
Whispers of the Soul: A Symphony of Poems

Poem that will light your day.

Haru_Antantaru · Book&Literature
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11 Chs

Chapter 7: Beneath the Burden's Embrace: Unveiling the Soul's Journey

In the shadows of parental expectation's weight,

A weary soul finds solace, in words they contemplate.

For in the depths of their being, they feel a constant strain,

A burden placed upon their shoulders, causing silent pain.

Oh, the love of parents, though well-intended,

Can sometimes feel heavy, like a promise never mended.

Expectations like chains, binding their every move,

Leaving them breathless, struggling to find their groove.

"Be more, achieve more," the voices echo loud,

In the pursuit of success, their dreams become a cloud.

Their hearts yearn for freedom, to follow their own path,

But expectations loom, like a suffocating wrath.

They long to be understood, for their dreams to be seen,

But fear grips their hearts, turning vibrant souls to lean.

The weight upon their shoulders, it feels impossible to bear,

As they search for escape from this burdening affair.

In the darkest hours, tears fall from their eyes,

Aching hearts silently asking the question, "Why?"

Why must they conform, to ideals not their own,

When deep inside their souls, uniqueness has grown?

O, burdened hearts, let not your essence fade away,

For within you lies a spark, waiting to have its say.

In the face of expectation, hold steadfast to your truth,

Your dreams may face obstacles, but they shall bear fruit.

Find strength in your spirit, in your passions and desire,

Let the fire within you, burn brighter and higher.

For the weight of parental expectation may be harsh,

But it is within your power, to rise above and march.

Remember, dear soul, you are capable and strong,

Your journey is yours, it's where you belong.

Embrace your true self, and let your spirit fly,

Free from the burden, reaching for the sky.

So, release the weight that burdens your soul,

And reclaim your dreams, to make yourself whole.

For you are not defined by the expectations you endure,

But by the courage and resilience that make you pure.

-Haru Antantaru