
Whispers of the Moon

Fae Brimstone does NOT want a mate. So much so that she takes extra care to ensure she is hidden from any and all male werewolves. Tucked away in her quiet little cottage in the forest, on the border of Whisper Moon Pack, she spends her days with her nose in a book or tending to her garden. But when the most fearsome and powerful Alpha in all the lands, Killian Blackwood, declares that EVERY unmated she-wolf in the region present themselves before him, Fae’s safe and simple life may be turned upside down.

Junaika · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter Five: Killian

"Alpha, we are now entering Whisper Moon Pack territory. Alpha Ronan and his Luna should be there to greet you at their Pack House. Would you like me to escort you?" My Beta, Darren announces as we shift back into our human forms.

With the Formal "Mating Event" only one night away, I had spent the entire week traveling from pack to pack, letting the other Alpha's know the seriousness of my decree.

Though the implications of my demands may have instilled fear amongst many, my intentions were clear and true: The Dark Shade Pack has grown in strength and size over the past few years since I became Alpha. That being said, my strength and power alone can only take me so far. An Alpha without a Luna is seen as a weakness, and weakness will always be challenged.

My wolf, Exos, is becoming harder to control, and the shadow wolves are constantly seeking bloodshed. I need to find my mate so I can finally have peace and balance.

As we start towards the center of the village, I dismiss Darren, shrugging him off. I needed to stand before Alpha Ronan on my own. My Alpha Aura alone was more than enough for them to cower and obey me. "I'll be fine, Darren, thanks."

He halts beside me and bows, "Then, your orders, sir?"

A smile creeps up onto my face and I rough up his mess of curly brown hair. "Rise, Beta. Drop the formalities for now and relax. Why don't you go grab something to eat, yeah? Dismissed."

Darren rises from his position and looks at me with a smirk, careful not to meet my eyes. "Good to see a smile on that face for once, Kill. With all that brooding I was starting to get afraid your mouth would fall off from frowning."

I elbow him in the gut and he laughs heartily. Darren has been by my side since we were just kids, before I had taken my brother's place as Alpha. When Bastian died and I became the new Dark Shade Alpha, Darren was the very first person to pledge his loyalty to my rule, without hesitation. For this, I trusted my life to him and found him to be a capable Beta, one that could help me keep my head on straight when Exos' agony has blinded me.

Just for a moment, I feel my own human emotions flooding my mind, starting to fill me with doubt. "Do you think this is a bad idea?" I ask him, worried lines etched in my brow.

He cocks an eyebrow and smiles placing his hand on my shoulder. "Well, if I may speak freely, I think it would be good for our pack to have a Luna, but also good for you. Exos seems very impatient lately, and that constant mental battle for control of your wolf must be exhausting." Darren's expression shows genuine empathy and concern now.

"So, yeah man! I hope you find her!" He sinks back into his aloof playful demeanor and smirks teasingly as he adds, "And hey, if she has a hot sister hit me up!"

I roll my eyes, a smile pulling at my face as he jogs off towards Whisper Moon Tavern for some day drinking. 'Typical Darren.' I think to myself and continue walking towards the center of town.

Whisper Moon is one of the smaller packs tucked away in the regions' outskirts. Their village center is packed right in the middle of an expansive forest. Most of the pack members live there, with a scattering of cottages throughout their territory.

Their land is simple and beautiful, but something had been bothering me since the moment we stepped into their territory. It was a feeling I couldn't quite describe, and I noticed that Exos also seemed to be on edge.

As I kept walking towards the Pack House, I tried to brush the strange feeling off, holding my composure and my head high.

Turning the corner, I notice a pair of she-wolves tumbling out of a Dress Shop. The one on the left was a petite blonde girl with a big smile who seemed to be dragging a hooded girl along with her while chattering away.

Before I had realized how close to them I had gotten, the hooded one bumps into my chest and begins to fall. Without thinking, my body instantly reacts and I reach out to grab her small wrist, gently pulling her forward until she is back on her feet.

"Woah there! Are you alright?" I ask her and look down to see a pair of sparkling green eyes with flecks of gold in them staring up at me. Her hood had fallen off her head to reveal strawberry blonde hair that shined in the sun. She was quite beautiful, and I could feel Exos perk up in my mind, he was acting strange.

Her cheeks flushed a deep red and I heard what sounded like a whimper escape her lips. I cocked an eyebrow in worry and could feel Exos start to pace back and forth in my mind.

'What is it Exos? Is there danger nearby?' I ask him quickly and he huffs frustrated and confused. 'I DO NOT KNOW. HELP HER!'

He growls in my mind and it pushes me to ask, "Miss? Should I call for a physician?"

Her eyes widen and she stutters, pulling her wrist from my grasp.

"N-No, I'll be fine. Excuse me." She says flatly and pushes past me, scurrying back to the blonde woman.

I turn back to watch her go and Exos whines, pacing impatiently.

'She's not ours, Exos. Why are you acting like this?' I say to him, confused by the strangeness of what had just happened.

'I DO NOT KNOW!' He snarls at me and I put my hand behind my head letting out a sigh.

My wolf had me rooted to the spot, and I watched them walk off until they were a speck in the distance. He was extremely on edge, causing stress to roll off me in waves. I was running out of time, I needed to find my Luna.

By the time Exos finally calmed down enough to allow me to leave, the sun was already setting in the sky. I was late for my visit with Alpha Ronan, but hopefully not too late.

"Alpha Blackwood! Please, come in! Welcome to our home!" A thin woman with bright blue eyes and long brown hair kept in a thick braid greeted me at the door the moment I stepped inside.

"I am the Luna Dalia, it is a pleasure to meet you! Please, sit!" She gestured to the sofa in the room to our left, tea and biscuits were prepared on a small table.

Without a word I follow and take a seat while she pours me a cup, I nod my head and thank her as she leaves and Alpha Ronan enters.

"Good evening, Alpha Blackwood. It's quite late, I was beginning to think you were no longer coming!" Ronan sits in a chair across from me, laying back crossing his legs.

I look up at him, meeting his eyes and letting my aura fill the room just long enough to get my point across. Darkness starts to surround us as my shadow wolves form and begin growling at him. Ronan's smile immediately fades from his face and the faintest smell of fear came off of him.

With complete seriousness in my tone I say, "Do not underestimate me or my intentions Alpha Ronan. I came here in person to express the urgency of my demands and to ask you, are your females willing to comply?"

Ronan swallows nervously and straightens his back before answering, "Yes, all of our unmated females have agreed to attend the gathering."

"So you are able to confirm with me here tonight that none of your pack members are in hiding or have decided to flee?" I study his face looking for any hints of a lie.

"Everyone here has agreed to be compliant..so long as no one is to be harmed, of course." He answers and I sense no signs of pretense, so I reign the darkness back in and dissipate the shadow wolves.

"Very well then. I look forward to seeing you and your mate at the event tomorrow night. I hope you can understand the importance of finding my Luna." I state clearly, trying to ease some of the tension I had created.

Alpha Ronan clears his throat and visibly relaxes. "Yes, Alpha Blackwood. Best of luck to you."

I stand to leave and almost bump into Luna Dalia who is holding a teacup and shaking like a leaf. Her eyes widen when she sees me leaving. "Oh, but it's silly for you to have come all this way just to leave so soon-"

"DALIA." Alpha Ronan raises his voice and gives her a stern look which she returns with an apologetic one.

Ignoring her I turn to leave and as I walk down the steps I mind-link my Beta.

'Hey, it's time to leave. Did you notice anything suspicious today?'

'Nah, but the beer here is great!' Darren responds.

For once, I laugh and shake my head, shifting into my wolf form and racing towards the tree line. The breeze through my fur felt amazing, but for some reason the further I ran the worse I felt. It felt like Exos was actually in mourning, constantly sulking and whining, slowing down my speed.

"We will find her." I assured him. "I'll make sure we do."