
Whispers of the Bunian: A Silat Tale

In the heart of the Johorean jungle, where the emerald canopy conceals ancient secrets, a village exists in the mystical embrace of nature. This is a place where the boundaries between reality and the supernatural blur, and the jungle's rhythms dance to age-old tunes. At its center is Ayyash, a young boy dedicated to Silat, the revered martial art passed down through generations. His days are filled with rigorous training, guided by the teachings of his late father, a Silat master. Ayyash's aspirations reach beyond the earthly realm. In the midst of the jungle's beauty, he seeks not only physical prowess but also the spiritual essence of Silat. Yet, the jungle harbors secrets older than any martial art, including a hidden Bunian village veiled from mortal eyes. Najwa, a Puteri Bunian, is curious about the world beyond the veil, drawn to a boy she glimpses in the shadows—a boy whose movements are like poetry, whose spirit is like the wind. Their connection defies their separate worlds, leading Ayyash to stumble upon the Bunian village, a realm of ethereal beauty and mystery. Their encounter is miraculous, bringing together two souls connected by Silat's ancient dance and a curiosity that transcends realms. But fate weaves wonder and heartache in equal measure. As Ayyash and Najwa's love faces the ultimate test—the divide between two worlds—the secrets of a lost Silat manuscript hidden deep within the jungle hold the key to their destinies. This is a tale of tradition and mysticism, where the echoes of Silat's past resonate through the trees, where the Bunian village guards its secrets, and where the love between Ayyash and Najwa unfolds amidst the enigmatic Johorean jungle, a place where magic and martial art entwine, and where the past and future collide.

MohdShukri_MN · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

The Veiled Tale of Two Realms

Tengku Najwa's eyes, pools of warmth and affection, locked onto Ayyash's with an intensity that seemed to reach deep into his soul. She leaned in closer, her face drawing nearer to his. Her lips, the hue of freshly bloomed roses, curved into a soft, melancholic smile. "Ayyash," she began, her voice a velvety whisper, "I would follow you to the ends of the earth and beyond, if only I could."

She bit her lower lip gently, her fingers tracing a hesitant path along the contours of his face, as if trying to etch the memory of his features into her soul. Her eyes, a captivating shade of deep hazel, shimmered with unshed tears.

"Ayyash," her voice trembling like a fragile leaf in the wind, "But…but, I don't know how to navigate between realms or send you back." Her fingertips brushed his cheek, a tender caress filled with longing. "I'm bound to the Bunian realm," she continued, her voice barely above a breathy sigh, "and it's impossible for me to enter your realm."

Tengku Najwa's words landed like a heavy blow on Ayyash's heart. Her confession was a bitter truth he hadn't expected. His eyes widened in sheer disbelief, and his chest tightened as if an invisible weight had settled upon it. His breath caught in his throat, and for a moment, he was rendered speechless.

With trembling hands, he reached out and cupped her face, his fingers tracing the contours of her cheeks, seeking solace in her presence. "Najwa," he finally managed to whisper, his voice quivering, "I never knew that once I entered this realm, I might not be able to leave. I'm here to bridge two worlds, but it seems I've become a part of one without a way back to the other."

Tengku Najwa's eyes brimmed with tears, mirroring the pain etched across Ayyash's face. She gently placed her hand atop his, fingers entwining with his in a silent pledge of unwavering love and support. They remained locked in that poignant moment, the weight of their predicament bearing down on them like an unyielding force, threatening to shatter the fragile bond they held.

Tengku Najwa's eyes, glistening with the remnants of unshed tears, locked onto Ayyash's with unwavering determination. As she spoke, her voice quivered, but there was a subtle spark of hope in her words that seemed to dispel the darkness around them.

She reached out and gently cupped Ayyash's face with both hands, her thumb tenderly wiping away a solitary tear that had escaped his eye. "Ayyash," she began, her voice now filled with comforting assurance, "even though we find ourselves separated from your human realm, please know that we have each other, and our love transcends any boundaries. My father once shared a story, a tale that's still wrapped in mystery," Tengku Najwa confided, her voice carrying a soothing tone of understanding.

She leaned in closer to Ayyash, as if drawing him into her secret world. "Deep within me, I hold a belief that buried within the enigmatic heart of our realm, there lies a pathway—a hidden trail within the secrets of our world—that could guide us to bridge these realms. Together, we will embark on this journey, and we will uncover the answers we seek, no matter the challenges that lie ahead."

Ayyash's eyes, once clouded with uncertainty, now widened in fascination as Tengku Najwa spoke of Tengku Iskandar's tale. He leaned in closer to her, his forehead gently resting against hers, their breaths mingling in the space between them. His hands, still cupping her face, trembled with anticipation in a silent request for her to share the mysterious tale.

His voice, barely above a whisper, carried a sense of wonder. "Najwa," he inquired, "please, tell me about this tale your father spoke of. What secrets does it hold, and how can it lead us to bridge these realms?" His posture reflected his genuine thirst for knowledge, and he looked at her with a blend of hope and anticipation.

Tengku Najwa then began to weave a mysterious narrative she had inherited from her father, Tengku Iskandar. Her voice took on a hushed, almost conspiratorial tone, drawing Ayyash in with each carefully chosen word. "Ayyash," she started, her voice brimming with intrigue, "in my father's tales, there's mention of your late father, Ahmad."

"He possessed a unique and ethereal ability," Tengku Najwa continued, her words imbued with a sense of mystique, "to traverse effortlessly between the realms of humankind and the Bunian, a power that has left even us Bunian perplexed and awe-struck. It's as though he held the very key to the door that guards the boundaries between our worlds, a key hidden in the shadows of our deepest mysteries."

Ayyash's curiosity ignited, and his eyes widened like the eager flames of a lantern, hungry for the light of revelation. "How did my father come to possess such an extraordinary ability?" he wondered aloud, his voice tinged with intrigue, as if seeking to unravel the mysteries of the universe itself. "Did he ever entrust this enigmatic secret to another, or was it a riddle he carried alone?" The room seemed to hold its breath, waiting for the answers to these profound questions.

Tengku Najwa's head shook slowly, her eyes filled with contemplation, as if she were gazing into the depths of the past. "As far as I know," she began, her voice carrying the weight of unspoken mysteries, "your father, Ahmad, guarded his secret closely, a treasure hidden within him that he shared with no one. It remains an enigma that has perplexed our Bunian elders for ages, a puzzle that defied their wisdom and insight. Even my father, who counted Ahmad as his dearest friend, could not unlock the mystery." Her voice softened, touched by affection as she added, "But perhaps, just perhaps, there might be a hint or a trace of that elusive secret within my father's memories."

As the late afternoon sun cast long shadows across the ground silat practice, Ayyash's mind swirled with newfound intrigue. His brow furrowed in deep thought, and his fingers absentmindedly traced the intricate patterns etched into the practice ground. The soft rustling of leaves overhead seemed to echo the whispers of secrets hidden within the Bunian realm.

Ayyash pondered this revelation, captivated by the profound connection his father had shared with the Bunian realm and the enigmatic questions that now swirled like a tempest in his mind. The atmosphere around them, bathed in the warm hues of twilight, seemed to hold its breath, as if awaiting the unraveling of mysteries.

Then, as if illuminated by a sudden burst of sunlight through the dense canopy, a revelation struck him like a lightning bolt. His eyes widened with realization, and he couldn't contain his excitement. "Why not seek out your father, Tengku Iskandar, to learn more about this?" he proposed, his voice carrying a sense of urgency.

His expression shifted as he delved into another uncharted territory of his thoughts. "Moreover," he continued, "since I met with your father last, he mentioned a mysterious person—the very one he spoke of that I should meet. Najwa, do you have any inkling of who this person might be?" His eyes bore into hers, searching for any trace of recognition.

Tengku Najwa's brows knit together as she met Ayyash's gaze, her uncertainty mirrored in the soft, golden glow of the late afternoon light filtering through the trees. Tengku Najwa's shoulders relaxed, and she looked at Ayyash, her eyes reflecting the uncertainty that lingered in her heart. "I must confess," she said, her voice carrying a gentle cadence, "I too am in the dark regarding the identity of this mysterious individual. My father's words have puzzled me as well." The quiet murmur of the silat practice continued around them, the world seemingly unchanged by the secrets they sought to uncover.

She explained further, her eyes occasionally glancing toward the distant village, hidden among the trees. "As for seeking my father," she began, "he is currently outside the village, fulfilling his duties to maintain harmony between our realm. You see, occasional internal conflicts among Bunian villages arise, and he acts as a mediator, a guardian of peace."

Ayyash couldn't help but admire the dedication that shone in Tengku Najwa's words. The village, nestled in the heart of the Bunian realm, was like a hidden gem among the lush greenery. It was a place where nature and magic intertwined seamlessly.

Nodding in understanding, Ayyash glanced towards the outskirts of the village, where the trees seemed to part, revealing a glimpse of the mystical landscape beyond. "Your father's responsibilities are noble," he remarked, his tone laced with respect. "I can only imagine the challenges he faces in maintaining harmony among the Bunian villages."

Tengku Najwa's gaze returned to Ayyash, a warm smile gracing her lips. "Indeed, his role is a vital one," she agreed. "But let us not be discouraged. We have each other, and with patience and determination, we shall find the answers we seek, both about your father's abilities and the mysterious person he mentioned."

Tengku Najwa's gaze, filled with empathy, met Ayyash's, reflecting the pain etched across his face. She gently placed her hand atop his, fingers entwining with his in a silent pledge of unwavering love and support. They remained locked in that poignant moment, the weight of their predicament pressing upon them like an unyielding force, threatening to shatter the fragile bond they held.

As Tengku Najwa blinked, a newfound determination flickered in her eyes. She drew in a deep breath, her voice firming with resolve. "Ayyash," she began, "there may be another way. Instead of my father, let's seek an audience with my mother at the Istana Bunian. She is renowned for her wisdom and her deep understanding of the realm's mysteries. Perhaps, she can offer us guidance or a solution."

Ayyash gazed at Najwa with a glimmer of hope in his eyes. The mention of Putri Mayang Sari, a respected and wise figure, filled him with a renewed sense of optimism. "Najwa," he spoke with unwavering determination, "I believe it's time for us to pay our respects at the Istana Bunian and humbly seek an audience with your esteemed mother. Her guidance could be invaluable to our quest."

Without hesitation, they locked hands, their fingers entwined, and with hearts brimming with resolve, they embarked on their path to the mystical Istana Bunian, where their destiny awaited, propelled by hope and love.

As Tengku Najwa and Ayyash arrived at the magnificent Istana Bunian,its mystical aura enveloped them, the palace seemed to glisten with an otherworldly radiance, its architecture blending seamlessly with the lush surroundings. They were greeted by palace attendants dressed in elegant traditional attire.

Tengku Najwa, her heart pounding with anticipation, approached one of the attendants and inquired about her mother's whereabouts.

Tengku Najwa, resolute in her purpose, inquired politely, "Excuse me, may I know where I can find my mother, Putri Mayang Sari?"

The palace attendant, recognizing her, bowed respectfully and gracefully, replied, "Princess Najwa, her Majesty is currently in the Ratu Bunian's enchanted garden, located at the back of the palace."

With a grateful nod, Najwa and Ayyash made their way through the palace's splendid corridors, adorned with intricate carvings and vibrant tapestries. The enchanting beauty of the Istana Bunian served as a testament to the mystical world they were entering.

Upon reaching the entrance to the Ratu Bunian's garden, Tengku Najwa turned to Ayyash, her eyes filled with both love and concern. "Ayyash," she said softly, "I must go alone from here. The garden is a sacred place for our family, and only family members are allowed inside unless with the permission from my mother herself. Please wait for me at the front gate."

Ayyash nodded, his heart heavy but understanding the gravity of the situation. Ayyash, though slightly disappointed, understood the significance of this request. He replied, "Of course, Najwa. I will wait here for your return. Take all the time you need."

As Tengku Najwa ventured into the lush garden, Ayyash couldn't help but admire the intricate wood carvings on the gate in front of him, taking a moment to admire the intricate wood carvings adorning the gate. The patterns seemed to tell stories of ancient heroes and legends, their beauty enhanced by the vibrant blooms that adorned the gate.

Out of nowhere, as if materializing from the depths of the jungle's secrets, a shrouded silhouette lunged from the nearby foliage, launching an assault upon Ayyash with a swiftness that defied expectation and a deadly precision that left no room for error.

The assailant was swathed in attire reminiscent of a pendekar, a Malay term referring to a skilled martial artist, donning a traditional outfit that exuded an air of mystique. A tanjak adorned his head, its intricate patterns and vibrant colors weaving a story of heritage and honor. His clothing, a symphony of rich, earthy tones, clung to his frame with the grace of a seasoned fighter, and a mask concealed his visage, adding an element of enigma to his presence. With each fluid movement, he embodied both the elegance of a pendekar and the enigmatic aura of a concealed purpose.

Ayyash's body reacted instinctively to the imminent threat, his every move a testament to years of rigorous training. He felt the presence behind him, and before conscious thought could catch up, the assailant struck with breathtaking swiftness. Ayyash, caught off guard, was forced to rely on his honed skills to defend himself.

As the duel unfurled, it resembled a dance of life and death, with Ayyash's silat expertise on full display. His lithe form weaved through the assailant's attacks with a fluidity that was both awe-inspiring and mesmerizing.

The assailant's initial assault took the form of a lightning-fast jab aimed at Ayyash's abdomen. In response, Ayyash swayed backward, his lean frame moving with the precision of a seasoned warrior. He countered swiftly, launching a low kick that narrowly missed the assailant's shins.

Undeterred, the cloaked figure skillfully sidestepped the kick, spinning gracefully and delivering a powerful backfist towards Ayyash's head. Ayyash, his eyes fixed on his opponent, executed a graceful duck, causing the blow to whiz past, the rush of air whispering by his cheek.

Sensing an opportunity, Ayyash unleashed a series of rapid punches, each one aimed with pinpoint accuracy at the attacker's torso. The assailant displayed impressive defense, blocking and weaving with the agility of a shadow.

With determination in his eyes, Ayyash launched into a dazzling spinning kick, his foot poised perilously close to the assailant's face. The mysterious figure leaned back, narrowly avoiding the blow, and countered with a sweeping motion, targeting Ayyash's legs.

In a breathtaking display of agility, Ayyash leaped high into the air, his body twisting with a grace that seemed almost otherworldly. In mid-air, he performed a mesmerizing double spin, his keris glinting menacingly as he threatened to strike.

The assailant, shrouded in mystery and clad in Pendekar's attire, paused for a fleeting moment. "I've never encountered someone with such prowess in silat," the masked figure admitted, his voice muffled by the mask, "but I must complete my mission to kill him, no matter what."

Their duel continued, a breathtaking spectacle in the tranquil garden, as emotions intertwined with every strike and parry. Ayyash's resolve remained unshaken, and the garden bore witness to a clash of honor and danger that would leave both fighters forever changed, leaving the question hanging in the air, like an unsolved riddle—Who had sent this shadowy figure to confront Ayyash, and what dark secrets lay hidden behind their masked intent?