
Whispers of the Crystallis: The Awakening

In the world of Elaria, where crystalline energies shaped reality, the delicate balance between light and darkness was maintained by the Crystallis—a network of ancient crystals that harnessed the essence of creation itself. These crystals bestowed upon their chosen ones, known as Crystawielders, the power to protect or destroy. For centuries, the Crystallis ensured peace across Elaria, but now, it has collided with our Earth! With intermixing realities and new threats, will our chosen heroes succeed in protecting the things they love?

DAS_ · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The Convergance.

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The computer screen faded to black, leaving the faint reflection of a teenage boy on its glossy surface. As the screen went dark, he placed his controller down with a slight clink against the desk. His medium-length brown hair, tousled from hours of gaming, framed a face that could easily belong to one of the popular kids in school. With an athletic build, his broad shoulders slumped as he leaned back in his chair, letting out a long yawn. His fingers intertwined as he stretched his arms overhead, joints cracking audibly in the stillness of the room. The clock on his desk glowed an unkind 2 AM, a stark reminder of how long he had been immersed in the world of Final Fantasy.

Turning away from the desk, he glanced over his shoulder at the dimly lit dormitory. The silence was a heavy blanket, draped over the loneliness that came with summer vacations spent alone. Most of his friends had eagerly packed up to visit their families, leaving him behind. His orphan status was an unspoken part of his identity, a shadow that lurked in moments like these.

Rising from his chair, he took a moment to shake off the stiffness from sitting too long. He threw a few playful punches and kicks, imagining himself in one of the epic battles from Final Fantasy he had just played through. A laugh bubbled up as he caught sight of himself in the mirror, looking ridiculous in his impromptu fighting stance. "I really am losing my mind...," he muttered, collapsing onto his unmade bed. The cool sheets felt inviting against his back, and he closed his eyes, hoping to drift off to sleep.

The respite was brief. An intense, blinding light pierced through his eyelids, jolting him awake. His eyes snapped open, squinting against the sudden brilliance streaming through his window. Instinctively, he scrambled to his feet and rushed to the window, heart pounding with a mixture of curiosity and alarm.

What he saw defied comprehension. Another world—no, another Earth—loomed ominously in the sky, its colossal form seeming to hover just above the horizon. The alien planet's contours were eerily similar yet distinctly different, its landmasses and oceans reflecting the moonlight in a surreal tableau. The sight was both awe-inspiring and terrifying, an existential nightmare made manifest.

Below, the normally quiet streets were a chaotic blur of activity. People surged out of buildings, their faces masks of fear and confusion. The once orderly flow of traffic had devolved into a frantic scramble as cars honked and swerved, their drivers desperate to escape the impending catastrophe. Sirens wailed in the distance, a discordant symphony of panic that added to the escalating sense of dread.

Driven by an urgent need to witness the unfolding events more clearly, he tore out of his room, sprinting down the narrow corridor of the dormitory. The fluorescent lights above flickered, casting disorienting shadows as he burst through the main door and out onto the street. The night air was thick with the scent of exhaust and the palpable fear of the crowd. He stood there, breathless and wide-eyed, staring up at the sky where the two worlds seemed destined to collide.

In that moment, all the mundanities of his life—his isolation, his gaming, his orphan status—were eclipsed by the extraordinary sight above. The universe had cracked open, revealing a glimpse of something beyond his wildest imagination. And as he stood there, amidst the chaos, a thought echoed in his mind: his world was about to change forever, in ways he couldn't begin to fathom.

Another blinding light erupted, searing through the boy's consciousness and plunging him into an inky void. When he awoke, he found himself in an unfamiliar place, far removed from the confines of the road he was on. The air was cool and damp, carrying the faint scent of mineral-rich earth. As his eyes adjusted, he discerned the contours of a dark cave, its rough-hewn walls glistening with veins of shimmering minerals. Streams of luminescent water traced the cave's periphery, their gentle babble providing an eerie counterpoint to the oppressive silence.

The path ahead beckoned, leading to a raised platform at the heart of the cavern. Dominating this space was a grand crystal, suspended in mid-air, casting a warm, ethereal glow that bathed the chamber in a serene light. Its radiance seemed almost alive, pulsing softly as if in time with an unseen heartbeat. Mesmerized, the boy took tentative steps forward, his movements slow and deliberate on the uneven ground.

"Michealangelo, come hither, my child," intoned the crystal, its voice resonant and otherworldly, filling the cavern with an almost tangible presence. The boy recoiled in shock. "How do you know my birth name?" he demanded, his voice echoing off the cave walls. He had always introduced himself as Micheal, finding it a cooler and more modern version of the name he had rarely used since his mother had last whispered it on her deathbed. The memory of her voice was distant, like a faded photograph, but the crystal's use of his true name stirred something deep within him.

Compelled by a mixture of curiosity and a sense of duty, Micheal approached the crystal. As he neared, the air around it shimmered, and the outline of a figure began to take shape. Before him materialized a woman of striking beauty, her long, flowing hair a cascade of shimmering blue that seemed to ripple and change with each movement. She wore a dress of pure white, accented with red and purple hues, its fabric delicate and otherworldly, as if spun from moonlight and stardust. The sight of her struck a chord deep within Micheal, and without understanding why, he fell to his knees, bowing his head in reverence.

"Her appearance is so familiar," he mused, confusion and recognition mingling in his mind. "Why did I kneel?"

"Michealangelo, my child," the woman spoke, her voice both gentle and commanding, "I am Althena, Goddess of Creation and Light. My time in this form is limited, so heed my words carefully. I have called you here to declare you as my shard-bearer. Your world has been under the shadow of Chaos, the deity of malevolence and destruction. I have brought you to this place to protect you from his reach and to prepare you for a crucial task. You will be transported to the world of Elaria, to a time when Chaos was dormant."

Micheal's breath caught in his throat. "Althena?" he whispered, his mind reeling. The name, the figure, the crystal—all matched the Old God from the game he had been playing mere minutes ago. "How is this possible?" he wondered, his thoughts a whirlwind of disbelief and astonishment. The fantastical world he had known as mere fiction was unraveling into reality before his eyes.

As Althena's words filled the cave, a low rumble began to build, shaking the ground beneath Micheal's feet. The once gentle streams of water around the cave edges darkened and thickened, transforming into molten lava that hissed and crackled ominously. An overwhelming, nauseating presence seeped into the cavern from the far end, a palpable sense of malevolence that sent chills down Micheal's spine.

"We must hurry," Althena urged, her voice tinged with urgency. "Chaos has discovered our location."

A primal roar erupted from the depths of the cave, shaking the very foundation of the chamber. Micheal's heart pounded as he watched the Goddess hastily entrust him with a small, iridescent shard. The moment it touched his skin, it merged seamlessly into his wrist, leaving a faint, luminous mark that throbbed with a gentle warmth.

Without warning, a colossal sword, dark and malevolent, hurtled through the air from the cave's depths. It struck Althena with brutal force, impaling her through the heart. Golden ichor, the divine blood of the Goddess, spilled from her mouth, her eyes wide with pain and determination. Micheal cried out in horror, reaching out in a futile attempt to help.

With a final, desperate effort, Althena chanted arcane words, her voice a haunting melody that filled the cave. Runes blazed into existence around Micheal, forming intricate circles that pulsed with a fierce energy. As the magical symbols completed their pattern, the ground beneath him vanished, and he was engulfed in a swirl of light. The last thing he saw was Althena's radiant figure, her form dissolving into the ether as the cave crumbled around her.

In a blinding flash, Micheal was whisked away, his surroundings dissolving into a maelstrom of light and shadow. The cave, the goddess, the impending doom—all of it vanished, leaving him suspended in a dizzying, kaleidoscopic whirlpool.