
Chapter Nine: Unveiling the Truth

As the days went by, Jasmine's curiosity about the founders of their cult(the enlightened ones) were . Determined to find out more, Jasmine decided to take matters into her own hands.

One day at school while Lily and other cult members were engrossed in their work, Jasmine sneaked into her cults secret library she recently found about. The room was filled with shelves of books, files, and artifacts. It was a treasure trove of information waiting to be discovered. Jasmine's eyes fell upon a hidden door at the corner of the cult base. Intrigued, she approached it cautiously.

With a deep breath, Jasmine pushed open the door, revealing a secret library that only Lily, knew about. The room was dimly lit, and the air was heavy with the scent of old books. Jasmine's heart raced with excitement as she realized the magnitude of what she had stumbled upon.

She spent hours poring over the ancient texts, deciphering cryptic symbols, and piecing together fragments of information. It was during this research that Jasmine stumbled upon a shocking revelation. The founder of the cult, the Enlightened Ones, was none other than her deceased father

The realization hit Jasmine like a tidal wave, leaving her breathless and disoriented. How could her father, whom she had never known, be the founder of a secretive cult? Questions swirled in her mind, and she knew she had to confront her mother, Sarah, to uncover the truth.

Jasmine returned home, her mind filled with a whirlwind of emotions. As she entered the house, she found her mother in the living room, engrossed in her own thoughts. Determined, Jasmine approached her, her voice trembling with a mix of anger and confusion.

"Mom," Jasmine began, her voice quivering, "I found something today. Something that shook me to my core. I discovered that my father, the founder of the Enlightened Ones, was... was he really my father?"

Sarah's eyes widened in surprise, her face paling. She had always hoped to protect Jasmine from the truth, but it seemed that her daughter had unraveled the secret on her own. Sarah took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts before responding.

"Yes, Jasmine," Sarah admitted, her voice filled with sadness. "Your father was indeed the founder of the cult. His name was Alexander, and he dedicated his life to the teachings of the Enlightened Ones. But there is so much more to the story, my dear."

Jasmine's heart pounded in her chest as she absorbed her mother's words. She had always felt a void, a missing piece in her life, and now she knew why. The truth was both overwhelming and terrifying, but she knew she had to confront it head-on.

"Tell me everything, Mom," Jasmine demanded, her voice filled with determination. "I deserve to know who my father truly was and why he chose this path. No more secrets, please."

Sarah nodded, tears welling up in her eyes. She knew it was time to reveal the truth, no matter how painful it might be. Together, mother and daughter sat down, ready to embark on a journey of discovery, seeking answers to the secrets that had haunted them for far too long.

And so, in that moment, the bond between Jasmine and Sarah grew stronger as they delved into the depths of their shared history. They would face the truth together, uncovering the mysteries of the past and forging a path towards a future where secrets would no longer hold them captive.