
Chapter seventeen : A New Journey Begins

Jasmine stood outside the grand entrance of Ivywood College, her heart pounding with a mix of excitement and nervousness. It was the first day of her college journey, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for what lay ahead. As she walked through the bustling campus, she couldn't help but notice familiar faces from her high school days. Lily, her close friend, was among them, and they exchanged excited hugs before heading to their first class together.

The lecture hall was filled with eager students, all ready to embark on their academic endeavors. Jasmine found herself a seat next to Lily, and they eagerly awaited the professor's arrival. As the professor entered the room, Jasmine couldn't help but feel a surge of inspiration. She was determined to make the most of her college experience and excel in her studies.

The days turned into weeks, and Jasmine found herself immersed in a whirlwind of lectures, assignments, and late-night study sessions. She faced challenges head-on, determined to prove herself in her chosen field of psychology. Her passion for understanding the human mind and helping others fueled her drive to succeed.

Meanwhile, Sarah, Jasmine's mother, was experiencing her own success. She had received a promotion at her banking job, recognizing her dedication and hard work. Her colleagues applauded her achievements, and she was presented with an award for being the most diligent worker. Sarah's confidence soared, and she felt a renewed sense of purpose in her career.

However, amidst their achievements, the haunting presence of Jasmine's deceased father continued to torment them. The spirit would appear in their dreams, causing sleepless nights and leaving them with a lingering sense of unease. They tried to find solace in each other's company, seeking comfort and support during these difficult times.

As the semester progressed, Ethan, Jasmine's boyfriend, made a life-changing decision. He enrolled in Crestwood Military School, preparing himself for a future in the army. It was a bittersweet moment for the family, as they knew Ethan's dreams were taking him on a different path. They supported him wholeheartedly, knowing that he was following his passion and pursuing his own journey.

Back at Ivywood College, Jasmine found herself forming new friendships and joining various clubs and organizations. She became a part of the psychology club, where she met like-minded individuals who shared her passion for understanding the complexities of the human mind. Together, they organized events and workshops, spreading awareness about mental health and the importance of seeking help.

One evening, as Jasmine and Lily were studying in the college library, they stumbled upon an old book about paranormal experiences. Intrigued, they delved into its pages, discovering stories of spirits and hauntings. It sparked their curiosity, and they decided to investigate the supernatural occurrences that plagued them and Sarah. They sought the help of a renowned paranormal investigator, who agreed to assist them in uncover the truth behind the spirit's presence.

With each passing day, Jasmine's college journey became more than just academics. It became a quest for self-discovery, resilience, and overcoming the obstacles that life threw at her. She learned to balance her studies, friendships, and the ongoing battle with the spirit that haunted her and her mother.

As the semester came to a close, Jasmine and Lily reflected on their achievements and growth. They had not only excelled in their studies but had also discovered a newfound strength within themselves. They were ready to face the challenges that lay ahead, knowing that they had each other's support and the unwavering love of their family.