
White Carnations : Love & Blood

A vibrant Lina Williams finally has someone who treats her better than her brothers. But her dark past finally catches up to her, threatening the bond she had with them & the pure blooming love for Avril. A vampire, Avril Alexander who wants to finally end his eternal life meets and falls in love with Lina Williams, changing all his plans. Can love bloom between a vampire with a death wish and an immortal woman holding dark secrets in her lost memory?

jandralitto · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Chapter 38

Archie dragged Lina out of the lab, anger on his face as he pulled her arm leading them into another room.

"What did you do?" he barked Lina moved back further from him.

"Nothing brother" she lied.

"This is the fourth time those results are coming out wrong, did you take anything before coming here," he asked.

She shook her head, "No" but Archie erupted when he noticed her actions.

Grabbing her by the neck he pushed her to the door, "You forget little sister, I know what you do when you lie... so stop wasting our time and spit it out" Gritting his teeth Lina looked into his now scary eyes and gulped feeling the air leave her lungs.

"Brother I can't breath" she coughed. Archie let go, and Lina dropped to the floor, gasping for air.

"Ever since you met that bastard you have never been the same" he muttered.

"What did he ever do to you, to always blame my mistakes on him" she coughed.

Archie smirked, "Do you think am blind or a fool? I saw the bite marks on your neck, I told you to stay away from him but you never listened"

"He only did that to help me," she said.

"Help or feed on you, don't think we don't know what he is. You might have ignored that fact even after the family teaching but know it was their kind that kill our parents" he huffed.

Lina bit her lip in frustration, "I know brother, I will never forget what Mom and Dad taught us but since the day I met him to the day I got to know who he was, Avril has never been a bad person, his different"

Archie watched her tears fall and scoffed, "Do you hear yourself, Lina? How can you think such dead monsters are capable of being anything but killers? His playing you so that he can get information out of you. You think he doesn't know who you are and what we are, he knows and it's the main reason he suddenly changed his attitude towards you"

Lina looked up at her brother not believing what he was saying.

"You think the night you met was an accident? No, it wasn't, everyone in his circle knows Alexander never goes to such places but how come he was on the day we were" he added.

"You can stop brother, no matter what you say I can't hate or leave him" she cried.

Archie moved closer to her and smirked, "Do you know why I let's go through that pain even when it hurts me too? Because it is the only way to keep you safe"

"What do you mean?"

Archie sat down next to her, "From the day you were born, Mom and Dad found out you were special. Your blood was like a kind of poison on those vicious creatures and when those things found out they wanted you dead"

Dad contacted his family who offered to help, and in the end, these tests and drugs started to suppress what you were. But that still didn't stop them leading to Mom and Dad's death. Even with that, it didn't stop them from still coming, but among them, there is one special one.

Archie held her hand, "His more of a hybrid so your blood instead of hurting him it's like a power booster. This vampire has been quiet for centuries after a tragedy happened in its life but is now active after meeting you, Investigating us and the organisation"

"You mean..." Lina failed to say.

"Yes Lina, it's him, Avril Alexander. The man you claim to love and so different from those creatures. He's a vampire of high royal origin, and both his parents are the strongest pure bloods. After killing the woman he loved Avril disappeared and has only returned recently establishing himself as a businessman but us who know him will never mistake him for good, cause just like his parents his a killer"

She pushed him away trying to get up but dropped back down, Archie pulled her up.

"He knew what you were cause his parents had told him about you before you met, that monster doesn't love or desire you cause the only thing he wants from you is your blood" he whispered in her ear. "So instead of defending and feeding him your blood willingly, wake up and let us help you so things like him won't use you again"

Lina sniffed gazing up at him, "I want to leave" she muttered.

"Leave? To go where?" he asked.

"To ask him myself" she cried.

Archie scoffed bursting into laughter, Lina watched him laugh and her tears fell.

"What is wrong with you brother?" she muttered.

"With me? Or you Lina. You're going out of control, years of taming you have all gone to waste now, just because of that man. I have been watching you change slowly and I held back thinking you might wake up soon and return to us, but now as I see it. It's gotten worse" he moved and grabbed her arm, "am sorry but you don't have a say in this anymore, you're not going back to him now".

She tried to fight back but Archie was strong, "Don't struggle, he doesn't care about you so I don't think he would even care if you go missing"

Pushing her into the arms of the guards outside Lina was dragged away crying back to the laboratory.

"Since she didn't hold back we are not holding back either" he turned to the doctor next to him.