
Whisper in the wind

Stories of old, telling about a hero. Stories of old, lost as time went on. Stories of old, now just a whisper in the wind...

TQXP · Fantasy
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A whisper

A tale about a man, brave enough to fight Gods and strong enough to win. An unshakable iron will and a body stronger than a thousand shields. The storie tells about his fight with the God who rulled this world, a God who seeked nothing but power.

A man and his sword, nothing but pure power, enough to shake the world, and a God able to do as he wished with this world. The two started fighting, one for freedom, and the other for their throne. The man held his own, but that only enraged the Deity, who swore to kill him.

Their fight lasted for nothing more than a day, but to everyone it seemed like an eternity. The sheer power and the beauty shown in the battle was on a level no human hoped to achieve. Some believed the human to be foolish for challenging an absolute being, and were afraid that they would be punished, but others saw trough the surface, and deep down they knew the man was no normal human.

As the fight came to an end, the warrior stood tall, his sword shining in his hand. The God was down at his feet, angered by his defeat, swearing to get revenge and cursing the one brave enough to stand up to him. He was waiting to be killed, but his fate was different. The man looked down at him, reached his hand out to the God, then left. From then on, what used to be a deity became a normal human. No one knew where that powerless God went, but they did not care, since they knew someone would help them when needed.

The warrior's origin or why he had suddenly appeared just to free those people was unknown, but everyone cheered, since from then on, they were free. A statue was built as a memorial for that day, and for many years people used to celebrate that day every year. But like any other incredible deed, time slowly fades it away. The humans forgot about their hero, and little by little it became a legend.

But unlike any legend, this one was special. A man strong enough to carve his story in the will of the world. His story is still told by the wind. The world had not forgotten, and even now, you can still hear the tale if you bother to listen. It is nothing more than a mere whisper, a whisper in the wind...