advantage of it and scored goal.

KaBoom! 2-2

'One more to go.' Roy thought. He had evolved, or in true sense it could be said that he had devoured the domination skill of Barou. He didn't seem scared of his physique anymore. He has now truly awakened his Perfect Devouring ability!

Now it was Barou's chance. If it was old Roy, he would say, "this would be hard." But now the evolved Roy didn't care about the difficulty. He was filled with confidence and defeat seemed out of question.

Barou landed the ball on his feet and started moving like a lion full of seriousness. This was gonna be a tough fight.

Once Barou came, Roy did something unexpected. He didn't create any fients this time. He purely tried kicking the ball which was under the legs of Barou. However taking the ball from this king was just like taking the throne from him.

Barou suddenly twirled his hips. He seemed to have evolved as well! He made a new move which Roy had never seen before. This sudden move caught Roy out of guard. Barou after twirling his hip had moved right and dribbed ahead of Roy.


I can't lose'

This was the thought which Roy had but unfortunately,


Suddenly Roy laughed. He had already done his best. He knew he can't defeat Barou one in one if Barou changed his playstyle.

This sudden laugh from Roy made Barou feel something wrong but, he didn't pay any attention. Or atleast that's what he thought but suddenly Roy appeared on his sights all of sudden and nutmegged him.

"That's why you should never pay attention to just ball, Sheep." He called him a sheep and finally he dribbled the ball and was about to goal. However Barou suddenly appeared with red light flashing in his eyes. Having predicted it, Roy simply halted his striking position and made the ball jump over Barou to goal.

3-2. It was Roy's win.

5 Years later.

Today is a good day. I just woke up. The weather seems good and calming. It would be fun to play soccer today. Roy thought about it as he looked at his mirror while brushing his teeth.

"Roy, come eat breakfast! You also have to go school" That's right. I was in elementary school. Before this I used to be homeschooled. So it will be my first day in elementary school. Tbh my knowledge from past life is already enough to skip grades, but I don't want to be called a genius as that would risk my soccer carreer since people will think that would be a waste of my genius.

Roy was a handsome kid with silverish brown eyes with pitch black deep in pupil and snow white hair that looked long. He had a sharp jawline. He could already be seen as a celebrity once he grow up.

I had decided to remain low key in school while keep A+ grades as that was easy. I was decisive as I went to the dining table where Mom and Dad were sitting to eat breakfast. My 5 year old sister was in kindergarten at the moment.

My mother had a sweet angel like smile. My dad saw me and welcomed me, "Come sit down son," He proceeded to move chair for me to give space.

I sat down on the adjacent chair and my mom was placing Sushi, riceballs and many small food necessities. My mom was a good cook.

I ate my fills. It was tasty. We also talked about how my sister's studies are going and whether she ate her breakfast or not. She was named Katsui. Anyway I didn't care much about name and just wanted a cute little sister. And heck yeah, she was a good sister. I loved her.

After eating breakfast, I readied myself. Because today was my first day at elementary school, I didn't wore any school uniform because most students didn't buy them as well on their first day. The elementary school wasn't big, just one of the medium school. I will be in class 3A.. I thought as I looked at my school ID.

I proceeded to go outside my home. "Bye Mom, Dad. See you soon." When I was on street, I encountered Barou and Rishi. They were waiting for me. Our parents had arranged the same elementary school for us to go into as we were good friends.

"Hmph you made us wait, Roy." Barou said. I was speechless, because i was just late by some minutes. He just wanted to defeat me in fields outside football as he never won against me after that day 5 years ago. Honestly, me and Barou have become good friends as well but because he was still hung up on the idea of King, he never care about our relationship that much. Well not that I cared too.

Anyway I didn't care. I replied, "Well, looks like I've to make you change your attitude again." Barou said nothing. We had tactically agreed to another match after returning home. We went along the way. Our new school wasn't far so our parents allowed us to go alone. You can say, that the school belonged to neighbourhood only, just a little bit far.

The spring blossoms were there on the way. A girl was beneath the blossoms there, looking beautiful and sharp. She looked to be around my age. I saw her, my friends also saw. Barou ignored her. It looks like Barou didn't have much interest in girls. Meanwhile, Rishi who was more of an introvert looked shy upon seeing such a beautiful girl. Oh I forgot, we were just ten or eleven years old so how could he be shy?

Maybe he was just embarassed about something, so I asked him "What's up dude. What's ya nervous about?" Rishi awestruck, looked at me. Looks like I got him.

He said, "Actually that girl whom you just saw was my cousin. She does not live near our locality so you and Barou never saw her prior to this."

"Oh?" I was surprised knowing this. I didn't expect that girl to be cousin of his. But that doesn't explain why he was embarassed to see her. Anyway it doesn't matter. Since he doesn't want to say, I won't force him.

We soon reaches the school gate. There were other kids who were also coming to school after their guardian dropped them, by vehicles. Some even had the kid embraced and the kid was crying after leaving their brace.

'So embarassing.'

"Tch." Barau also didn't like such scenes. If it were just me I could understand why I was behaving like this, it was because my mental age outgrows my current physical age. But, barao..? Could it be that he also reincarnated like me?

I had such a curious and shocking thought but soon I rejected this assumption because that was very less likely to be.

Actually the reason why Barou was annoyed by such scenes was because Barau only had his mother. His father had left them, him and his mother because he fell in love with another woman. Since then, he had never recieved warmth and care that he should recieve, mainly because as a single mother, Ms. Borry had too much on her, plus she was an athlete on top of that who had her dreams.

For this reason, Barao had matured more faster than other peers of his age. Of course, that increment in mental growth didn't mean he was far above his peers who were ten or eleven year old.

I didn't know the circumstances of Barou so I didn't know his childhood trauma, not that I cared though. Although I may seem to have made friends in this world. These friends are just my pawns that I have made by pretending to be friends.