
whispers of disguise

a group of historical employees were given a task to explore an old mansion/castle there they encountered a paranormal event something they never believed in .... they managed to go there with just thoughts of doing the task and encountered such a thing will they come back complete

am_Succy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

chapter 1

A team of explorers and historical employees tasked with documenting and researching the past of an abandoned castle in a rural community

only to be met with an unexpected paranormal event and search the solution to their only escape


the lady repeated

The cold light from the knife reflected her pale and sinister face

"you have 5 minutes to decide your fate"

will they survive? who is this ghost called enchantress ? how will they escape?

"are you stupid set this freaking castle on fire 🔥". she grinned evilly

The knife stabbed into his shoulder

This is a short story called the whispers of disguise


This work is a work Of fiction

created solely for reading purpose

It might not be fun or to your taste but understand the author is a rookie and writes this out of boredom

It won't be updated regularly and I apologize for that

From the author



The past

"Mother why are they here let's hide" a low voice said obviously frightened

She tried to go hide but was held by someone stopping her

  " sorry matil dear but you have to go"

it was her father with a grin the strength in his hands didn't reduce stopping her struggle

" father ?"

She called out cautiously and confused

The door slamed open three officers entered the house

The officers look round the little place and spotted her trembling self held by her father

But still asked

" where's the girl?"

The leader asked

" this is the girl you can take her "

Came her father's reply as he let go of her shoulder

an officer came close after nodding

"Alright let's go"

"What ?"

"I said come on let's go!"

they grabbed the young Matilda

who quickly realized what has happened

" no let me go ! Mother! father !! Don't let them take me away please"

she cried out 

" Where's my money "

her father voiced completely unfazed by her voice

" tch here"

the officer tossed a bag of money to her father and they simply ignored her

  "please let me go! mother!!"

She cried out

" Stop struggling"

The officer yelled

"Can't even hold a kid"

their leader asked

" See she's so slippery "

the other answered 

And lifted his hands angrily

"I don't want to go mot--"

a loud hit interrupted her words as she fell to the ground She was hit by the officer

"she's so noisy"

"Tell me something I don't know"

The leader murmured

"take her away!"

The last scene she saw were here parents fighting for the money bag ignoring their daughter then she became unconscious

"Is she going to be okay?''

Seeing them take her daughter away her mother asked

" We don't have a choice it's for her own good"

" Hm"

In their local community now dominated by a tyrant who is also a feudal lord

Feared by them and respected as he was wealthy and his status was high just  compared to a governor

He was a corrupt and greedy official

who forces the locals into labour and paying of taxes that are more than they can afford

The locals could only bear his evil silently and dare not complain as they would be killed

and  they  couldn't even leave the community either cause the road is blocked by officers

Soon the locals began to sell their children mainly daughters to the tyrant mansion

where they turned out to be servants,wives ,gifts to his loyal subordinates or trained into weapons or worse playthings

He was also good at gifting out ladies he was tired of to people many children are scared of going there to such a place and

would hide when they saw an officer from the elder mansion

But what can a 10 years old little girl do other than cry and plead

At the end

she was taken away


"Chairman "

"sir we are here "

two voices greeted at a time to the man who wore glasses and looking at something in his phone

he is their chairman called Sam 

He nodded to the two of them

"You two came quite early"

He said and stood up motioned to them

"follow me "

he stated and together they went upstairs to another office where three people were sitted 

"Chairman" "sir" "sir"

the three greeted simultaneously

he waved casually and spoke pointing towards the two by his side

A tall red haired guy and short well behaved girl

"Well these are the newly promoted historical employees and would be part of your team on the task "

He introduced

" get to know yourselves while I get the file containing information"

He walked out the office

" hello my name is Jane this is my teammate Harper "

The short girl introduced with a polite smile

" I'm Harper"

the tall boy nodded

" This is the team leader Leo ,my name is Mia and this is Xander"

mia stated they calmly shook hands

" You both just got promoted "

Leo asked

" yeah "

Harper replied

" how can the company give you two tasks immediately"

mia asked aloud if she remembers correctly after a job they would give them some holiday to recover a vacation

" Well we are quite good at our jobs"

Harper replied smugly

" yeah quite good at your job like I don't do all the works "

Jane rolled her eyes "

"why do I have you "

Harper said with a grin

" You must be a mischievous one "

Xander stated pointing at Harper red dyed hair obviously a rebellious person and Harper just shrugged

" Alright I just got news of an addition so your 5 person team is going to be 6" chairman Sam entered in his hands was a file

" An addition why?"

Leo asked

" to join your task"

chairman Sam replied

" Who is it?"

Mia asked curiously

" It's me"

a voice answered

They all turned to the door and  a girl walked in dressed in a black knee length skirt and pink top  leaning on the door

"You are here?"

Chairman Sam said

She walked in and took out her good looking ID card showing it to their faces

"I'm Amelia your special senior explorer at your service"

she said

."hello Amelia I'm-"

" No need I seen your reports so I know your names "

Amelia cut in stopping  Jane

" Wow"

mia screeched

" you are a special senior explorer so cool" she said

" Yeah you also look amazing"

Jane added

" Oh.."

Amelia chuckled seeing as they flattered her

" don't flatter me I just got this task on my desk I enjoy being lazy"

she said

" It's true you are amazing"

mia nodded

" you are a senior I admire you"

Leo voiced looking at her

" Well focus on the task "

chairman Sam said interrupting their dialogue

" It's a quick task you see and could be completed in 2 days we have limited information about this castle or mansion or whatevee you call it "

Also we sent some scout to survey the area and the mansion and to tell you it is worth the research "

Leo flipped through the file

" it's a old mansion"

he said looking at it's black and white photo

"It was built during the late 80s and has gone through rebuilding and expansion "

Amelia added

"Indeed you are right it was built in the Late 80s before it got abandoned"

chairman Sam chirped in

"Also there are stories of supernatural events happening I that mansion for some reason"

Hearing chairman Sam Say this Harper rolled his eyes which got his attention

"why that face?"

Chairman Sam asked

"They are just rumors to scare people chairman didn't you also speculate

about paranormal findings in our previous task the old hospital but there was nothing

I mean nothing supernatural there"

Harper said

He is a thrill seeker  who was forced to become an historical employee by his family as a rebellious child from a wealthy family who loves to take risks and play ,he couldn't wait to stop the job but can't ...so he could only seek the enjoyment of it anyway

" Well this is different"

" If I can't even see one I would never believe it--- ouch why pinch me like that ?"

Harper yelled at

Jane  Who touched her nose quite embarrassed

" Just shut up "

she finally muttered

The chairman spoke for a few more minutes about his findings and finally ended it

"Tomorrow you should start your task the company car would drive you down"

he motioned for them to leave

Only Amelia sat as they left faced chairman Sam

"is it true that the scouts got missing and only one came back"

he asked

" Chairman it's weird right and the surviving scout refuses to say a thing ''

Amelia Nodded

" Please take care of them "

The chairman sighed tiredly

" Chairman you know my personality I will try to guide them and If they don't listen I won't care anymore I can't even protect my own self "

Amelia stated

She stood up

" I want my energy knife "

(Energy knife or spirit knife a name casually formed for her unique weapon)

she demanded

" Alright come with me"

They went down into a private room and in there were different weapons

"Do you need just that not anything else"

he asked

" Snacks I get hungry when bored, so snacks "

the chairman just laughed at her

" alright "