
Whispers of the Moon

Fae Brimstone does NOT want a mate. So much so that she takes extra care to ensure she is hidden from any and all male werewolves. Tucked away in her quiet little cottage in the forest, on the border of Whisper Moon Pack, she spends her days with her nose in a book or tending to her garden. But when the most fearsome and powerful Alpha in all the lands, Killian Blackwood, declares that EVERY unmated she-wolf in the region present themselves before him, Fae’s safe and simple life may be turned upside down.

Junaika · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter Three: Killian


As my fist connects with this mutt's jaw he yelps in pain, blood pouring from his mouth. With the ear splitting crack of his jaw he seems to be just about ready to submit, but this filthy rogue doesn't deserve an ounce of mercy.

Not from me.

"I'll ask you again, and hopefully this time your ears are working." I grip his bloody beaten up face in one hand and force him to look at me.

"What were you doing sneaking onto my land, killing two of my patrols?"

His face turns up in a snarl and he spits blood in my face. "FUCK YOU!" He curses and I feel my wolf, Exos, rage inside me at the show of disrespect.

In one swift movement I shove him to the floor, pinning him beneath my boot his arm twisted in the wrong direction. He yells out in pain as he struggles beneath me, but this wolf is no match for an Alpha.

My eyes are glowing and my dominant aura fills the room. I glare down at him, my face murderous.

"One second is all it takes and your arm is on my wall. I'd suggest you choose your next words VERY carefully, mutt." I spit the word 'mutt'.

To my unsurprise, he turns his head to look up at me and grits out, "GO TO HELL!"

And with that I rip his arm clean off his body, enjoying his screams of pain.

I mind-link my Beta, Darren, as I feel my heart-rate climbing. I know my violent impulses are mostly because of Exos, his control over me is getting worse.

'Darren, get this rogue to a cell in the dungeon.'

'Yes Alpha! Would you like me to have someone continue the interrogation?'

I sigh and reply back to my Beta through mind-link, 'Don't bother. He will most likely die down there. I lost it for a moment and took things a bit farther than I intended. We will have to gather information from someone else. For now, I want a tight watch on our borders, especially for this weeks' gathering.'

'Yes Alpha!' Darren obeyed my Alpha command as I wiped the blood off my face.

Ever since I had sent out the announcement that there would be a gathering of all the unmated females in the region, there had been an increase in rogue attacks.

Of course, I should have known better, gathering that many unmated females in one place was like placing a huge target on their backs. I expected retaliation and possible fights from some of the neighboring packs who despised me and my family, but surprisingly everyone so far was compliant. In light of these recent attacks, I would need to increase my security on the night of the gathering.

All of this was due to yet another impulsive decision, influenced by my restless wolf Exos. He has been determined to find our mate, and as the weeks go by my control over my wolf is slipping.

I slam my fist into the wall and growl in frustration. 'Exos, for goddess' sake, have PATIENCE!'

Exos snarls at me and growls low in my mind, 'NO! MATE, NOW!' He snaps at me, animalistic, and I shake my head annoyed, trying to calm my breathing.

Leaving the interrogation room, I stomp down the hall towards the dining hall. The staff and maids bow their heads in submission as I pass them, my Alpha aura still rolling off me in waves. I pay them no mind as I shove open the doors, ready to devour my evening meal.

But, as usual my Mother has other plans. The moment I open the doors I'm bombarded with an endless stream of questions and doting from my dear Mother and former Luna, Helena Blackwood.

"Killian!!" She squeals, and I sigh defeatedly. "My dear son! Just look at you, you're covered in blood! Didn't you think to maybe bathe before you graced me with your presence? Oh, what would your father say!"

I frown and try to push past her, the smell of beef stew and lamb hitting my nose.

"Mother, I am STARVING. I don't care what Father would say, he's not the Alpha anymore, I am." I say in a firm deep voice, making sure she understands that though she is my Mother, I am still her Alpha.

She scowls at me but she moves out of the way as we make our way to our seats. I sit at the head of the table while she takes the seat to the left beside me.

For a short while, we both eat our meals in silence. Finally, she pipes up once again and asks in a serious tone, "So what's this I've been hearing about a mate gathering..?"

I put my fork down and swallow the meat that was in my mouth. Her eyes meet mine and I sense something more than just curiosity, perhaps worry?

"Well… yes." I say slowly, "I have decided to summon all the unmated females in the region. If my mate exists, she belongs by my side."

I expect her to smile or jump up and down and talk about how excited she is for future grandchildren, but instead her brow furrows and she looks at me with concern.

"Might this have anything to do with Exos..?" She asks me, sympathy and worry in her voice.

I sigh and lean back in my chair, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Mother-" I start but she cuts me off hurriedly.

"Son, you can talk to me. I'm not blind, I have seen your increased violent behavior lately. If you cannot get a handle on your wolf he will consume you. I don't want you to end up like-"

"Don't finish that sentence!" I slam my fist down on the table and glare at her. She bares her neck in submission and lowers her eyes at my Alpha command.

I already knew what she was about to say. 'I don't want you to end up like your brother.'


There was still a dark void in my heart from the loss of my elder brother. Next in line to lead the pack, Bastian had waited years for his true mate. With no luck, his wolf had gone mad and feral, even going so far as to mark and claim one of the maids before tearing her apart.

Our father had no choice but to inject him with a lethal dose of silver and wolfsbane, it was the only way to put an end to the monster he had become.

Tears prick at my Mother's eyes but she blinks them away as she continues,

"Right. Well." She straightens herself in her chair, her tone serious once more. "If you aren't able to find your mate soon I suggest you consider taking a chosen mate instead-"

I've had enough of this. I get up from the table and leave the room, ready to retire for the night. "Goodnight Mother." I call back to her as the doors to the dining hall slam shut behind me.

As I walk down the hall towards my chambers, a few maids quickly shuffle past me towards the ballroom, their arms full of decorations. The 'Mate Gathering' is just a few days away, so I've ordered the maids to work a few extra hours in the evening to ensure everything is in place.

Collapsing into my bed with a huff, I eventually drift off to sleep and find myself in a strange dream.

I'm running through the woods, my shadow wolves running along side me, but I have no clue where we are going.

I shift in an instant as Exos takes over, my control is completely gone and it's as if I'm watching everything play out before me like a film.

We run for just a short while longer before I'm suddenly face to face with the most beautiful wolf I have ever seen. Her strawberry blonde coat is like golden fire, and her bright green eyes with gold flecks in them were enchanting me. I was captivated, but all I could feel was possessive rage seeping from Exos. He was seething in anger as he growled low and I could have sworn I misheard what he said next.

"Why are you running from me, MATE?"