
Whispers of the Shadows

The Journey begins with Leiora Snow who is a Wood elf from Druantia and she’s Joins 5 Characters defeating the Evil that has inhabited their world

india_wooten · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Union Without Direction

The Inn Was Completely Stone as a Older gentleman helped me with my belongings we walked in and the Inn had dark green Rugs with shields and weapons along the walls. I walked to the desk where there was another Man. I quietly asked for a room and with a smile he gave me a key and told me which room number it was. I turned around and headed towards my room until I accidentally bumped into a girl who looked around the same age as me. She was taller than me with White hair, green eyes and fair skin, She quickly got up and helped me up and said I'm So sorry I should've watch where I was going. And I kindly told her It was Okay I wasn't paying much attention either. She helped me find my room and helped me get situated and than she points to the blanket over my shoulder and I smiled and showed her my Egg. Her eyes lit up when she saw how big it was than she said I should come and met her other friends and to bring my egg with me. After I washed up and put clean clothes on I walked with the Girl and I said What's Your name. And she turned around and said I'm Eloria Liamaeis,What's your name. I smiled and said I'm Leiora Snow. After a few minutes she stopped in front of this book shelf and touched this small Knight figure and it started to move I jumped back in shock as she turned to me telling me it was Fine, than the book shelf started moving and behind it was a dark tunnel, Eloria stepped in and grabbed a torch and motioned me to come as I stepped in the tunnel had a chilled to it. After about half an hour we made it to a room that was fully lit with a oval wooded table with 6 chairs and bookshelves around the entire room. When I fully stepped in Eloria called to her friends in excitement and the 4 men had looks of confusion but not very pleased. The first man was quite tall with Hazel eyes, long teal hair and a light bluish green skin tone he asked Eloria what she was doing bring a stranger into their hide out and she said with a stern look on her face, She's not gonna harm nothing and I thought maybe she could join us. The other 3 men gasped and looked at The man Eloria was talking to at this point I was confused as I looked at each of them than the first man cleared his throat and said Your right Eloria we have been looking for more people. Eloria jumped in excitement and hugged me I couldn't help but smile than the man came to me and Said Welcome my name is Castile Wardell I'm a water genasi. Than the second one came to me, He has was tall as well with Ember eyes and red hair with tan skin tone,He smiled and said Hello my name is Claude Reinold nice to meet you. Than the third one came and was the same height as Claude but with sapphire blue eyes, white hair and light blue skin and he said Hello my name is Altair Calarook, stepped aside as the last male came who was taller than the rest but he didn't seemed so pleased, he has Green eyes and brown hair and he was a bit tanner than me but older than the rest of us, than he said I'm Lazar Willow and goes back to where he was standing. Eloria came to me and said Don't worry about Lazar he doesn't take to new comers so easily, than she points to my egg and asks if I can show the others and I kindly did they were shocked, Altair rushed to one of the bookshelves and pulls out a book and flips through it in a hurry and searches than he asks if he can examine the egg and I nod agreeing. The rest stand looking and waiting to see what Altair finds out what type of animal it is, Eloria runs over the the fire and she comes back with a medium sized egg and she says her father gave this to her before Shak killed her family and I stepped back with tears filling my eyes and I said my father did the same before Shak killed him. Eloria gave me a hug and said she was sorry about my father and I then everything about me and my tribe and the others did the same. After a few hours Altair jumps in excitement, puts my egg by the fire and rushes towards me saying Do you understand what you have it's amazing and I looked and said What what do I have. He looked around the room and says you have a Odahviing Dragon egg. I looked at Eloria shocked and Eloria jumps and say that so cool I have a mustela Aerouant, it should hatch in a few weeks. I looked at her with curiosity as I had no clue what type of creature that was but it sounded interesting. But I wasn't sure when my egg would hatch and that's when Lazar said well if she's gonna have a baby Dragon soon we will have to find a different place to stay, we already have a place we are going to look at tomorrow you may come with us to look at it if you like. I Nodded in response but was quite shy around Lazar as he was so serious all the time, I returned to my Room and went to sleep as tomorrow would be a busy day tomorrow. When I woke up I put clean clothes on and I went to go eat breakfast with the Eloria and the guys and we Had Custard Cornets with a poached egg and some fruit and some mint tea, after we gathered our horses and rode to the place we were going to look at. The city of Achana was built at the edge of a dense, tall forest and is truly an extraordinary trade center. Its beauty is matched by the backdrop of majestic forests which have helped shape the city to what it is today. The climate these forests brought were of great importance, but they were also influential when it came to architectural designs as the vast majority of buildings have been built with many natural elements to keep in line with the forests. The skyline is spreading with huts, small houses and shops, Inns and the Mining business as they mine for gems and jewels. more seem to be on their way, Business is booming in Achana and it has attracted a lot of attention. Various cultures have left their mark not just on education, but also upon the city's identity. What historically was a city of little diversity has grown into a new culture of variety and it's this that unites the 11 million people to this day. It's this multicultural identity that has truly left its mark. Hundreds of food carts, Inns, Natural honey from the Beekeepers.offer a plethora of culinary choices including their fisheries and those who feel for more adventure else can enjoy the Large Library, sightseeing or one of the many other recreational venues. Achana is located in Bosnea Where Humans Live, Ruled by Count Ezekiel and Countess Iris

After an hour ride we arrived and to my surprise it was a old castle that needs some repairs but we took a few hours to look and than we asked the me keeper what was his desire price and he told us his price was 18,000 which includes repaires to everything and the elder man told us that we can go to the nearby market and pick the types of flowers we would like in our garden. We jumped for joy as I love sitting in a garden peaceful reading a good book. We gave him the money and he said would take a few weeks for the repairs and redecorating to our liking. We went to the market place nearby and Eloria and I decided we should go with Roses, Hibiscus, Morning Glory's, Moonflowers. But we also decided on a herb garden, as we already had a veggies and fruit garden as well as a small orchard and we also wanted to add some Dragon berries and Fruits since we will be having our pets hatch soon. We also asked for a few fish and koi fish added into our pond later we went to look for decorations which we decided a dark blue would fit perfectly and I fell in love with purple and maroon colors for my Chamber as I picked the top highest bed and a few new outfits which were Black, Dark blue, dark green, light blue, red, and purple. I picked few things for my dragon to have once it comes which we did request a new stable to be built for our horses and the guys wanted a Training room to match each of our abilities.