
Whispers In The Dark

revenge is the misguided attempt to transform shame and pain into pride. Being forsaken and neglected, ignored and forgotten, revenge seems a fairly competent obligation at this point. It doesn't matter who I have to hurt to get what I lost even if I have to get tortured,lied, manipulated at the end I always get what I want

Aftodelse · Video Games
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6 Chs

chapter 4

I was waking up to the sound of gentle chirping and the warmth of the sun on my face. I slowly opened my eyes, and saw that I was lying on a soft bed of leaves, with Ethan next to me. He was asleep, eyes closed, he looked like an angel with the light beaming down on the side of his face. But then reality kicked back in with the gentleness of an elephant tip toeing so not to gentle. The death of rowlet was unnecessary and could have been avoided if things went how i wanted but instead everything went wrong way too quick.

My stomach lurches at the thought of rowlet getting dragged away to the overgrown spider struggling to move its wings useless. Then the fangs so white , so big so dangerous Purple liquid that would kill most likely in seconds. Then the worst scream up to date in both lifes After that scream I could only see red. When the disaster ended we just ran with no destination in sight which brings a valid question.

I looked around and realized that we were in a small, cozy cabin. I sat up, trying to make sense of what had happened, and then it hit me. I remembered running through the forest with Ethan, trying to escape the massive Ariados. But then, everything went black.

Why the hell am I in some person's house? This could be a good or bad thing. I might have been kidnapped or saved. I turned to Ethan, who was sitting on a nearby chair, awake and asked, "What happened? How did we get here?"

Ethan smiled, "«Ήμασταν τυχεροί που βρήκαμε αυτή την καμπίνα στο δάσος. Ο ιδιοκτήτης μας άφησε μέσα και μας πρόσφερε φαγητό και καταφύγιο για τη νύχτα. Ήσουν αναίσθητος, οπότε έπρεπε να σε μεταφέρουμε μέσα»."

I felt a wave of confusion wash over me as I realized that maybe we were safe and maybe had not been kidnapped. I looked around the cabin and noticed that it was simple but cozy, with a fireplace, some furniture, and a few basic supplies.

Ethan and I spent the rest of the day resting and recuperating, taking turns keeping watch and tending to the fire. As the sun began to set, we heard a knock on the door, and the owner of the cabin walked in with some more supplies.

He introduced himself as Jake and said that he lived nearby.

As we settled into the cozy cabin on route 214, I couldn't help but feel relieved to have a safe and comfortable place to rest. We were exhausted from our journey and needed some time to recover before we continued on our way.

Jake had graciously offered to let us stay in his cabin for a few days, and we were grateful for his hospitality. The cabin was well-equipped with everything we needed, including a warm fireplace, comfortable beds, and plenty of food and supplies.

Ethan and I spent the first day resting and recuperating, taking in the peaceful surroundings and enjoying the fresh air. We went for a short walk in the nearby forest, picking wild berries and taking in the beautiful scenery.

As the days went on, we started to feel more comfortable and settled in the cabin. We spent our time reading, playing games, and enjoying each other's company. Jake stopped by a few times to check in on us and bring us fresh supplies.

Despite the dangers that lay ahead, I couldn't help but feel a sense of peace and contentment in this tranquil little cabin. For a few brief moments, we were able to forget about our troubles and simply enjoy the present moment.

On the third day of our stay, Jake stopped by to bring us some fresh supplies, and we struck up a conversation about the local area.

«Ξέρετε, εσείς μένετε στην καρδιά της Route 214» he said, looking at us intently. «Είναι ένας επικίνδυνος δρόμος, γεμάτος ανατροπές και πολλοί εκπαιδευτές τον αποφεύγουν εντελώς».

After Ethan translated My heart sank at the thought of having to traverse such a treacherous route, but Jake continued with a glimmer of excitement in his eyes.

«Ωστόσο, υπάρχει ένας θρύλος που περιβάλλει και την περιοχή», he said, a smile spreading across his face. «Λέγεται ότι υπάρχει μια κρυμμένη πηγή βαθιά στο δάσος, γνωστή ως Sendoff Spring. Λέγεται ότι η κατανάλωση από τα νερά της θα φέρει καλή τύχη και ευλογίες».

Ethan and I exchanged a curious glance, intrigued by the mysterious legend. Jake continued, «Φυσικά, κανείς δεν ξέρει ακριβώς πού βρίσκεται. Αλλά αν είστε πρόθυμοι να αναλάβετε το ρίσκο και να εξερευνήσετε την περιοχή, ίσως αξίζει τον κόπο».

As Jake left, Ethan and I exchanged a nervous glance. The idea of venturing into a dangerous route in search of a hidden spring was daunting, but the promise of good fortune and blessings was too tempting to resist. We decided to take a chance and set off towards Route 214, hoping to find the legendary Sendoff Spring and the treasures it held.

After realizing we were ill-equipped for the journey ahead, we decided to seek out Jake's advice on what supplies we would need to traverse Route 214 safely. We found him at his cabin, and he welcomed us in.

"Jake, we need your help," I said, as we explained our situation to him. "We need to know what supplies we should have to make it through Route 214 safely."

Jake looked at us with a thoughtful expression, after I translated to ethan and ethan translated considering our request. "Λοιπόν, σίγουρα θα χρειαστείτε μερικά Pokeballs για να πιάσετε και να εκπαιδεύσετε νέα Pokemon", he said.«Και τα Repels είναι απαραίτητα αν θέλετε να αποφύγετε οποιοδήποτε επικίνδυνο άγριο Pokemon».

We nodded in agreement after the translation, relieved to hear that we were on the right track. «Έχετε ιδέα πού θα μπορούσαμε να βρούμε αυτές τις προμήθειες;» Ethan asked.

Jake thought for a moment before replying. «Υπάρχει μια πόλη όχι μακριά από εδώ που έχει ένα PokeMart. Θα πρέπει να μπορείς να βρεις όλα όσα χρειάζεσαι εκεί».

"Thanks, Jake. Do you know how to get to the town?" I asked.

Jake nodded after the translations. This is getting irritating . «Σίγουρα, δεν είναι μακριά από εδώ. Απλά πρέπει να κατευθυνθείτε βόρεια κατά μήκος του μονοπατιού για λίγα μίλια και θα φτάσετε στην πόλη. Είναι ένα μικρό μέρος, αλλά θα πρέπει να έχουν όλα όσα χρειάζεστε.

"Μεγάλη, ευχαριστώ για τη βοήθειά σας," Ethan said, as we prepared to leave.

"One more thing," Jake said, as he walked over to a shelf and grabbed a map. "Take this with you. It should help you navigate your way around the region."

We thanked Jake once again for his help and set off towards the town with the map in hand. Following the trail, we eventually reached the town and the unexpected happened. As we approached the entrance to Route 214, we noticed a strange figure standing in our path.

As we drew closer, we realized it was an Alakazam, its piercing gaze fixed upon us.

"Who goes there?" the Alakazam asked, its voice carrying an air of authority.

"It's just us, two" I decided to speak for us and the alakazam looks at me and raises one of its spoons and a voice in a different language start speaking "Γεια σας μπορείτε εδώ μου" I shouted in my mind "I speak english not whatever your speaking" The voice goes quiet and it feels like someone is digging through my mind. I feel violated in a way I never felt before all my moments, secrets and wrong doings are bare for this pokemon to see.

"I see, maybe now we could talk. I have much to say to your kind Harbingers of the End."

"Finally, someone I could speak to," I said, feeling relieved that someone could understand me. But the Alakazam held up its hand to stop me.

"Before we proceed," the Alakazam said, "there is something you must understand. What I am about to show you will not be easy, and may have unforeseen consequences."

With that, the Alakazam closed its eyes and focused its psychic energy on us. Suddenly, I felt a strange sensation in my mind, like something was being transplanted into my brain. It was a new language, one that I only heard Ethan and Jake spoke before. At first, it was overwhelming and confusing, but gradually, I began to understand it.

As the Alakazam finished its work, it turned to Ethan and did the same thing to him. But the effects were different for him I think.

The Alakazam looked at us both gravely. "You must understand that this world is different from the world you knew before. There are forces at play here that are beyond your comprehension, and you must be careful. The only way to prevent a disaster is to find Send Off Springs."

It then handed us six pokeballs and several repels, as if it knew we would need them. "These will help you on your journey. But be warned, the path ahead will not be easy."

With that, the Alakazam raised its spoons and chanted a strange incantation. In a flash of light, we were suddenly transported to the entrance of the temple.

"We will meet again sooner than you think"

hmm mysterious alaxazam that dipped five seconds later i could only wonder what old me was thinking glad i have notes for this

still reuploading

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