
Whispers of Desires

Volume 1: Whispers Of Desires: A Sense Of Duty In a world where duty and love collide, Nia, the eldest daughter of an aristocratic family, finds herself thrust into a political alliance with the ruthless Vampire King, Kiyoshi. As both kingdoms grapple with the mysterious disappearance of human and vampire children, Nia and Kiyoshi embark on a journey to uncover the truth. Amidst the chaos and danger, a forbidden romance blossoms between Nia and Kiyoshi. Bound by duty, they navigate the treacherous path of their arranged marriage, while their hearts yearn for something more. Together, they must unravel the dark secrets that haunt their kingdoms and find a way to bring peace and justice to their people. "You may kiss the bride," proclaimed the officiant. Nia froze, panicked. She had never been kissed before! Sensing her unease, King Kiyoshi gently tilted her chin upward. His eyes were cold and yet she found herself trusting him despite her misgivings. His lips brushed against hers, soft and tentative at first, then with growing confidence. His kiss was not demanding or forceful, but rather a tender exploration of her mouth. It sent a shiver through her body, making her heart race and her cheeks flush with heat. As they turned to face their kingdoms, cheers erupted, both within the hall and from the masses gathered outside. Though nervous for what was to come, Nia could not help but feel a sense of elation. She was the Queen of Ivamis, and her husband was the most powerful king in the land. The weight of their responsibilities was not lost on her, but she also knew that they would face these challenges together...hopefully. Volume 2: Whispers Of Desires: A Sense Of Truth In the kingdoms of Niameda, Althea, and Ivamis, trade ships are mysteriously vanishing without a trace. When Kazi, the fierce General of Niameda and sister to Queen Nia of Ivamis, risks her life to save the King of Althea from an assassination attempt, he offers her an unthinkable reward - marriage to his arrogant second son, Prince Azreal. Repulsed by the idea of being bound to a man in a society that demands female submission, Kazi hatches a daring plan. She disguises herself as a male guard to infiltrate Althea's royal family and investigate the missing trade ships from the inside. However, her deception takes an unexpected turn when she is assigned as Prince Azreal's personal guard. As the charming yet infuriating Prince slowly breaks down Kazi's defenses, an undeniable attraction begins to simmer between them. But their growing feelings are built on a foundation of lies. Prince Azreal believes his guard is a man, while Kazi hides her true identity and motive for being in Althea. Tensions mount further as romantic rivals pursue Kazi, unaware of her disguise. In a race against time to uncover the truth behind the vanishing ships before it shatters the fragile peace between kingdoms, Kazi realizes the enemy may be close. Can a relationship born from deception survive? And will she unmask the real culprit before all three kingdoms are consumed by tragedy?

BrezzyPro · Fantasy
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160 Chs

Chapter 34: Ball Preparations and Anticipations

The castle hummed with pre-ball preparations. Maids scurried about, dusting furniture and polishing silverware, while servants set up decorations and arranged flowers in vases. In the kitchens, cooks worked tirelessly to create sumptuous feasts, ensuring that the banquet would be remembered for years to come. The air vibrated with anticipation, most notably amongst the royal family.

Later that night at dinner, the dining room was filled with chatter and excitement. he topic of the ball, and specifically Prince Akiel's potential bride-finding endeavours, dominated the conversation.

"Are you excited, Akiel?" King Eldarion asked his youngest son, his face lit with pride. The mute prince nodded, his eyes shining with excitement.

Princess Athiel, seated beside Kazi and leaned in conspiratorially. "Isn't it just the most marvellous thing, K?" she whispered, "Just think, dear Akiel might finally find his princess!"

Kazi glanced around the table, taking in the genuine happiness etched on the faces of the royal family. The King's smile crinkled the corners of his eyes, Queen Evangeline's lips curved into a gentle smile, even Concubine Coriel held a glimmer of hope in her gaze.

"I am sure Prince Akiel will find someone suitable, Your Highness," Kazi managed, her voice carefully neutral. She attempted to subtly remove Athiel's hand from her arm, but the princess' grip tightened unexpectedly, digging into Kazi's sleeve.

"Perhaps..." Athiel began, "I might have found my own interest in a particular gentleman." She leaned in even closer, her lips barely moving as she whispered, "Do you suppose he has noticed me, K? I have been wearing my most flattering gown, and my hair is especially fetching tonight."

Internally, Kazi groaned. Princess Athiel's open affection towards her was hardly discreet, but there was no use in trying to dampen her enthusiasm now. She forced a reassuring smile. "I am certain any man with eyes would find you irresistible, Your Highness," she said, her voice carefully modulated to convey sincerity. "As for noticing you, I am sure that once the ball begins, you will have quite the line of suitors vying for your attention."

Athiel's smile dropped ever so slightly, and she leaned back, her eyes narrowing suspiciously. "You do not think...?" she trailed off; her voice barely audible above the din of the dining hall.

A low cough interrupted Athiel's train of thought, and she glanced over at the other side of the table. Azrael, who had been unusually quiet throughout the meal, finally spoke up. "Athiel," he said sharply, his voice laced with a hint of possessiveness, "leave K alone."

Athiel's face fell, a pout forming on her lips. She mumbled an apology to Kazi before reluctantly removing her hand. Kazi shot Azrael a silent look of gratitude, which he acknowledged with a curt nod. The rest of the dinner continued in excitement, with the conversation shifting to other topics. As the night wore on, the royals retired to their chambers, preparing for the ball that lay ahead.

The day of the ball arrived and Kazi, dressed in white clothing of Althean culture, stood before a mirror in her chamber, adjusting her collar

The day of the ball arrived and Kazi, dressed in white clothing of Althean culture, stood before a mirror in her chamber, adjusting her collar. She left her chambers and made her way to the ballroom, where she saw princes and princesses all dressed in their finest clothing.

As Kazi entered, she scanned the room, taking in the scene. she saw King Eldarion and Queen Evangeline talking with ambassadors from various kingdoms. Kazi recognized the ambassador from the Wizard Kingdom of Arcadia and the Werewolf Territory of Lupimor.

Prince Aradiel and his 3 and a half months pregnant wife, Lady Layil were in deep conversation with a group of counsellors and councillors, and there was a seriousness on their faces that contrasted sharply with the frivolity of their surroundings when Prince Akiel was the centre of attention.

An army of overzealous princesses came upon him, and their efforts to gain his favour seemed more delusional than genuine.

Kazi looked across the room at Princess Athiel, er initial excitement fading into boredom as she entertained the suitors. Their eyes met, and a wide smile appeared on her face. Kazi sighed inwardly. The last thing she needed was for the princess to cling around her for the rest of the night.

Ignoring the princess's enthusiastic wave, Kazi searched the room for Azrael. The arrogant prince was suspiciously missing. A flicker of annoyance rose up inside her.

With a silent sigh, Kazi squeezed through the crowd, finally reaching the refreshment table. It provided the perfect spot to watch the ball without drawing too much attention. She leaned over the table, getting a cup of fruit punch and began her investigation. Every interaction, every conversation has become a potential symbol, a puzzle waiting to be put into place.

She needed to be sharp, to keep watch in this sea of ​​distractions. The fate of Niameda, and perhaps the Althean kingdom itself, might just depend on it.

Kazi sipped her fruit punch, her eyes scanning the crowd. The ball was in full swing, a whirlwind of music, laughter, and swirling gowns. Suddenly, she felt a gentle pat on her back. Turning around, she was confronted by two women, pale blue eyes and flowing white robes that marked them as Althean nobles.

The younger woman, her hair pulled back in a bun, gave Kazi a dazzling smile. "Well, hello there, handsome," she purred. "You must be new here."

Before Kazi could reply, the taller woman with flowing white hair, nudged the shorter one with a playful elbow. "Do not be rude, Lysandra. This fine gentleman deserves a proper introduction." She then turned to Kazi, "Forgive my over-eager friend. I am Lady Kaelin, daughter of Duke Montague, and this lovely creature is Lysandra, daughter of Duke Kensington."

Kazi, ever the professional, offered a small smile. "Nice to meet you two," she replied, using her deep, masculine voice. "I am K, one of the royal guards assigned to Prince Azrael."

"A royal guard, eh?" Lady Kaelin gave a low whistle. "How...very exciting."

Kazi felt uncomfortable. These women were obviously out having a good time, and she had no intention of playing their game. "Excuse me, ladies," she began politely, attempting to sidestep them. "I would not want to intrude on your conversation."

Lysandra, on the other hand, put her hand on Kazi's arm, effectively stopping her escaping. "Nonsense, K," she voiced, her laugh rumbling like the wind. "Two beautiful women like us would not dream that a beautiful stranger like you could disappear so quickly."

Kazi sighed inwardly. In all her years as a warrior, she had never had to deal with such persistent advances. Back in Niameda, she had kept her appearance plain, her focus solely on her training and her mission. Here, disguised as a man, she was suddenly the centre of unwanted attention. It was a strange, and frankly, annoying, experience.

The two noblewomen continued their relentless flirting. Kazi squirmed under their attention, feeling increasingly trapped. Stealing a glance around the room, she searched for an escape route. Just as her hope began to fade, he saw Princess Athiel across the room. The princess, however, was not giving a friendly smile. Instead, her face was twisted in a jealous smile, her eyes fixed on Kazi and the two women.

Before Kazi could react, Athiel stormed over, "What is going on here?" she demanded.

Slightly speechless, the three women blinked in surprise. Kazi took the opportunity and opened her mouth to explain, but the doors of the ballroom swung open, silencing the room.

All eyes turned to the door as a figure confidently entered the ballroom. It was Azrael, a vision of elegance in his white clothing. His chiselled jawline, pale skin, and long, white hair made him the centre of attention. Even Kazi found herself momentarily captivated by his mesmerizing blue eyes.

She quickly caught herself. 'What on earth are you doing, Kazi?' she thought, snapping herself out of her daze.

Azrael's entrance did not go unnoticed by the women next to Kazi. Their playful demeanour shifted to admiration as their gazes drifted towards the prince. He, however, went straight to them with a charming smile playing on his lips.

"Ladies," he greeted in a soft, practiced voice, his eyes briefly flicking over Kazi. Then he winked casually at Kazi, the silent message of refuge.

Relief washed over Kazi. "Thank you, Your Majesty," she mouthed quietly, gratitude beaming on her face.