
Whispers of Desires

Volume 1: Whispers Of Desires: A Sense Of Duty In a world where duty and love collide, Nia, the eldest daughter of an aristocratic family, finds herself thrust into a political alliance with the ruthless Vampire King, Kiyoshi. As both kingdoms grapple with the mysterious disappearance of human and vampire children, Nia and Kiyoshi embark on a journey to uncover the truth. Amidst the chaos and danger, a forbidden romance blossoms between Nia and Kiyoshi. Bound by duty, they navigate the treacherous path of their arranged marriage, while their hearts yearn for something more. Together, they must unravel the dark secrets that haunt their kingdoms and find a way to bring peace and justice to their people. "You may kiss the bride," proclaimed the officiant. Nia froze, panicked. She had never been kissed before! Sensing her unease, King Kiyoshi gently tilted her chin upward. His eyes were cold and yet she found herself trusting him despite her misgivings. His lips brushed against hers, soft and tentative at first, then with growing confidence. His kiss was not demanding or forceful, but rather a tender exploration of her mouth. It sent a shiver through her body, making her heart race and her cheeks flush with heat. As they turned to face their kingdoms, cheers erupted, both within the hall and from the masses gathered outside. Though nervous for what was to come, Nia could not help but feel a sense of elation. She was the Queen of Ivamis, and her husband was the most powerful king in the land. The weight of their responsibilities was not lost on her, but she also knew that they would face these challenges together...hopefully. Volume 2: Whispers Of Desires: A Sense Of Truth In the kingdoms of Niameda, Althea, and Ivamis, trade ships are mysteriously vanishing without a trace. When Kazi, the fierce General of Niameda and sister to Queen Nia of Ivamis, risks her life to save the King of Althea from an assassination attempt, he offers her an unthinkable reward - marriage to his arrogant second son, Prince Azreal. Repulsed by the idea of being bound to a man in a society that demands female submission, Kazi hatches a daring plan. She disguises herself as a male guard to infiltrate Althea's royal family and investigate the missing trade ships from the inside. However, her deception takes an unexpected turn when she is assigned as Prince Azreal's personal guard. As the charming yet infuriating Prince slowly breaks down Kazi's defenses, an undeniable attraction begins to simmer between them. But their growing feelings are built on a foundation of lies. Prince Azreal believes his guard is a man, while Kazi hides her true identity and motive for being in Althea. Tensions mount further as romantic rivals pursue Kazi, unaware of her disguise. In a race against time to uncover the truth behind the vanishing ships before it shatters the fragile peace between kingdoms, Kazi realizes the enemy may be close. Can a relationship born from deception survive? And will she unmask the real culprit before all three kingdoms are consumed by tragedy?

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160 Chs

Chapter 22: Shadows Of Disrespect

The soft glow of candlelight flickered in Nia's chambers as she read a book on the bed. Then there was a knock on the door.

"Enter," she called, setting the book aside. The door opened, revealing a guard. The guard entered the room with an urgent expression. "Your Majesty, I must speak with King Kiyoshi immediately. There's something of great importance," he said with a slight bow.

"He is in that room," Nia pointed to the door opposite her bed. The guard bowed and nodded before exiting the room. Nia picked up the book she had been reading and returned to it, trying to ignore the growing sense of unease in her stomach.

In the dimly lit room, the guard entered and bowed before speaking to Kiyoshi. The guard explained the disrespectful encounter between Lady Elspeth and Queen Nia earlier. He then told the king that Lady Elspeth had insulted their queen and threatened her. Kiyoshi listened intently, his expression growing increasingly grave. When the guard finished speaking, he dismissed him and turned his attention back to his work.

Once alone, Kiyoshi stormed out of his chambers and marched swiftly down the hallway, his fists clenched at his sides. He knew that he had to confront Lady Elspeth.

He located Lady Elspeth in one of the palace chambers and entered without knocking. The room fell silent as the noblewoman looked up with surprise.

"Elspeth," Kiyoshi's voice was dangerously low, "I have heard troubling reports of your behavior towards the queen."

Lady Elspeth scoffed dismissively. "Oh, have you come to defend your little pet? I merely spoke the truth."

Kiyoshi's eyes flashed with fury. "You will address her with the respect she deserves. She is your queen, and you will show her proper deference."

Elspeth raised an eyebrow defiantly. "Why should I respect a human?"

Kiyoshi took a step closer, his demeanor intimidating. "You may not respect her, but you will respect her position. If I catch wind of any more disrespect, there will be consequences."

A cold smile played on Elspeth's lips. "Just because you sit on the throne does not mean you rule over me!"

"If you do not want me to rule over you, you can leave the kingdom," Kiyoshi growled, his voice low and dangerous. "But as long as you reside in Ivamis, I am your king, and you will treat the queen with the respect she deserves. If you cannot do that, then I will have no choice but to exile you."

"Think carefully, Elspeth. I may not care for Daemon or his connections, but I have no qualms about cutting short the life of someone who threatens the stability of my rule. Watch your behavior, or you may find yourself facing the consequences." Kiyoshi turned on his heel and left the chamber, leaving Elspeth seething with anger and frustration.

The atmosphere in the royal chambers was thick with tension as Nia sat at the vanity, her fingers absently tracing the patterns on the table, her mind preoccupied with the growing distance between her and King Kiyoshi.

Kiyoshi, seated on the bed across from her, looked up from his paperwork, his gaze lingering on her for a moment before returning to his work. Nia fought the urge to look away, feeling uncomfortable under his scrutiny. She tried to focus on her own tasks, but the tension in the air made it difficult to concentrate. Despite Nia's attempts to bridge the gap between them, he remained distant.

"What happened with Elspeth?" Kiyoshi's voice was gruff, as if the question had been weighing on him.

"Elspeth? Oh, it was nothing, just a few unpleasant words," Nia answered, trying to downplay the incident.

"Unpleasant words? Is that how you see it?" Kiyoshi shouted, slamming his hand against the bedpost. Nia jumped at the sound, her heart racing. The king took a deep breath before continuing in a more controlled tone. "She insulted you, disrespected you, and you act as if it's a minor inconvenience." He paused, letting his words sink in.

"Y-Your Majesty... I did not want to bother you with such trivial matters. I thought it wasn't a big deal." Nia lowered her gaze, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

"This is the problem with you, Nia. You always put others before yourself, even when they trample over you. You are a queen now, and you need to command respect. If you do not stand up for yourself, no one else will." Kiyoshi paused, watching her closely. "If you cannot see that, then maybe you are not fit for this role."

With that, Kiyoshi stood up and strode away from her, leaving Nia alone with her thoughts. She felt a mixture of anger and hurt at his harsh words, but deep down, she knew he was right.

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