

In our world... In our Omegaverse... To find our mate, we have to whistle, and then wait for someone to whistle back. S*x scene- [SS] R*pe scene- [RS]

kitoon_unofficial · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 2

I got stunned and fell onto the ground. He laughed and said, "Sorry. Are you okay? My name is Michael." I stood up and said, "My name is Cody." Michael asked me, "So what type are you?" I flinched, but I immediately said, "I'm a Beta."

Michael said, "Aw man. I hoped that you were an Alpha. There are only three in this town, including me." I asked him, "So you're an Alpha?" Michael nodded and said, "I've never seen you around here. Are you with that huge family that came here?" His glare was icy, and it made me terrified.

"N-No. I moved here on my own." Michael smiled, and said, "Good. I and everyone here despise the families because of their stupid rules and such. I'd rather die than mate with my family." I was wide-eyed and overall curious about this person. I asked, "S-So... can you lead the way to the high school?" Michael said, "Sure. Let's go."

I followed Michael to a small building, and he said, "You see, this town has a secret that only we know. Not even the Honey-Autumns know this secret." When we entered the school, nobody else was inside. Michael walked over to a table and pressed a button. Then the floor of the school started shaking.

I was starting to panic, but Michael said, "Calm down! We're going down an elevator." I stood as still as possible, and soon, the floor stopped moving. Michael opened the door we came through, and there were tons of kids walking around. There were even some from different families. Michael said, "Welcome to Birchwood High. It's underground, and it's the biggest school ever.

I walked inside, and everyone stopped to look at me. "Hey Michael! Ah? Who is he?" A man came up to us and asked that question. Michael simply shrugged, and I whispered my name into the man's ear. "Oh, my stars. Well nice to meet you, Cody. You're already enrolled, so welcome." The man handed me a piece of paper, and he shouted, "Alright everyone! Get to class!"

I looked at the paper, and it showed my schedule. I scratched out my last name, and Michael said, "Cody... I like that name. So what classes do you have?" I showed him my classes, and he gleefully said, "I finally have someone to talk to in seventh. See you later!" Then he ran off. According to the clock, it was about to be third period. "Here we go..." I sighed.

Throughout the day, I was quite bored because my mother taught me most of what there is to know. I was bored up until seventh period. I was sat next to Michael, and it's close to the end of class. A girl was whistling from outside of class. Michael said, "Ah I know who she is. There's bound to be guys wanting her."

I tilted my head, and he said, "She's really pretty. The other two Alphas in this school want her, but she keeps rejecting them. Because of that, they go out of their way to prank her." He and another alpha snickered, and they were preparing to whistle. The teacher groaned, and left the classroom saying, "I give up."

The first Alpha whistled loudly, and then she whistled back. The alpha whistled again, and she whistled back again. Everyone started laughing, and then the girl in the hall groaned angrily. She whistled again, and this time, Michael whistled. It was nice and low. I've never heard a whistle like his. It made me start to feel strange.

I kept my feelings at bay, and I listened to the girl whistle again. This time, she didn't whistle back, but she shouted, "Assholes!" That caused the class to go up in an uproar. The bell rang, and we exited out of the classroom. Michael said, "That was fun." I was flushed. I couldn't be next to him without twiddling my fingers.

"Is this what a crush is like?" I thought. I lowered my head. I was ashamed of myself for falling for a guy. Then Michel asked me, "Hey. Is something wrong?" I looked at him and said, "Uh.. nothing." Michael frowned and said, "I can usually tell when something is wrong with my friends. You can tell me." I sighed and said, "I can't tell you."

Michael made a snorting noise and looked around. He then took my hand and dragged me down a hall. "Hey! Where-" "Hold on." I was worried because he dragged me into a janitor's closet. He sat down and said, "Can you tell me now? We're completely alone." The closet smelled strange. It smelled like chemicals and something else, but I ignored it.

I said, "I've... been keeping quite a bit from you because we just met, and I really like you as a friend." Michael frowned again, and he asked, "You're in a family group, aren't you?" I slowly nodded, and he asked, "Which one?" I sat down and said, "The Honey-Autumns. My name is Cody Autumn." Michael didn't say a word. He just stared.