
Whispers of the Eternity

Arachnea, a bright-eyed nineteen-year-old, leaves the comfort of her small town life to pursue her dreams in the historic city of Verona. As she steps into the ground of the majestic and beautiful city, she is unaware that her life is about to intertwine with beings as timeless as the city itself. The six vampires, each appearing not a day over twenty-nine, are brothers bound by blood and secrets. They are the guardians of ancient lore and the keepers of the night. Each brother is a different shade of the night. As Arachnea's world collides with theirs, she discovers that each brother offers her a different facet of love and a glimpse into the immortal world. From the passionate whirlwind with Zachary to the serene depths with Caleb, her heart is both a prize and a sanctuary for these immortal beings. But as ancient enemies emerge from the shadows, Arachnea and the Perry brothers must unite. Love becomes their greatest strength and their most vulnerable weakness. Together, they must navigate the treacherous waters of vampire politics, family feuds, and the haunting question of whether an eternal love can truly exist. *** Mary Joye. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Mary_Joye · Fantasy
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14 Chs

7. Whispers in the Shadows

Arachnea's PoV

Led by Austin and Zachary, I descended into an abyss that seemed to swallow all light. The further we ventured, the more the darkness enveloped me, a tangible shroud of uncertainty and fear. It bore the semblance of a dungeon, yet lacked the cold sterility of one. Instead, it felt alive, as if the very shadows whispered secrets of their own.

"What is this place?" I murmured, my voice barely a whisper against the oppressive silence. The question hung in the air, a fragile thread of curiosity amidst the overwhelming dread.

"Silence, human," Zachary's voice cut through the darkness, a command that sent shivers down my spine.

We veered left into a narrower passage, and there, the first signs of life flickered into view. Torches lined the walls, their flames dancing with a hypnotic grace, casting elongated shadows that twisted and turned, as if mocking my disquiet. The play of light and shadow was a visual symphony, one that both mesmerized and unnerved, leaving me to wonder what secrets lay hidden within this subterranean enigma.

The walls, unexpectedly majestic, rise around me, carved from the softest sandstone. They emit a warm, golden hue, bathed in the flickering light of countless torches. I pause, taking in the sight, the walls' glow almost comforting, contrary to the purpose of this place.

I hadn't noticed before-the air, it's fresh, a stark contrast to the stale heaviness I anticipated. It flows through concealed vents, maintaining an atmosphere as welcoming as the castle's own gardens. A surprising solace in a place meant for despair.

"Human?" The voice, unmistakably Zachary's, echoes down the corridor, a stark reminder of the reality of my confinement.

I turn, finding them further than I expected, nearly ten feet away. Their gaze is fixed on me, intense and calculating. I gasp, a sound I quickly stifle, fearing it might betray my awe-or worse, my fear.

"I'm sorry," I murmur, my voice a mere whisper, betraying my inner turmoil. "I was just admiring the craftsmanship. Who knows, this might be my last chance to see such beauty." The words hang in the air, heavy with the unspoken dread that they might be the last I ever speak.

I couldn't see their faces, the blinding lights casting them in sinister silhouettes, but I knew-Zachary and Austin were grinning with malice.

"Baby, just think about it," Austin's voice slithered through the darkness, "your aunt is out there, squaring off against our guards, oblivious to the fact that her darling niece is trapped here, in this shadowy dungeon, petrified."

My gaze dropped to my hands, betraying me with their tremor. Uh-oh.

"First off, I'm not 'tiny,' okay? And secondly, I am anything but weak," I shot back, the anger in my voice sharp as a blade.

Austin's insinuation hung in the air, a taunt that I was fragile, defenseless. But I knew better. I could take them on; my spirit wasn't as delicate as they presumed.

With an eye roll that they couldn't see, I dismissed their silence. My heart pounded like war drums in my chest, fueling my resolve. I strode past them, each step a defiant march, moving through the flickering torchlight. I was seeking more than just the light-I was chasing the fire within, ready to burn away the rage and indignation they had stoked.

I reached the sanctuary of the corridor's end, pressing my back against the cool wall. My hands, trembling uncontrollably, rose to my face, brushing away the tears that had betrayed my stoic facade. I couldn't pinpoint the source of my crying-was it fear, the sting of their words, or the raw hurt they inflicted?

Lifting my gaze, I willed the stubborn tears not to fall. The high ceilings, a grand tapestry of artistry supported by elegant columns, offered a momentary distraction.

A shake of my head cleared the blurring wetness from my vision, revealing the cells before me. They were an oddity; spacious and well-appointed, they resembled cozy chambers more than the stark holding pens I had envisioned. Soft straw beds hugged one wall, and each cell boasted a small, barred window-a portal to the outside world, admitting streams of sunlight and the cheerful symphony of birds.

"Hey baby. I know you're not weak. But you're tiny, and that's not up for debate," Austin's voice chirped, startlingly close.

I jolted, his sudden proximity sending a shock through my system.

"Could you not always materialize out of thin air next to me? You nearly gave me a heart attack!" I hissed, pressing a hand to my racing heart.

"Tsk. C'mon, human. Let's sit and await the verdict of your transgression," Zachary interjected, his tone sharp as a blade.

Their hands clasped around mine, pulling me away from the dungeon's communal heart. Before me stood a long wooden table, a cornucopia of bread, cheese, and fresh fruits-a feast for the eyes and a balm for the soul.

A flutter of joy stirred within me. Food-such simple, glorious food! It was a silent promise that hunger would not be an unwelcome companion, even if they intended to detain me.

The scrape of a wooden chair against the stone floor yanked me from my reverie. Austin's grip was firm as he steered me towards a chair, its wood worn smooth by countless sittings. They settled into an ancient-looking sofa that, despite its age, promised comfort.

"It's so cool here! Are you planning on imprisoning me here?" The words tumbled out before I could censor them, a reckless whisper in the charged silence.

Zachary's scoff cut through the air, his smirk a sharp contrast to my mounting anxiety. "Nah. We have something far more... entertaining in mind for your punishment," he drawled, the anticipation clear in his voice.

My response was instinctive-a bitten lip, a flush that seared my cheeks. I shrugged, a feeble attempt to mask the turmoil within.

To the side, a small library beckoned, its shelves lined with well-worn tomes. I could almost feel the texture of the pages, the weight of the stories they held, waiting to be discovered.

A chill seeped into the air, a harbinger of unseen dread. I shuddered, the temperature plummeting as if the dungeon itself exhaled a frosty breath.

Turning to Austin, I caught a glimpse of his face twisted in agony, his eyes shimmering an unnatural gold. Gold? My mind struggled to process the sight.

Then, a roar shattered the silence, so loud and fierce I thought my eardrums might burst. My heart thrashed against my chest, a frantic prisoner seeking escape.

I longed to vanish, to curl up in the sanctuary of my bedroom, swathed in blankets that could shield me from the brothers and their monstrous pets.

The roar resounded once more, a deep, commanding bellow that claimed dominion over all it touched.

As I stood frozen, the corridors that had led us here now amplified the sound of hurried footsteps. They reverberated against the walls, tumbling through my mind, thickening the air into an icy miasma that left me shivering uncontrollably.

The roars, those gold eyes-they couldn't be real. This had to be a dream, a nightmare from which I needed to awaken. I couldn't endure this terror any longer.

In desperation, I tried to jolt myself awake, to inflict pain if it meant escape. But a hand, cold and vast, gently restrained me, halting my self-inflicted blows.

"Sshh, calm down. You're okay. Calm down, ligi agapi, I'm here," a voice cooed, its timbre a soothing balm against the chaos of my thoughts. A touch as light as feathers traced my spine, and the scent of apples and honey filled the air, conjuring sinister yet seductive images in my mind. Zachary's gaze, those mismatched orbs of brown and blue, bore into me with an intensity that whispered of love.

(little love)

My body recoiled, snapping from the trance. What in the world was I envisioning?

The moment I stirred, Zachary released me. A warm breeze enveloped me as his presence receded, leaving a void where his warmth had been.

I could feel the weight of many gazes upon me. Facing Zachary, I met his steady eyes, his posture rigid on the sofa, while Austin sat beside him, his eyes piercing gold.

Is this still a figment of my dream?

Goosebumps erupted across my skin, a silent testament to the scrutiny I was under. I sensed another presence behind me, but my attention was riveted on Austin. His form was motionless, yet his golden eyes flickered with life, watching me with the intensity of a predator eyeing its prey.

"Austin, stop it! Trelos bástardos!" The words erupted from behind me, slicing through the tension like a blade.

(Crazy bastard)

I felt a presence brush past, and suddenly, my view of Austin was eclipsed by another's form. My heart hammered in my chest as I watched a man's fist collide with Austin's face, the force of the blow sending him careening into the wall. The sound of the impact reverberated through the dungeon, a loud, ominous thud that seemed to shake the very air.

My eyes snapped open and shut, desperately trying to process the blur of motion as Austin's body was flung aside. I staggered back, my breaths coming in quick, uneven gasps. The scene before me was one of utter disbelief, the suddenness of the violence leaving me reeling.

"Is this how you behave, Austin? Stirring chaos before you've even managed to do something worthwhile? Just once, I wish you'd do something great!" The man's voice boomed, echoing off the stone walls, devoid of any warmth or emotion.

"Caleb, stamáta to! It's not his fault," Zachary's voice cut through, a stark contrast filled with concern. He stepped in front of Caleb, shielding Austin's still form from any further wrath.

(Stop it)

I stared at the damaged wall, the cracks spreading out like tendrils. The sheer force of Caleb's punch was evident in the destruction, a testament to his strength-or perhaps Austin's frailty. How could a single strike wield such power? The question lingered in my mind, even as I struggled to steady my breathing and regain my composure.

"Zachary, stop being such a brat!" Caleb's voice cut through the tension, his words like a whip. I could feel the irritation bubbling within him, a dangerous promise in his tone. "I've been itching to give Austin what he deserves, and it's driving me mad. You don't want to see me angry," he warned, shoving Zach's unyielding form.

I watched, my heart pounding, as Zach stood firm, a pillar against Caleb's storm. "You won't do it, Caleb. Go outside, calm your lions-that's what you excel at, isn't it? Caring for you and Xero's pets like they're infants, yet you neglect the love and care your brothers need. And I swear, if you lay a hand on Austin again..."

Caleb's back was to me, a barrier of muscle and resolve, while Zach faced him down. I could see every line of Zach's face, a canvas of silent fury. His eyes blazed, a firestorm of words left unsaid. His jaw was clenched so tight, the muscles along his neck danced with the effort. His fists, balled up like stones, seemed ready to launch at his adversary.

The air around Zach was electric, a charged field that made me move with caution. But Caleb, with squared shoulders and a forward lean, was the immovable force, not giving an inch.

The warmth that had once wrapped around me had vanished, leaving a chill in its wake. I shivered, not from the cold that had gripped me before, but from the icy anticipation of a conflict brewing between brothers.

Austin lay motionless before me, and a visceral tug at my heartstrings made me falter. His prone figure, a silent cry for help, stirred a deep unrest within me.

The two, Zach and Caleb, were locked in a battle of wills, but their conflict became a distant murmur against the drumming of my own heartbeat. I stepped over the invisible line they had drawn, my focus solely on Austin. The sight of him so still, so vulnerable, sent a sharp ache through my chest.

As my hand found his, a gentle touch amidst the chaos, I hoped he could feel the silent assurance that I was there, that he wasn't alone. My presence, a steadfast promise that all would be righted.

Zach's and Caleb's voices rose and fell, a cacophony of anger and accusation, but it was white noise to my ears. My priority was clear-ensure Austin's safety, then deal with the storm brewing between the brothers.

"Caleb, your heartlessness astounds me," Zach's voice thundered, his words slicing through the tension. "Austin is wounded, and yet you heap more agony upon him with your callousness. I am done with your cruelty!"

The world seemed to respond to our strife, a harsh wind whipping around us, as if to echo the sharpness of our emotions. I coughed, the sudden shift in the air catching me off guard, but my grip on Austin's hand remained unyielding. In that moment, nothing else mattered but the warmth of our connection and the silent vow I made to protect him.

"Zachary, halt!" Caleb's command reverberated off the walls, yet it was swiftly drowned out by a resonant roar that filled the charged air.

I turned sharply towards Caleb, and a sharp sting assaulted my eyes, as if a thousand needles pricked them. My heart clenched painfully, recognizing the deep ocean blue of his eyes that I had seen just yesterday at the store.

Tears welled up, blurring the tumultuous scene before me. The world seemed to pause, its axis grinding to a halt, as time itself held its breath. The chaos outside our bubble ceased to exist.

It was just us-me, Austin, Caleb, and Zach. The rapid rise and fall of my chest synced with the silent words trembling on our lips, a fragile symphony of hope amidst the discord.

"Can we please just stop and help Austin?" My voice, though faint and frail, wrapped around us, a stark reminder of the profound shifts in my life. It was a plea, a call to put aside our strife and mend what was wrong.


Mary Joye.