
Whispers of The Ethereal

The Isle of Marenveil is and has always been a simple tropical island floating among the calm waters of the sprawling starlight sea. Marenveil's is a natural beauty that inspire adventure from the beautiful spore lit caverns of the Itari range to underwater reefs Ratashi bay. These natural have always enticed its inhabitants with a sense of adventure from its earliest days that is slowly fostered by its blooming adventure's guild known as Valkyria's Wings. One such inhabitant is an obsidian scaled half dragon by the name of Elisie. Elisie earliest childhood memories are of sheltering among the damp smooth stoned caves from the deluge of rain, foraging in the sprawling rain forest that covered the island, or surviving off the bounty of fish that lived among the reefs. Where there is light, there are shadows. Her memories will always be tainted by those moments of despair as she continued the never ending search to find what was once lost.

ShyLunaria · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Hard Lessons

"Totally~" Elisie squeaked as she made her way to the center of a giant sandpit that served as the focal point for the training room. The wooden walls looked brand new which made no sense for the purpose of the room. The room was gently lit by a central yellow crystal made to mimic sunlight which was embedded into the ceiling that was roughly 25ft above her.

Kia's amber eyes inspected Elisie like a jeweler inspect raw ore. Elisie once again began to rub her left hand against her right shoulder expecting instructions as Kia slowly and methodically made wide circles around her.

"Well Elisie are you planning on starting or should I?" chuckled Kia.

"Huh! I am no a fighter!"

"You do wish to become an adventurer don't you?"

"Yes but what am I supposed to do in one on one combat?'

In a blur of motion the circling Kia pounced like a predator that had found its target. In a mere moment Elisie laid on the sand pit as Kia gently sat on top of her tummy. Despite the aggression Kia face had that warm campfire like smile as Elisie squirmed below her.

"Well little flower if you can't defend yourself at all aren't you just a liability?"

"No! I am not!" screamed Elisie as she willed everything in pushing the slim boyish figure of Kia off of her to no avail.

"You are struggling and panicking just from little old me sitting on you. What are you going to do when something much angry on you does the same?" asked Kia trough the frantic flurry of blows Elisie trough in her general direction.

"Well I will have someone else to make sure that doesn't happen." softly replied Elisie as her hands gently fell to her sides as she refused to look at the grinning Kia above her.

"Flower you should learn how to fend for yourself or you will fall prey to something truly devious." calmly said Kia as she gently guided Elisie face so that their eyes could focus on one anothers.

In that moment Elisie swore that a knife couldn't cut through the tense air between them. Time seemed to slow to nothing as they stared into each other's eyes. Every minute movement from Kia's breathing to Kia's warm shifting fingers along Elisies's tummy as they held this joint position.

Then in a mere moment it all melted away as Kia stood up. Elisie's gaze couldn't help but follow every single minute movement down to the outstretched hand towards her. That gesture however hung in the air for a moment not out of lack of willingness but more so due to giant error message currently filling Elisie's mind.

"Well it seems like flower doesn't want my help?" chuckled Kia with a slight eyebrow raise as her gaze was focused on the blank stare of Elisie.

"Oh! Yes!" squeaked Elisie as she took Kia hand and with a simple heave stood tall once more.

After a few moments of dusting herself off Elsie gazed fell onto Kia whom made her way to the corner of the room to scribble something into a small journal. Elisie unsure of what to do next decided to follow in Kia's footsteps to which she was greeted with a warm smile.

"Well starting tomorrow we are going to focus on two key things. The first is to increase your agility so you can keep your distance from threats and possibly dodge stray attacks cause anyone with a decent intelligence will happily pluck a cute flower like you if they get a chance, The second thing is your focus. This one is more important cause it is rather easy to get caught up in a fight and lose track of what is around you. With your abilities it will give you a wider view of the battlefield with proper positioning but also will allow you to stay calm and collected so you can adapt to the fight at hand."

"Yes Kia!" squeaked Elisie as every fiber of her being tensed up in response to Kia's words.

"No need to be so formal flower. Alright lets get you something to eat and drink."

Without a moment of hesitation Elisie followed Kia while fantasizing about the warm luxurious meal ahead of her.