
Whispers of the Mundane: Illuminating the Extraordinary in Life

Everything I Imagined/Dreamed will be posted here.

Madison_Eureka · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Day 1: Unspoken Words

In golden halls of learning's embrace,

A timid heart took its hiding place.

An introverted soul with dreams to share,

Found solace in friendship, beyond compare.

With every word, his emotions grew,

A love blooming, unspoken, but true.

In dreams, he envisioned their destinies entwined,

A future painted with colors of a love sublime.

But as the sun sets on their college days,

His heart reveals its secret, in a vulnerable haze.

He gathers courage, his voice trembles faint,

To confess his love, to break free from restraint.

Yet fate dealt a cruel and bitter blow,

As graduation's winds of change began to blow.

Her radiant smile fades, as she introduces a man,

Her once open heart, now claimed by another's hand.

In sorrow's depths, his hopes now drown,

Love's symphony silenced, his world turned upside down.

Through tear-filled eyes, he whispers a silent plea,

"May she find happiness, even if not with me."

Alone he walks, with memories untold,

A wounded heart, now left bitter and cold.

For love unrequited, a tale so bittersweet,

Where dreams are shattered, and hearts find defeat.