
Chapter 1: I am.....

Chapter 1

I am.....

{???? Pov}

I yanked around a corner, my nails clipping into the path. I was breathing heavily. My heart was beating too fast. My yellow eyes burned bright as I felt myself wanting to shift back. But I knew if I did they would catch me. I looked behind me and saw a blank forest path. I sighed a relief and stop quickly. My body shifted into my human form as I rolled onto the ground. My dirty blonde hair fell behind my shoulders, covered in leaves. My yellow eyes worn down into a navy like blue as I closed them and my two large dark brown wolf ears disappeared from my head along with the matching tail. I sighed heavily and opened my eyes again as I looked up at the blue sky through the trees. "God.... damn... I can't keep running like this...." I said to myself, my Texan accent very clear. I sat up and looked around with no scent of the wolves in the area. I got up with a grunt as I dusted off my jeans. "Okay... Let's get walking." I said as I began walking down the path towards no where.

I am Jenna Jameson. A wolf neko who is being hunted by my old pack. All because my original parents thought I would be too weak. So they gave me up to the mort-humans. So now the pack is angry at me. So I left my human parents and family so they wouldn't get hurt because of my damn pack.

{???? Pov}

I sat on the withered away, brown couch waiting for my scolding and beating. I had failed once again... And my dad was not going to be pleased. He never was when I failed. Which was pretty often.... I looked down as I heard heavy footsteps come towards the door. The door swung open and hit the wall wood flying out of the wall from the great force of the door knob. A tall, dark haired, black eyed man stomped in and stood right in front of me. A belt in his right hand and his left hand clenched into a fist. I saw the belt as it barely touched the ground. That's when it left the ground and the sound of leather hitting skin sounded through the whole two story building. Tears fell from my eyes cleaning my cheeks of dirt. "You little shit! You could have killed him easily!!!" The man yelled, a British accent sounded in his voice. The sound of the leather went off again and I clenched my eyes shut. "Why in the bloody hell did you not kill him?!" He yelled and I smiled through the tears. He went to swing again and I grabbed the belt. "Because it's not right to kill those who don't deserve death...." I said, my mix of British and Australian accent shinning through. I yanked the belt away and stood up as I walked away. I slipped the belt on around my shoulder and picked up my ak 47 on the way out. I made my way to my hide away where my bag of ammo and extra food was hidden. Today was the day that I get away from this place.

I'm Ryan Morelocks. I'm a normal human in a messed up world. My father is a famous robber/hit man. He had expected me to be just like him. But I wasn't so I was now scared by leather belt slashes and horrible cuts from the throwing knives. Now I'm ready to leave and become part of the wild.

{?????? Pov}

I looked inside the room and saw the men run back and forth. They were panicking.... Over that... I looked at this deadly thing stumbling across the room. It looked like a person but a person who had been unburied... And injected with some type of green dye.. I watched as a guard ran in, my red fox ears falling back. Gosh... Mommy was in trouble and I'm sitting out here. I looked at the red haired female who was trying to undo the monster she and everyone else had created. I looked around and saw more of those things around and I yelped as I shifted into a small fire red fox cub. I bolted out under them and ran into one of them. I looked up seeing a female with fox ears. The once normal colored skin turned green as tears came to my eyes. "Mommy..." I whimpered before taking off. I ran out the front two doors, the glass shattering as those things broke free. I looked wide eyed behind me and took off. I had to get away...

I am Kyle. I don't remember my last name... Not after that day. I'm only 12 and my life was just ruined. And soon other peoples lives would be too.... This was the end of the world... And I don't want to be around to see it!

I am.... Running away...