
Whispers of the midnight

In a world plagued by a deep-seated enmity between humans and night creatures, the struggle for dominance extends throughout the ages. Among the three lands of Wolfburg, Alstla, Cepheus, and Persia, Cepheus is renowned for its formidable population of night creatures and a few daylight creations, while Alstla is strictly inhabited by the day creatures. Persia, on the other hand, serves as a neutral ground, offering solace to all creatures willing to submit to the ruler's authority. The tension between Cepheus and Alstla has long been a source of instability, with its repercussions reaching even the highest echelons of the council. It is in this bleak scenario that a solution is born - an alliance, forged by a marriage between Cepheus and Alstla. Laurel, however, becomes a thorn in the side of the Duke of Alstla and his family. Conceived through the despicable act of the Duke's drunken assault on a young maid, she enters the world burdened by the circumstances of her birth - not a product of love, but of violence. Since her earliest days, her half-sisters have harbored a deep resentment towards her, constantly reminding her of her humble origins. Their hearts yearn to rid themselves of Laurel's presence, but fate takes a curious turn, and an opportunity presents itself. Laurel Pathrick is chosen to be the bride of Leandro, the infamous younger brother of Lord Alfred, also known as the Devil's Son. This choice not only alters the course of Laurel's life but also sets into motion a series of events that will have far-reaching repercussions on the precarious balance between humans and night creatures. Pain, struggle, and the search for belonging intertwine in this tale of forbidden love and political intrigue. As Laurel embarks on her journey into the heart of darkness, her resilience and determination will be tested, and the fate of the fragile alliance between Cepheus and Alstla hangs in the balance. With a touch of the mystical and a sprinkle of mystery, this engrossing narrative invites us to explore the depths of both the human and night creature realms, revealing the complexities of their entangled existence and the hope that love and compassion may transcend the barriers of fear and loathing. vu

Chikamso_Patience · History
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15 Chs

Chapter 1: encounter in the night part 1

 Year 1672


 The raindrops pelted heavily upon the ground, creating a symphony of nature's tears, while the thunder struck fiercely, illuminating the sky in a burst of electrifying brilliance. The entire kingdom of Astla was engulfed in this tempestuous display, with the city cloaked in an eerie coldness and tranquil silence, save for the rhythmic tapping sound of each raindrop. The rain had commenced earlier, and its ceaseless pour continued unabated, transforming the night into a mystical realm veiled in thick mist and bone-chilling stillness.

 In the one of the grand, opulent rooms of the illustrious Duke Manor, a young and graceful lady with long, flowing golden locks found herself comfortably situated before the crackling fireplace. With an air of both elegance and kindness, she gracefully added meticulously chosen logs to the already roaring flames, intending to fill the room with cozy warmth and vibrant light. The ethereal quality of the fire's dance reflected in her deep, mesmerizing eyes, providing a captivating spectacle for any fortunate enough to witness it. 

Once her task was complete, the beautiful blonde damsel, adorned in a stunning gown, glided effortlessly across the room towards the luxurious canopy bed, where another mesmerizing young girl sat engrossed in a captivating book. With an almost ethereal hush, the radiant maiden's golden hair cascaded softly around her face, framing her delicate features with an enchanting embrace. It lent an air of mystery and allure, making her the epitome of beauty and grace.

As the two embodiments of elegance and charisma converged, the room was filled with an almost palpable aura of anticipation and excitement. The young lady with the book, her eyes sparkling with intelligence, looked up from her literary world and greeted the other with a smile that could light up the darkest of nights. 



"Laurel, darling, it's getting rather late, and it's essential for you to get some rest," softly whispered the caring individual, Settling down next to the youthful presence, she delicately brushed a generous handful of her lustrous, golden locks behind her dainty ears.

 "I absolutely still desire to immerse myself in this captivating piece of literature, dear mother," spoke the charmingly innocent and sweet voice of the little girl. Her fervent longing to explore the world within the pages of the book was palpable, imbuing her words with a genuine sense of curiosity and excitement that could not be contained.

 " Laurel, my dear, it's already quite late in the evening, and the night's chilling air is creeping in. It would be wise for you to surrender yourself to a comforting slumber," the concerned lady gently urged, as she carefully clasped the book shut and tenderly placed it upon the nearby nightstand. With utmost care, she fluffed the plush pillows, creating a sanctuary of softness and tranquility. "Rest your weary eyes tonight, Laurel, for tomorrow's dawn will bring with it an abundance of reading opportunities. But for now, embrace the sweet surrender of sleep."


The daughter gracefully nodded, delicately wielding a regal burgundy satin ribbon to fashion a meticulously coiffed masterpiece with a cascading waterfall of dark chestnut tresses, thus revealing her enchantingly exquisite countenance which exuded an ethereal aura of youthfulness. Her mesmerizing deep obsidian eyes, akin to the serene night sky, elegantly accentuated her petite, resplendently beautiful visage. Her nose, esthetically refined and daintily pointed, seamlessly blended with her immaculate features, while her dainty vermilion lips, breathtakingly delicate, possessed an allure capable of bewitching the stoniest of hearts, regardless of gender or predilection, compelling them to surrender to the overwhelming power of love in a mere glimmer of time. "Dearest mother, the embrace of slumber awaits me; thus, I bid you fond adieu and embrace the respite that awaits upon my sumptuous silk pillow," she tenderly conveyed, her heavenly voice like a choir of angels. With an affectionate peck upon her revered matriarch's porcelain cheek, she gracefully reclined her delicate head upon the plush cushion and ,closing her brown orbs in serene serenity.


The mother tenderly pressed her lips against her child's rosy cheeks, wearing a subtle smile that danced upon her soft lips. As the gentle breeze of the night whispered its lullaby, she whispered, "Remember, my dear Laurel, the sweet embrace of peaceful slumber awaits you." 

Laurel's face beamed with the warmth of her mother's affection, even as her eyes remained softly shut. Meanwhile, the woman rose from her seat, candle in hand, preparing to depart from the sanctuary of the room. Yet, before turning away completely, she cast a solemn gaze towards the tightly sealed windows, as if guarding against the unseen. A faint, bittersweet smile graced her face, her sorrow transcending time itself. 

She took one final glance at her daughter, bathed in the comforting glow of the flickering candlelight, before the door's hinges creaked shut, marking the end of their intimate exchange.



 As soon as the door shut, the young girl, who kept her eyes shut, finally unveiled them, casting a curious glance around the room. Slowly, she pulled herself up from the bed, gracefully setting her feet upon the floor. With purpose in her steps, she glided towards the window, effortlessly swinging it open, just as she did each passing night. It was her personal ritual - gazing into the depths of the dusky night, allowing its soothing embrace to wash over her until sumber overtook her senses .

 Laurel observed the densely overcast sky that released tear-like raindrops upon the earth. The brisk wind carried minuscule droplets into the room, lightly brushing against Laurel and sending a shiver down her spine. Hastily, she shut one window pane, while purposefully leaving the other ajar, allowing for a subtle exchange between the outside and the warmth of her home. She strode towards the crackling fireplace, where her mother had already arranged a stack of logs. With a deliberate touch, Laurel added another log to the fiery glow, enhancing its comforting presence in the room .

 Laurel layed down on the bed look ing out the window but then something wasn't right hadn't she left only one window open ? Why are the two windows open ,she frowned got off bed again to close the window and just as she had closed it,she turned and bumped into into a hard rock chest 

 Laurel lounged on her bed, her gaze fixed on the outside world through the window. However, as she relaxed, a sense of unease washed over her. Hadn't she only left one window slightly ajar? Perplexed and frowning, Laurel rose from her comfortable position to investigate the mysteriously open second window.

With graceful steps, she made her way towards the window, determined to rectify the situation. The cool breeze kissed her skin as she reached out and shut the intrusive windowpane. Just as she pivoted to regain her composure, her eyes widened in astonishment as she collided with an immovable force. A sudden exclamation escaped her lips as she stumbled backward, her hands unknowingly grasping onto an undeniably solid, rock-like chest.