
Whispers of the Void: Psychopath in another world?

( Hello there kind peoples, I am from the future and here to warn you folks that this may contain horror. Have a peaceful reading!) Dante, a loner and introvert, finds himself in a mysterious situation where he is stabbed and left for dead. However, he wakes up to find himself saved by a talking cat who claims to be a god. The cat informs Dante that he has transmigrated into a new life and must now learn to live again. Dante discovers that he has lost his memory and is taken under the wing of a white-haired girl named Sylph. ‘You can read this work on RoyalRoad’

TheCarpe · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Chapter 11 - Not heeding the warning

On the training field, a young boy could be seen running and panting heavily. He had been running for hours.

The lessons had ended, and everyone was on their way to do whatever they wanted, as they were free for the rest of the day.

On the side of the running course, a teacher with long black hair and red eyes observed the young man. Her expression was void of any emotions, and she exuded an aloof demeanor.

Every now and then, the boy would come crawling toward her, exhausted, and she would heal and refill his stamina. Like a machine, he would then resume running, repeating the process over and over.

For hours, the boy remained silent, his dead eyes hazy as if he were not fully conscious. Iris, the teacher, felt something peculiar about him, something that sparked her curiosity rather than concern.

"Are you ill? You should go to the healing facility to get checked," Iris stated in a commanding tone, devoid of worry.

Dante looked into her eyes for a while, as if contemplating her words, before wordlessly making his way toward his next destination.


In a remote village near a forest, unsettling rumors were spreading among the residents.

"Hey, have you heard about the recent incidents?" said a farmer. The other farmer nodded, replying, "You mean the animal and monster corpses? It's terrifying."

"Do you think a new apex predator has emerged?" Before the other farmer could express his thoughts, a man covered in animal skins interrupted their conversation.

"I've discovered several corpses in the forest. The animals were feasted upon, but the monsters... they all had one thing in common. They weren't killed for sustenance but to have their hearts taken," the hunter explained, his voice filled with seriousness.

The revelation sent shivers down the spines of the villagers, indicating that the creature lurking in the forest was not merely hunting for survival but rather for the thrill of slaughter.

One villager scoffed at the notion, attempting to reassure the others. "It's probably just a group of adventurers hunting monsters for profit. How can there be a monster so powerful roaming the forest?"

He laughed to himself, which momentarily eased the tension. The hunter shook his head in disbelief, muttering under his breath, "Fools," as he walked toward his small wooden house situated at the edge of the village.

The hunter's residence was intentionally distanced from the village to avoid subjecting everyone to the repulsive odors that accompanied his butchering activities. As a result, he was somewhat shunned by the community.

The self-assured villager, eager to dispel any fears, proclaimed, "I'm going into the forest to gather herbs and mushrooms for medicinal purposes. I'll find out which guild has sent their adventurers to eradicate these monsters if I encounter them."

With a large bag on his back, he ventured into the forest, brimming with confidence.


An hour passed as the villager meticulously collected weeds and mushrooms, humming contentedly to himself.

"New apex predator, my arse," he muttered disdainfully. "That hobgoblin camp was the most powerful thing in the forest, and it was easily wiped out." With renewed determination, he delved deeper into the forest.

However, as the rain began to pour and darkness cloaked the surroundings, a sense of unease crept over him.

Fumbling through the underbrush in search of mushrooms growing on tree bark, he suddenly tripped and stumbled. Before he could vocalize his frustration, his eyes widened in terror at what lay before him.

At his feet lay a severed leg, covered in dirt. Panic surged within him, rendering him speechless. Just as he was about to scream, his eyes were drawn to a horrifying sight


Emerging from the darkness at a distance, a massive white figure appeared. Standing approximately four meters tall, its head resembled a flesh-covered skull with tendrils resembling hair. It possessed four long, muscular arms that almost brushed the ground.

Clutched in one of its hands was a human corpse devoid of limbs and a head, while the monster chewed on a severed arm.

Paralyzed by fear, the villager could only watch as the abomination approached him slowly, its digitigrade legs carrying it forward.

When it reached the villager, it observed him intently and attempted to mutter something incomprehensible. After finishing its utterance, it reached out with one of its long, muscular arms and seized him.

In the depths of the forest, a piercing scream of agony reverberated throughout the surroundings.

The following day, the village was filled with unrest due to the disappearance of their herb collector.


Since that dream, all I have felt is coldness. It's as if I am immersed in a frigid liquid, surrounded by darkness.

Time has become indistinguishable, stretching on for what feels like an eternity. I do not experience boredom, thirst, or hunger. Instead, I find solace in this state, reminiscent of my days in the world I once knew. Perhaps it was all just a dream, a figment of my imagination.

Lost in these contemplations, I suddenly feel the sensation of rapidly descending. Upon hitting what seems like solid ground, my eyes snap open, only to be greeted by torrential rain. It's all I can see, a deluge of water.

My thoughts become sluggish, as if I am trying to think while half-asleep and utterly exhausted.

Just as I am about to surrender to sleep once again, a gentle female voice echoes in my ears. "Wake up." I jolt awake, my body springing into an upright position. "Ouch..." I wince as a sharp pain shoots through my forehead.

Turning my gaze to the side, I see Sylph, holding her chin while fixing her angry gaze upon me. "You didn't answer when I called you, so I entered and woke you up, only to be hit. Is this how you thank me?" Her voice lacks anger, although her eyes still hold a hint of irritation.

Blushing slightly, I apologize, "I'm sorry..."

Sylph sighs and heads toward the kitchen. I change my clothes before joining her in the lobby, where she sits with a teacup in her hand. On the table, a cup of coffee awaits me.

I despise coffee, but it's the elixir that keeps me awake. I prefer tea.

Taking my seat opposite Sylph, I silently enjoy my beverage.

"Do you remember what day it is today and what day it was yesterday?" Sylph suddenly asks, her gaze fixed on me as she sips her tea.

Confusion fills my mind as I try to recall. "I started school yesterday, which was Wednesday. So today should be Thursday?"

Understanding flickers across Sylph's face. "Yesterday was Thursday, so today is Friday."

Her statement sends a shiver down my spine, as realization dawns upon me. 'If yesterday was Thursday, how come I can't remember anything... The dream...'

Sylph notices my reaction and is about to say something before abruptly closing her mouth.

"We have class. Hurry up." She stands and makes her way to the door. I follow suit, eager to grasp any fragments of memory from the previous day. Along the way, Sylph fills me in on the events I apparently experienced.
