
Whispers of the midnight

In a world plagued by a deep-seated enmity between humans and night creatures, the struggle for dominance extends throughout the ages. Among the three lands of Wolfburg, Alstla, Cepheus, and Persia, Cepheus is renowned for its formidable population of night creatures and a few daylight creations, while Alstla is strictly inhabited by the day creatures. Persia, on the other hand, serves as a neutral ground, offering solace to all creatures willing to submit to the ruler's authority. The tension between Cepheus and Alstla has long been a source of instability, with its repercussions reaching even the highest echelons of the council. It is in this bleak scenario that a solution is born - an alliance, forged by a marriage between Cepheus and Alstla. Laurel, however, becomes a thorn in the side of the Duke of Alstla and his family. Conceived through the despicable act of the Duke's drunken assault on a young maid, she enters the world burdened by the circumstances of her birth - not a product of love, but of violence. Since her earliest days, her half-sisters have harbored a deep resentment towards her, constantly reminding her of her humble origins. Their hearts yearn to rid themselves of Laurel's presence, but fate takes a curious turn, and an opportunity presents itself. Laurel Pathrick is chosen to be the bride of Leandro, the infamous younger brother of Lord Alfred, also known as the Devil's Son. This choice not only alters the course of Laurel's life but also sets into motion a series of events that will have far-reaching repercussions on the precarious balance between humans and night creatures. Pain, struggle, and the search for belonging intertwine in this tale of forbidden love and political intrigue. As Laurel embarks on her journey into the heart of darkness, her resilience and determination will be tested, and the fate of the fragile alliance between Cepheus and Alstla hangs in the balance. With a touch of the mystical and a sprinkle of mystery, this engrossing narrative invites us to explore the depths of both the human and night creature realms, revealing the complexities of their entangled existence and the hope that love and compassion may transcend the barriers of fear and loathing. vu

Chikamso_Patience · History
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15 Chs

Chapter 3: whispers of loyalty

In the year 1686



In the hustle and bustle of excitement, filled with anticipation and curiosity, the diligent and dedicated maids hastened their steps, their hearts racing with a mixture of trepidation and intrigue. They ascended the grand staircase, each whisper echoing in the opulent halls, as they made their way towards the illustrious third floor, which held within its walls the heart of the grand residence belonging to the esteemed and noble Duke. Emotions ran high as they reached their destination, where an unforeseen clash of fiery opinions and fervent words engulfed the air. The two youngest misses of the Duke's distinguished household found themselves embroiled in an intense dispute, their vibrant personalities and passionate arguments igniting a storm that threatened to tear apart the tranquil facade of household harmony.


"Laurel, you are unbelievably wicked!" a voice screamed, piercing the silence of the room, creating an atmosphere filled with tension and unease. Two young women, sisters locked in a fierce confrontation, locked gaze with each other, their eyes portraying a tale of contrasting emotions. One sister, her face twisted in a complex concoction of anger, terror, and heartbreak, stared at the other with confusion and disbelief in her eyes. The other, fueled by a dark satisfaction that seemed to illicit pleasure from the fear-stricken expression that adorned her sister's face, reveled in the sadistic delight of the moment, like a puppeteer expertly manipulating her own twisted creation.


"Father must hear of this," Maggie exclaimed, her voice dripping with pain and anger. "You, you hooligan and whore!"Her words reverberated through the air, resonating with both distress and fury, as she had invested a substantial amount of effort and perseverance in order to secure a mere conversation with Carlos. However, her infuriatingly foolish half-sister, without any attempt to exert herself beyond the bare minimum, managed to effortlessly secure an invitation for a refined tea rendezvous with Carlos,It was a slap in the face, leaving a sting of unspoken pain deep in Maggie's heart.


Laurel chuckled heartily at her older sister's wily choice of words, finding herself not the least bit wronged by them. In fact, she had grown accustomed to hearing far more cutting and taunting remarks thanks to her stepmother and stepsisters, who mercifully happened to be absent from the room. Lady Maggie, being the youngest among them, held little sway within the Duke's grand manor and was, to put it kindly, not the brightest soul around.


"Speaking of Father, it may pique his interest to learn that dear sister Maggie has been gallivanting to Mr. Carlos' opulent mansion every single day these past fortnight," Laurel paused, a mischievous twinkle lighting up her eyes as she circled her bewildered sister. "Why, she has been utterly shameless in her pursuit to convince him to abandon all reason and marry her, despite already being engaged to the Viscount's illustrious son."


The smile on Laurel's face broadened impossibly as she witnessed her sister's complexion turn ashen and her eyes widen in sheer terror.


Maggie, with a terrified expression on her face, looked at Laurel, frowning deeply upon realizing that this seemingly innocent girl was actually capable of such malevolent actions. She couldn't help but blurt out,you stupid thing has been spying on me "? 


"Dear beloved sister Maggie, I believe we can both agree that we've engaged in mischievous endeavors that father would be better off not knowing about. Although you still have the option to inform on me, it's important to note that I haven't actually committed any wrongdoing. I merely accepted an invitation to tea as an unmarried woman." Laurel intoned these words, the seraphic melody of deceit dancing upon her lips, casting an enigmatic smile in the direction of her sister and the multitude of maids who had gathered round, their curious gazes feasting upon the parting scene. With graceful poise, she turned on her heel, her presence radiating a commanding aura, as she embarked on her journey, a young maid trailing dutifully behind.


Lady Maggie, who has been previously humiliated before the lowly servant, managed to restore her composure. With an intense gaze, she directed her attention towards the maids surrounding her. In a stern tone, she warned them, "Should even the slightest whisper about this unfortunate incident escape your lips, I shall employ the authority of my esteemed mother to swiftly quell such indiscretions. Understand that not a soul should be privy to these events. Is this crystal clear to all of you?"



"Yes, young mistress," they all murmured in unison, their visages cast downward in utmost deference, their eyes diligently avoiding any contact with Maggie's as she departed. It was an unspoken understanding among them that Lady Maggie possessed an unwavering determination, meaning that her threats were never hollow; anyone who dared bring to light secrets that could tarnish the good reputation of the prestigious Duke family would swiftly be met with a swift and effective silencing. Amidst the splendor of the Duke manor's exterior façade, with its pristine beauty exuding an air of grandeur, lay a dark underbelly that only those dwelling within its walls truly understood. The Duke family prided themselves on their impeccable lineage and unwavering loyalty to their own, and thus, it was of vital importance that any internal matter threatening to breach their carefully crafted facade be swiftly extinguished, regardless of the cost or effort required.


As the sun began its magnificent descent, casting hues of fiery crimson and soothing lavender across the vast expanse of sky, the tall and enigmatic figure stood pensively in one of the lavish chambers within the distinguished walls of the resplendent duke manor. With his chiseled countenance and piercing gaze, he directed his attention towards the sprawling wilderness that lay beyond the panes of the grandiose window, where the lush foliage of the bewitching forest whispered untold secrets and ancient tales.


"No matter how arduously we endeavor, dear father, it appears as though we are constantly thwarted in our attempts to abscond from the clutches of this insurmountable predicament," uttered the son in a resonant tone, emanating a sense of melancholy and resignation. These words gracefully cascaded from the lips of the youthful gentleman who remained seated upon the cushioned divan, clutching a steaming vessel brimming with the comforting elixir of brewed leaves.


"I can clearly perceive, dear Junior," the illustrious Duke expressed with a deep resonance in his voice, as if he were engrossed in profound contemplation regarding the most intricate path to reach a definitive resolution.


"Then, my esteemed father, I believe it would be in our best interest to expedite this decision-making process before the council irrevocably settles upon its own choice, one which might not necessarily align with our own preferences," articulated young Junior—whose true appellation happened to be Herbert, a namesake proudly bestowed upon him by his paternal forebear—as he gracefully rose from his seated position, gracefully positioning himself beside his respected patriarch.


" if we give her out people would definitely speak of it , Maggie might be engaged but not married and we can all see how much she despise being married to Williams "duke Herbert stated clenching his fist .


Junior Herbert stared intently at his father, his youthful features forming a gentle smile that held a mix of determination and unwavering loyalty. "Father," he spoke with a resolute tone, "no matter the magnitude of challenges that lay ahead, I cannot bear the thought of losing even a single one of my beloved sisters to these dreadful creatures that feed upon the life essence of others. If, for some reason, you choose not to send her, then it is of utmost importance that you provide a compelling explanation to the esteemed council who holds our fate in their hands." Junior Herbert's words conveyed not only concern for his sister's well-being, but also served as a veiled warning to his father, urging him to take swift action in ensuring the safety of their family.


The duke gazed fondly at his son, cherishing the bond they shared, much like the unbreakable bond between his sisters who shared his bloodline. However, he viewed the one with a different lineage as a mere pawn in his grand chess game, while his sisters were his queens. But to the duke, all living creatures were like strategically placed boxwood in his elaborate chessboard, where there were no kings or queens, only stationary pieces.


The father and son who stood by the window pane had diverging perspectives on the identical subject matter.