
Whispering devil inside me

This novel refers to a young man who is clueless as to what is in his personality and what that has to do with the box that belongs to his mother, to what extent he can cope with what is happening in his life. let's find out if mystery surrounds him and join us in a world you never thought existed.

Ebenizer_Lubugan · Sci-fi
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2 Chs


many people think that I am a weirdo kind of kid, so that any one can take away from me since then , unfortunately my mom died in sickness when I was at a younger age, I really miss my mom a lot , she's the one who make me feel I'm not alone in this world ,I've never thought that she can't survive that sickness, she always told to me that I need to be a good boy and if some instances that I need to make a decision don't let confused to myself I don't know what she talking about but even though she said it over ten years ago I've still remember it, one time I need to sort some of my thing because me together with my father need to make move into another place because my father work location is near at the house of my aunt Meyer so we decided to leave to where am I reside for almost decade years, of while preparing all of my stuff I saw a little yellowish box under my cabinet, but who place that box inside my cabinet , when I open it I saw some letter inside together with a golden like structure figurine with lace that is written in other foreign languages so I can't understand it, with a curious mind that time I stop my preparing my on all of my stuff I needed , when I lift the figurine I saw a box with a silver like structure having a crystalline design at the top of it, so Immediately get the box and I saw that the box is lock and I don't know how to open it , so I get hammer so that I can easily broke that box , surprisingly after a put a huge force using hammer it would even broke or have a tiny scratches , I was thinking on how to open it , so I read the letter my mom wrote over thirteen years ago , and upon reading it I was shock that this letter was address to me , how my mom wrote this letter and why , she said on the letter , son when you read this letter... while reading the letter my father interrupted me. he said Michael we need to go now , my sister is already at the gate , so I immediately get all of my stuff because I'm too excited to leave the house, while I'm in a hurry I saw my friend he said are you leaving now, I replied to him with a teary eyes ,my friends told me that do you have notice something lately , I answered him that there's nothing to worry about I'm fine but my friend told me that , you need to be careful I have something notice lately.. before he said something I force him to stop and I said that I'm really fine I don't know what you are talking about and then after the conversation to him , I immediately get into the car and then I left my friend anxious, while in the car I remember what was the last thing I read in my mother's letter to me so I immediately looked for the box where the letter was ,

but in my haste I forgot to put the box in my bagwhile I was looking for the box I didn't notice that my father was looking, so he asked me if I had forgotten anything but I told him no, I brought all my belongingsso I quickly closed my bag and just turned my attention to the scene I saw while going to the town of my aunt meyer As I was looking at the scene, I heard the voice of a woman calling my name saying, Michael, Michael, when she called I immediately turned to her and she asked me how old I was.so I answered him, I told him I will be fourteen years old next year, but while we were talking to my aunt about my birthday, my father immediately stopped our conversation and in that tone he seemed angry I won't be surprised because my father and I haven't gotten along before, for reasons I don't know, because I feel like every time he sees me it's as if his mood changes from happy to suddenly becoming sad or angry with me. but I'm used to him maybe it's also because we've only been together for a short time because he's always busy with his work because he leaves in the morning in the afternoon to come home and then he's always drunk when he comes home so I'm always looking for other hobbies that my own father can't provide so I prefer to read read a book in fact all genres are in my collection, because when I read a book I temporarily experience happiness and I temporarily forget reality. so if you enter my room you will see all my collection in my mind's eye and looking around I immediately stopped because I heard a voice saying that you will continue to villaberde, villaberde is the place where my aunt meyer lives, and where I will also live, When I opened the door, I immediately saw one of my father's oldest maids, Aunt Geraldine. I was surprised because this is where she ended up after she left our house when my mother died. How are you, Aunt Geraldine? I told her, so he immediately told me are you the child I took care of when you were young, my answer to her was yes.come and I'll show you your room aunt Geraldine said to me, go ahead I'll be next I said, as I was approaching the door I suddenly lost my balance because it was as if someone suddenly pushed me, but I said I think maybe I'm dizzy and just tired from the trip, so I immediately went to my room to rest for a while before dinner because we also traveled for a long time since earlier this morning just arrived this afternoon so maybe I got dizzy right away.When I was resting, I noticed that I was asleep, I just realized when I heard the knocking of my aunt meyer saying michael wake up and follow me, dinner is ready, so I immediately went down to eat because I felt like I was very hungry because maybe on the flight, I went down and saw my father eating with my aunt, while I was watching them I immediately heard a loud shout, "what are you doing there the food is ready, what else, what are you waiting for. said my father, my answer is okay When I was about to sit down to eat, my father immediately left the table, saying that I had lost my appetite.I was just asked why my father treated me differently since my Mother died, while I was eating a palm touched my back and gently tapped it and said "that's okay, he'll be okay, so then when I heard my aunt's voice, tears welled up in my eyes and I didn't notice that I wasn't holding the spoon correctly, so the food fell on the table ... so my aunt wiped it away. I was immediately satisfied with what she said. aunt, I hope my father treats me well .. when I finished eating I immediately went to my room to read my favorite book, because I don't have any close friends, I'll just focus my attention on reading, because that's where I feel comfortable when I was reading I didn't realize the time, when I looked at the clock it was late I passed my sleep time so I immediately put the book I was reading under my pillow, I don't know because after I read I used to put the book under my pillow.


in my dream

Where am I what place is this? I asked as I was walking in the golden paradise, around me I saw glowing trees of different colors as tall as the tree I read in my book , wait am I in the book, immediately if I squeezed my cheek and as I squeezed it felt painful, as I walked I saw a bright light floating in front of me. That's why I immediately followed it, while I was looking, when I noticed that the view I saw was different, it seemed like a beautiful paradise, it gradually became unpleasant in my eyes but I did not take my eyes off the light I saw. , while I was looking I noticed if my surroundings were different again, a while ago I was in an unpleasant environment now it suddenly got dark until I could see nothing and all I could hear was the repeated cries of a child who seemed Maybe it will run out of tears, but I was also shaken to follow the light I was still following, it seemed like we were in nothingness and I could see nothing or shadow, after a while the light stopped and I saw that it stopped at the multi-colored doors, then it floated, a moment later it entered the orange door, and I immediately followed it with an angry entry it immediately closed. and on closing it I immediately saw its four walls and on that wall I saw everything I had been to before, as I was following the light, as I was looking at the wall suddenly someone pulled my foot, which caused me to fall down and I went back to the dark place.in this place someone repeatedly calls my name and says michael, michael, he repeatedly mentions it in a cold tone and as I listen suddenly someone comes up to me with the bloody face of a woman who who says, michael do you know me, because I know you well and the woman's voice was suddenly replaced by a very low tone of voice saying, I know you michael, I know you and she suddenly laughed over and over again but that was her laugh brings fear, and it immediately cried out very loudly and suddenly he approached his frightening face to me.


because of the shock I woke up immediately from my sleep, in my fear I woke up as if my body was tired maybe I just can't forget his scary face, I hope I don't dream of him for a long time, in the thirteen years I've lived in the world I've only just experienced so, is it called a nightmare? I just really hope that doesn't happen again, while I was anxious from sleep, later on I heard the crowing of a chicken at the same time as the light of the surroundings, when I looked at the time it was going to be morning, so it wasn't that I went back to sleep, maybe because I was scared, so I immediately cleaned my bed and put everything I used to sleep in a corner, because I will use it again. After I went to my room, I immediately went downstairs to get ready for breakfast, because I prefer to be the one who prepares my breakfast, I don't know if I'm really used to it since my mother's death, I haven't experienced the care of my mother. father, so unlike other young men my age who rely on the help of their parents I can do it alone without anyone helping me, but I was shocked .... I saw my aunt preparing food in the kitchen, I have only just experienced this in my whole life, that there is someone who takes care of me because of the death of my mother, which has caused me to feel distant. me of my father. while cooking I immediately heard my aunt's voice, because she called me with a smile on her face, so I immediately approached my aunt, as I was approaching she immediately The food is cooked, when my aunt said, aunt, let me help you serve our food. I'm also a little hungry. When I said that word, my aunt immediately laughed out loud, you're really the same. Your father's behavior, how was he when he was young, can he get angry, I asked, I'm not surprised now because his behavior has broken down, he's not the same as before when he was your age. while we were eating, my aunt immediately flash backed some events so my aunt immediately narrated it.