
Whispering Tales of Ancient Pages.

Abdul_Rahim_0523 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Trash Transformed

Crash! Emerald light shatters, spitting Aeron, bookish prince of Skyfall, onto blood-red grass. Gone are the cozy towers and scented parchments, replaced by gnarled trees that claw at crimson moons and goblin-things with eyes like smoldering embers. Fear claws at his throat, but a steely glint in his eyes betrays it. His mind races, searching for an answer, a weapon.

His ragged servant's tunic hides something precious - a worn leather journal filled with cryptic scribbles. His mother's parting gift, whispered to be "forbidden knowledge" meant to protect him. He clutches it close, a silent shield against the whispering malice of the Blighted Lands.

Goblins swarm, attracted by the scent of fear and new blood. Aeron closes his eyes, summoning a memory: his clumsy attempts at swordsmanship under his father's stern gaze. Suddenly, his hand tingles, a warmth spreading through his palm. His eyes snap open, a gasp escaping his lips as a glowing blade materializes from nothingness.

The goblins screech, fear replacing hunger in their eyes. Aeron, heart pounding, dances through their clumsy attacks, the blade an extension of his will. He parries, he thrusts, he moves with a newfound grace he doesn't recognize. Each swing sends an echo of power through him, a taste of something hidden within.

By the time the crimson moon dips below the horizon, the Blighted Lands lie silent around him, littered with defeated foes. Aeron collapses, breath ragged, his hands trembling. He stares at the glowing blade, then at the cryptic journal, fear and wonder warring within him. What has he unlocked? What dangers has he awakened?

He seeks refuge in a crumbling tower, the journal his only companion. As the last hints of crimson fade, the words on its yellowed pages seem to shimmer. His mother's cryptic warning hangs heavy in the air: "Beware the Blightbound, for they steal magic as shadows steal light." He flips through the pages, searching for answers, for guidance.

Suddenly, a burst of emerald light washes over him as a diagram leaps from the page, pulsing with energy. It maps the flow of magic, its lines connecting nodes deep within his body. Instinctively, he reaches out, tracing the pathways with his mind. A jolt of power surges through him, leaving him breathless.

The journal trembles, its leather cover warping and changing. With a groan, it transforms into a sleek tome, pulsating with ancient power. On its cover, the words "Tome of Ascension" shimmer into existence. A gasp escapes Aeron's lips. This wasn't just knowledge; it was a weapon, a key to unlock the power hidden within him.

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