
Saturday Flower

It was a bright and sunny Saturday morning when Amy woke up, excited for the adventures the day would bring. She jumped out of bed, got dressed in her favorite floral dress, and headed out the door with a spring in her step.

Amy loved Saturdays because that's when the local farmer's market was open. She delighted in wandering the market, chatting with the vendors, sampling fresh fruits and veggies, and soaking up the lively atmosphere.

As Amy meandered down the market aisles, inhaling the scent of freshly baked bread, one booth in particular caught her eye - a gentleman selling beautiful bouquets of flowers. He was around Amy's age with kind eyes and a warm smile that made her heart flutter. Amy approached the booth, admiring the rainbow of roses, lilies, and wildflowers.

"These are so lovely," she remarked, leaning in to smell a bouquet of pink peonies. "Do you grow all these yourself?"

"I do indeed," the man replied. "I'm Marco, by the way. And you are...?"

"Amy." She smiled shyly. Marco's grin broadened.

"Well, Amy, tell me - which flowers are your favorite?"

From there, conversation flowed easily between the two of them. Marco made Amy laugh with funny stories from the flower shop and his disastrous early attempts at gardening. Amy found Marco so easy to talk to, she lingered at his booth for over an hour without even noticing the time passing.

Finally, Amy asked hopefully, "I'd love to see your gardens someday. Would you want to meet up after the market closes?"

"I'd like nothing more," Marco replied.

They exchanged numbers and Amy left the market feeling as if she were floating on air. She met up with Marco at his sprawling gardens, overflowing with blossoms in every hue. The afternoon melted away as they wandered the gardens together, and Amy knew she had found someone special in this kind, nature-loving soul.

Over the next few weeks, Amy and Marco fell deeply in love. They went on picnics among Marco's flowers, strolled hand-in-hand along the river walk, and curled up to watch old movies at Amy's apartment. Their days were filled with laughter, new adventures, and that giddy excitement that comes with a new relationship.

One night at dinner, Marco gazed into Amy's eyes, took her hands in his, and confessed, "Amy, you've brought me so much joy. Would you make me the happiest man alive by being my wife?"

Amy broke into happy tears, throwing her arms around Marco. "Yes! There's nothing I want more."

And so, on a sunny Saturday much like the day they first met, Amy and Marco tied the knot, surrounded by loved ones...and flowers, of course. As they sealed their marriage with a kiss, Amy was certain she was the luckiest woman around. With Marco by her side every step of the way, she just knew their life together would be beautiful.

very short

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