
whispers of disguise

a group of historical employees were given a task to explore an old mansion/castle there they encountered a paranormal event something they never believed in .... they managed to go there with just thoughts of doing the task and encountered such a thing will they come back complete

am_Succy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

chapter 8

.(you just missed chapter 7 go to chapter 7 to read or just continue anyway)



Xander woke up covered in sweat he sat up breathing heavily and touching his chest

"I'm alright it's another illusion thank goodness" it was a little early

He turned to his side

And was stunned mia who was by his side a distance away looks creepy


He dumbly stretched to touch her and was stunned

"Mia! Mia!!"

Her eyes were wide open and her face was pape with her cold skin she look no different from a ghost

"Sh*t mia!

Guys wake up something happened to mia!"

His yells were loud and they were all laying in the same space which awakened them gradually

"Xander are you crazy?!"

Harper cursed he wasn't a morning person and he looked annoyed at being disturbed

He simply checked the time in his phone

"It's too early for your bullshit Xander why can't someone sleep well for once ''

he grumbled

The others also had displeased expressions on their faces

"It's.. it's Mia! Some... Something hap.. happened to mia"

His hands were trembling and he looked flustered and frightened

Leo came close and was surprised Amelia, Jane and Harper joined his as they checked on her condition stupified

"How did this happen?"

Harper asked confused

"What happened to her!" Jane fired

"Damn! I don't know ok!?  I just woke up to her like this ''

Xander answered

" Mia! Mia" Jane called out

" Her body is so cold "

Xander muttered

" Try to do something! any solution "

"This is unbelievable" t

Their voices were mixed full of concern, disbelief, worry and fear expect one

"She's dead"

It was Amelia her voice was calm and her face shows no reaction towards the deceased

"Can't you all just accept reality Mr Leo you are a police man I'm sure with your skills you can see what happened"

They all turned to look at her

" What do you mean "

Harper fired

"It means she's dead case settled"

Amelia answered

"I'm confused"

It was xander's voice who interrupted

And they all have him questioning looks

"How... How come? Wasn't she here with us all through the night? So just how come ? ''

His words made them snap out of it

"How are we going to go about with her body should we bury it---"

"No ! Are you dumb"

Amelia cut in Jane glared at her

"Retrieve her body we would have to give an explanation to the higher ups when we return"

Leo ordered

Xander simply closed the deceased eyes  and they all had a moment of silence for the dead before covering her with a white sheet from the mansion

They weren't in the mood to sleep anymore just sat and the air was gloomy

   Amelia saw them like this and walked out Leo followed after her

"You seem troubled Mr Leo anything you want to say?"

She asked not even looking back

Leo was dumbfounded but still chuckled

" You surprise me alot"

he murmured

"I'm curious about why senior seems to be quite calm in this situation" .

He crossed his hands and lowered his voice

" Like you know what is going on ? "

Amelia looked around

" Follow me"

Leo was doubtful but still followed wondering what she has in store

They walked close to the dim hallways

The air was colder than usual

" Do you want to see my skills and why I am calm "

" Hm"

She casually ruffled his short black hair

" Senior what are you doing "

Leo asked caught by surprise at her actions but didn't make to move to stop her

"Relax" her voice was calm

And for some reason he felt a soothing sensation flow from her hand into his body

"Ha" he spat out a sigh

Feeling a little refreshed and no tension

He trembled slightly feeling a little cool at the same time wondered what skill this is

As if on cue Amelia whispered in his ears

"This is a born talent and I am a medium from a long family of ghost hunters, shamans and medium so I can see ghosts when I wish to see one

That's if there is one"

"So that---"

" Look forward Mr Leo you might start believing in superstitions"

Like following an order he mechanically looked forward

2 minutes later "..."

"Huh I don't see anything"

He muttered

Amelia who was waiting patiently "..."

"Look more carefully relax your mind"

His eyes wandered the hallways feeling a little tired

is this a joke

He wondered

But soon for some reason things In front of him began to take complete shape

The portraits had eyes moving and would grin from time to time

He even saw a shadow scurry past them leisurely

And they were skeletons of dead people on the floor

His eyes widened when he saw a fat rat being pulled into the shadows

Those flickering lamps has black mass around them

"All the physical eyes sees are illusions woven to deceive people with spirit energy you can break through them"

This Amelia's voice sounded

He was stiff and goose bumps appeared on his arms plus the cold winds he felt uncomfortable

He turned to Amelia who took her hands off his hair

"This is real th---"

Without warning the cool energy disappeared as he opened his mouth to speak

And a force hit him internally in his head

"Hugh" he spat out blood and fell on the floor weakly

"What just happened?"

He managed to asked amidst the pain

"Well you saw evil aura and this is the repacurtion which means you are not a person of spirit energy that's actually ghost hunters thing so don't worry"

She explained unbothered

"Damn" he cursed

" You could have given me a heads up or be a little concerned"

He grumbled

"You would have had internal damage If I had not stopped earlier and you complian about this small amount of blood"

Amelia said

"Well be a little concerned about if I am hurt or not or y---"

"Oh my Gosh!!  Mr Leo are you okay ?! If I had known I wouldn't have bothered to show you this I'm so sorry!! Are you okay are you hurt !!!?


Leo who didn't expect her to react like this "..."

He looked at her speechless

" Are you satisfied?" 

" Your concern look so fake you are quite an actor by how fast you change your face"

Leo stood up pat his dust stained clothes

" Well thank you I know"

He shook his head amused at her

" Leo !Leo!! Help "

They were both stunned and ran out to check what's going on

On the other side Jane and Xander were trying to rescue Xander who had his legs up in the air

His body was upside down and he was struggling to release his left leg which was locked by a mass of black air or rather shadow

He was being toyed with by a shadow

It held him upside down and moved him around the ceiling

harper's head got really dizzy and unclear from being thrown around

Soon Leo and Amelia rushed in to this scene

"Hey stupid get something to help him down" Amelia order and rushed to her bag

Leo tried to pull Harper from the shadow but Harper screamed in pain

"My hands is going to tear is you keep doing that" he cursed "shit "

Amelia had a knife in her hands it was a beautiful knife with carved jade as the handle

"Do you want me to do it"

Leo saw the knife and immediately understood what she was going to do

"I don't think anyone here can catch him without him loosing his head"

Amelia gestured

Which prompted Jane to laugh

"don't laugh " Xander scowled

With their help Amelia was able to climb a few chairs jump and cut of the shadows


The cut shadow let out a ugly screech and retreated

Leo planned on helping Amelia but she landed on one knee

"What a pose"

" So heroic"

Xander and Jane muttered like fan girls

Just that she  successfully landed

But not Harper luckily the table shielded his fall


"Really can't catch him?" Amelia asked

But they looked away with guilt

They had forgotten about him

Watching her wonderful rescue skill