
Whispers of the Shadows

The Journey begins with Leiora Snow who is a Wood elf from Druantia and she’s Joins 5 Characters defeating the Evil that has inhabited their world

india_wooten · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Demise Of The Curse

Lazar Was busy All day writing letters to a few people, which I'm guessing is part of the Rebellion. After a few days Lazar called us to the library and He tells us '' We will be traveling to Oskya but the town Myrera in a few days so get things we will need ready '' I went to my Chambers packed 4 riding clothes And Normal clothing, a few books, my tent, bedroll, sword. As I made my way down to the garden I had Eloria help me with picking some herbs to dry them for the night and store them in glass jars. The men made Jerky and ready the carriage, By the bed of the night we had a quick dinner and went to sleep. When We woke up and Set all our belongings we would need into the carriage, I made a few loafs of bread wrapped them and set them in a basket with a few wheels of cheese, with some fruit in that still has enough time to ripe. The Boys carried Ice for the attached ice box in the carriage I packed Pots, Pans, bowls, and silverware. By the end of the day we were set to go as we rested the rest of the night we hired a stable boy to prepare our horses for the long journey ahead of us. Saphira and Lily was confused about all the Commotion and we calmed them whenever they panicked. When I woke up in the morning my body was tired from the last few days I got up and dressed in riding clothes I got Saphira ready and as I wrapped a bigger blanket over me and put my sword on my back I laid Saphira in the blanket that was over my shoulder and she laid quietly. As I looked around everyone was ready, Claude rode the carriage with his and Elorias horse as she sat next to him. As we began our journey we saw beautiful scenery's surrounds us. After hours of traveling we finally arrived at Ostrana which was the same size as Achana we went to the near by stables tied our horses there with our carriage next to it and across the street was an Inn we walked in sat at one of the tables which were made of Dark oak. We watched as Waitresses hand other people their food and drinks, until a Young girl came up and handed us a menu for us to look at we all decided on Ramen and Onigiri. I decided on chicken while the others wanted Beef and we decided on Lippe tea. As we wait you smelled different foods being cooked and drinks as other desired ale and Wines. After an hour we sat there talking and resting, our food finally came as they sat it down I looked and seen the steam rising off the meat, eggs, and noodles the broth smelled delicious which made my mouth water. Taking the utensils they called chopsticks we began to eat which I'm thankful Lazar taught us how to use them but the first bite of the ramen my mouth screamed in desire as the taste of chicken and seasoning filled my mouth as I could taste the garlic and parsley. The broth was warm and delicious but the tea was Spectacular as it felt like spring budding in my mouth but a light sweet taste to it. Cast on the top of a cliff, the hamlet of Obstrana is home to Dwarf. This hamlet wasn't built by a cliff by accident, as it has old tombs, which is of great importance to the people of Ostrana and its success. The hamlet itself looks graceful. With its cypress wood rooftops, blackwood walls and rainbow of different flowers, Ostrana has a seductive atmosphere. The main attraction is the museum, which was built 34 years ago and designed by Halflings. Ostrana has a poor economy, which is mainly supported by blacksmithing, Mining Coal and Minerals and beer brewing. But their biggest strengths are rare herbalism and gorgeous leather-working. However, Hitonkar lacks people skilled in tailoring. Despite its strengths and weaknesses, Ostrana is most likely headed towards a Strong future under the leadership of King Isaiah and Queen Persephone. After we Walked to where we would set up camp, we found an area big enough for our carriage and tents as I set mine up, which me and Eloria would sleep in. After we set up camp we sat by the fire and we told stories that our ancestors told us, I look around as the night covers us

And you can see every star in the sky and the moon shines bright. While listening to everyone I can't help but wonder if my fathers looking down at me right that second, I hope he's proud how far I've gotten since his death. Saphira and Lily played running around after we fed them but soon they calmed down and Eloria and I knew it was time to retire to the tent and get some sleep. When dawn came we woke up ate a quick small breakfast and gathered our belongings and started towards Naxacus as we rode on this small boat that carried our carriage across the waters me and Lazar rode the carriage this time letting Eloria and Claude ride their horses. But this journey would help my horse gain some strength from the carriage, when we arrived I see many elf's and Fairy's since this region has more trees and forests than most lands it wasn't hard to find a camping spot. The boys went hunting while Eloria and I Gathered ingredients for Supper as we would make a stew, we gathered mushrooms, wild onions, wild potatoes and young carrots that were scattered in the forest around us. I sliced and gathered the vegetables in a pot and went to the forest to get wood for our fire we would need, looking around the forest was a dark green and you can smell the dirt as we wonder further we found a hot spring Eloria looked at me and said '' we can finally bathe '' which made me smirked as she looked so relieved. When we came back to the camp the Boys already had the rabbits skinned and chopped into chunks and Eloria couldn't wait to tell the boys about the hot spring we found. As I water and add spices to the pot and Claude lit the fire using his hands, while Eloria and I gathered some clothes to head to the hot spring so we can clean off. We made our own fire next to it, stepping into the water was hot to the touch as it burned my sensitive skin but soon when I went further to where the water touched my shoulder. I sat down on a rock at the edge and scrubbed the dirt with the soap we bought at a market a few days ago than I sunked into the water letting my sore muscles relax. I look at Eloria as she was doing the same. she smiled and Sighed relaxing further into the water. After a few moments left we had to get out and returned to camp as we headed back the boy were looking around seeing when we would come. Altair smiled and says with a cocky tone '' well took you long enough, we were about to go searching for you two ''. Eloria punched him in the shoulder and he pouted as she walked past him Saphira and Lily were excited to see us but when we turned around the boys were already gone. I looked at Eloria saying '' I wonder what Lazar look like underneath all that clothing '' Eloria looked shocked and reply '' Your not falling for him are you '' I blushed not saying a word and she giggles as I reply '' don't go telling him just yet '' and she says '' I promise I won't ''. We waited for the guys to return while stirring the stew as I sat bowls out and filled them with stew the guys returned excited about supper. It was quite while we ate and enjoyed the meal Claude, Altair and Castiel Told me my cooking was amazing and Lazar didn't say anything he just ate in silence. Eloria and I fed our beasts as they were whimpering for food which Eloria had the guys catch a fish for each and took the bones out as we laid a bowl with fish and berries down for them we sat by the fire enjoying the warmth it provided as the ashes as flew into the sky and I watched the stars again as it soothed me. Feeling my eyes get heavy I motioned for Saphira to follow and we headed to bed with Eloria and lily behind us. Next morning we travel for another 12 hours as we pasted through town after town til we got to Naxacus, Settled on the base of an lake , the town of Naxacus is home to Dark Elves. This town wasn't built by accident, as it has ancient, unexplained statues, which is of great importance to the people of Naxacus and its success. The town itself looks stunning. With its maple wood rooftops, shingle walls and fields of farmland, Naxacus has a intriguing atmosphere.

The main attraction is the museum, which was built 50 years ago and designed by dwarves. Naxacus has a booming economy, which is mainly supported by Bee Keeping, Mining Gems And Jewels. But their biggest strength their Inns, Pubs and marketplaces.

However, Naxacus lacks people skilled in war. Despite its strengths and weaknesses,Naxacus is most likely headed towards a Strong future under the leadership of King Ezra and Queen Nora. We arrived at the estate we were told to arrive to as it was the same size as ours just a dark marble and the colors were more bright as we walked in the servants greeted us and showed us to our chambers we would be staying as Saphira wanted to be picked up as new people wasn't always easy with her. When I arrived to my chamber it was a light yellow and white themed as I sat on the bed it was comfy and adjusted to it as I would stay here for the rest of this month. Few hours past and I cleaned and got dressed for supper as I walked to the Dining Hall as I sat down I wore my dark blue dress next to Eloria and There were various of Dishes in front of us like roasted Chicken, Rice, Fresh fruits and veggies, Gimchi, Wagyu Beef, Baked Yeast rolls and Cheddar cheese. As I grabbed a piece of wagyu Beef, Gimchi, Rice, veggies and a yeast roll for myself. I took a few pieces of raw chicken, Veggies and fruits with some raw chunks of wagyu beef in a bowl for Saphira. We all ate With minimum conversations but the Wagyu beef is very rare and seasoned with sea salt, Pepper, parsley with minced Garlic and cooked in butter. The Gimchi is spicy but tastes well with The white rice which gives it a crunch to the fluffy rice. I ate some carrots and potatoes with some wine after we sat and talked amongst each other as the brought out dessert which were beignets, small cakes and cookies we drank mint tea with honey and a teaspoon of sugar. After supper I walked with a full belly which I haven't had in a while the Boys enjoyed the feast as they ate way more than Eloria and I, Falling asleep was no issue as The Second I laid down I pasted out.