
Whispers of the Moon

Fae Brimstone does NOT want a mate. So much so that she takes extra care to ensure she is hidden from any and all male werewolves. Tucked away in her quiet little cottage in the forest, on the border of Whisper Moon Pack, she spends her days with her nose in a book or tending to her garden. But when the most fearsome and powerful Alpha in all the lands, Killian Blackwood, declares that EVERY unmated she-wolf in the region present themselves before him, Fae’s safe and simple life may be turned upside down.

Junaika · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter Seven: Sylvie

~Earlier that day~

The walk to Fae's house is always long and tiresome. I hate that she keeps herself tucked away out here in the middle of basically nowhere, but she insisted as soon as she turned eighteen, despite the protests from me and the Luna Dalia. When I turned eighteen, Alpha Ronan agreed to continue letting me stay in the Pack House with him and the Luna, so long as I would work on training my psychic powers so that I could maybe become of some use to pack affairs.

Now, shuffling along the cobblestone and dirt pathway, I reach the door of Fae's tiny cottage. Lifting my hand I knock three times and rock back and forth on my heels before my sister opens the door and I smile at her brightly.

"Yes, yes. Come in." She says with a groan, waving for me to come inside. Immediately, I weave my way through her home like a worker bee, setting my dress down neatly across her sofa and then making my way to the kitchen.

Today is the day of the gathering event, and since Fae refuses to make the journey there in our wolf forms, we will have to leave early and travel by carriage. I was frustrated at first, as she always seems like she is trying to hide who she is, who WE are as wolves and play pretend like she's some human peasant girl. But she is my big sister, and I love her despite her odd behaviors. I just wish sometimes that she would be more open with me.

I start humming while making breakfast, flipping pancakes, "Today's the day!" I call out in my best sing-song voice.

I try my hardest to sound confident, because at least one of us has to be. But as I look around me I start to notice plates being filled up with food. I've been cooking and cooking without even realizing it. I suppose I'm a little more nervous than I thought I was.

My wolf, Delphia, has truly been excited to go to the ball, since both of us are hoping to find our true mate. But with my latest visions, I can't help but worry for Fae. I'm still trying to get a handle on my power and I still have no idea what any of what I am seeing means.

If we stick together, we should be able to defend ourselves somehow…right?

'WE ARE STRONG.' Delphia confirms in my mind and I smile, blessed to have her.

Loading the plates of pancakes, eggs, and bacon onto my arms I try my best to balance, wobbling over to the table where Fae sits. She's staring at the vial where she usually keeps her medicine, or whatever it is.

I set the plates down and reach out to grab her arm, shaking her lightly. "Hello..! Earth to Fae, is she in there-"

I start to tease her when I'm hit with a sudden vision that shocks me, causing me to let out a gasp. My visions are usually blurred surrounded by this static and any sound is usually muffled making it very difficult to understand what exactly is happening. With some more practice I should be able to see and hear much better.

Focusing, the first image that flashes before my eyes is Fae tipping the vial of medicine into her mouth. Then it flashes to a terrifying enormous black wolf growling and chasing after Fae through a dark forest. She looks like she is running for her life, her dress ripped and tattered. The vision clears and I retract my hand from my sisters arm as a cold chill runs through my spine causing me to shiver.

I sit there for a moment unable to touch my food, trying to decipher what the images could mean and how they correlate.

Fae shakes her head and blushes, snapping out of her own trance. Placing the vial down on the table she smiles at me, gesturing to the food I'd prepared. "It looks great. Thank you, sis."

She thanks me for the meal, but I'm too lost in my panicked thoughts so I answer shortly, "Mhm." And fiddle with my hands in my lap.

Trying to maintain calm and collected I simply nod when she gets up to leave to the bathroom, leaving me alone to stare at the vial that's laying on the table.

I've just about come to the conclusion:If Fae drinks from that bottle, she will be attacked by the wolf that I saw.

But why?

Reaching across the table, I pick up the vial staring closely at the liquid through the glass. "What do you do.." I ask out loud while scrunching my eyebrows together.

In an instant I'm slammed with another vision. This time I see myself drinking the contents of the vial. Then the vision ripples and flashes to me squeezing Fae's hand before turning towards a glorious buffet table filled with sweets and drinks.

Once again, the vision clears and I'm back to the present, the vial gripped tight in my hand.

Now, I'm even more confused. The last part of the vision looked as if we were at the ball having a good time.

'So let me get this straight,' I talk to myself in my head, 'If Fae drinks whatever is in this bottle, she's going to be attacked by a vicious fearsome wolf? And if I drink from this bottle, everything will be….fine?'

Popping the cork off the top, I put the vial under my nose and smell the contents. Nothing in it smells poisonous, and there is no trace of wolfsbane. Though I figured as much, otherwise Fae would be dead right now.

Figuring that the choice is obvious, I tip the vial back into my mouth, ingesting the contents. Plugging the cork back in I put the vial back down on the table and start digging into all the delicious food. All that stress made me work up an appetite!

When Fae returns from the bathroom she raises a brow, questioning why the vial is now empty. I feel bad for lying to her, but I don't want anything bad to happen to her, especially if I can prevent it from happening. So I tell her that she already took it today, a dumb lie, but somehow she believed me.

Woo! Crisis averted! Delphia does flips in my mind happy and satisfied.

We continue on with the rest of the day, and I have to say I'm quite pleased with myself when I've finished our ensembles for this evening.

Fae honestly looks like a Queen, and not to toot my own horn but I look and feel like a Princess.

I do a spin in my baby blue gown and love the results.

As we head out the door and make our journey in the carriage, many thoughts are running through my head. Did I make a good choice? Did I save her? What did I even drink? Maybe I shouldn't have done that..

It feels like we've been in the carriage for ages and I begin to feel clammy and bored in the cabin, as my sister seems to be staring out the window. Delphia hates that we couldn't have made the run in wolf form, and I wish I could have gotten ready at the Dark Shade Castle!

Fae doesn't know, but the Luna Dalia told me all the details about how extravagant the buildings are where we are going since she's visited on a few occasions for pack business. It would have been much more convenient to have gotten all dolled up in some glittering expensive bathroom.

Now, I feel like I'm melting and I sigh out in frustration, fanning my face.

"This place is so damn far away, my curls are going to go flat and my makeup is probably melting off my face from all the heat in here." I can't help complaining, but I'm genuinely worried when I ask, "Fae, is my makeup okay?"

Studying me she gasps, covering her mouth and my heart stops. "Oh no! Sylvie!"

My eyes widen and I start to panic, if my mate happens to be here I can't let him see me while I look like a clown! "What? What is it? Is it smudged?!"

She breaks out laughing, and I kick her in the foot. "NOT funny." I breathe out and lay back in my seat, relief washing over me.

Just as I settle, the carriage lurches to a stop and I lean forward to take a look out the window. While other she wolves may be terrified, I'm filled with joy and excitement. Attending a fancy ball is like every girls dream when they were little, and now it's actually happening. "I think we are here!" I squeal as the door to our carriage opens and I'm greeted by a fancy gentleman with perfect posture. Offering me a black gloved hand I pick up my dress, careful not to step on it, and I climb out.

I'm smiling politely, waving to the crowds of she-wolves filtering past me when I turn to see Fae practically falling out of the carriage, climbing down bottom first and not accepting the guards hand.

I frown as she turns to face me, getting up onto her feet finally. Putting my hands on my hips I scold her in a hushed tone so that we aren't heard. "Seriously? You're going to rip your dress!"

Straightening up my posture, I hold my head high, trying my best to look poised and elegant. 'Princess vibes. Princess Sylvie. You are a Princess.' I tell myself in my head and Delphia laughs at me as we step through doors and enter a Grand Ballroom.

The moment we are introduced by the Announcer I start to look around for the buffet table from my vision. As I look to my left, a huge smile spreads across my face as, sure enough, there is the table of delicacies, confirming our safety and a wave of relief washes over me.

Turning my attention back to my sister, the color in her face has drained entirely and she looks as if she may crawl under a table at any minute. She is gripping one arm so tightly her fingers are turning white and I swear she must be losing circulation. Prying her hand from her arm I take it and give her a gentle squeeze for reassurance.

"Hey.." I say softly, "That was a long trip, how about I grab us some drinks? You hang tight."

I let go of her hand and it falls limply to her side. Turning on my heel I practically skip off towards the bar which is just beyond the desserts table. As I walk past, a delicious scent overwhelms me almost knocking me to my knees. Inhaling deeply

I search for the smell; ginger and rum spice. This can't be coming from the table of sweets.

My eyes dart about frantically, my nose leading me to a tall tanned muscular man. His hair is a mess of dark brown curls and his eyes are a piercing light green. Immediately my wolf perks up as we recognize him as our mate!

My heart begins to pound out of my chest and my smile is beaming as I begin to take confident strides towards him. Just as I'm about to reach the foot of the bar, I wonder why I haven't caught his gaze yet, when I notice a huge dimpled smile spreads across his face revealing pearly white teeth. That's when I notice the she-wolf leaning over the bar next to him, her bosom practically spilling out of her dress.

My smile turns into a scowl as I push up my own chest and step between them, crossing my arms and leaning against the bar, my back to my mate. I glare at the girl, my eyes glowing in warning as I threaten, "You can leave now."

The skimpy she-wolf looks me up and down before scoffing and leaving the bar towards the dance floor. Turning back to face my mate, his eyes take me in from head to toe, lingering for a moment at my puffing chest before finally meeting my gaze.

"Hey there Princess. Have we meet somewhere before?" He says flirtatiously and his deep playful voice makes tingles erupt on my skin. But my excitement fades as I sense his clear confusion of my presence. Does he really not feel our connection?

I don't have too much time to think about it, however, as darkness starts to fill the entire room and a loud snarl rips through the music causing gasps to fill the air. I whip my head around towards the commotion and to my horror see Fae, her face flushed and frightened, as she's slowly backing away from a large black wolf.

"Oh shit." I swear under my breath as my worst fears come to light. My visions had failed me once again, drinking that stupid vial did nothing, and now Fae is still in danger. Was this truly just inevitable?

The music stops and everyone is now watching the exchange as Fae continues to cautiously evade the growling beast. The enormous wolf let's out a warning growl and to my horror Fae books it out the door. The wolf lets out a devastating howl as dozens of smaller wolves dart out from the shadows. They appear as if they are made of smoke and my body runs cold as they run out the double doors in the same direction that my sister had left. The raging dark beast snarls and snaps at a male wolf who then bows his head, cowering against the wall in fear. Satisfied with the reaction evoked from his unspoken threat, the giant wolf turns his attention away and bolts out the door as well.

My heart is pounding in my ears at this point and my first instinct is to go after Fae to help her. But as I push away from the bar I don't make it more than a few steps before a big tanned hand wraps around my arm holding me back. Sparks shoot through my arm and I'm rooted to the spot. My head snaps up to look at the handsome man who I'm pretty sure is my mate as he steps forward and claps his hands in the silence, gathering the attention of the shocked crowd.

"A marvelous display of tremendous power from Alpha Killian Blackwood. Can I get a round of applause?" He looks around and continues to clap his hands happily as the confused faces of the crowd slowly start to clap. He then turns back to the orchestra as he gestures for them to keep playing, "Please, please continue the celebration! The Alpha will return to join you all shortly. For now, help yourself to some food and drink!"

He lifts a giant mug of ale high into the air and shouts, "Hoorah!" As the music continues to play and the guests chatter replaces the awkward silence.

As we both lean back against the bar, I look at him in bewilderment, cocking an eyebrow.

"So that was supposed to be a performance?" I question him, crossing my arms over my chest.

He looks down at me and gives me that big dimpled smile and I blush as he replies, "Probably? Maybe? Depends on who's asking."

He smirks playfully and I would have swooned if my worries for my sister weren't overwhelming me right now. "Sylvie, and really? Because I'm pretty sure that was my sister he was chasing after."

"Well then, Sylvie," My name rolls off his lips smoothe as velvet and I feel my face flush, "Guess you better make yourself comfortable, because there's only one person in the world that can cause that kind of reaction from an Alpha.

His mate."