
Whirling Whirlpool

Given a second chance at life in your favorite world, what would you do? Follow the story of a man whose sole reason for living is to find a way to live forever. This story will not be for the faint of heart I will be writing about an evil MC who will do whatever it takes to survive

Stevemeh · Anime & Comics
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Dream On


Staring at the screen in front of me with a positive one hundred and one thousand karma points on it I feel a smile come to my face before my gaze drifts to the woman sitting across from me wearing an emotionless face. Sighing I lean back in my chair feeling an overwhelming sense of safety at my newfound worth.

I am dead. I've already established that with Heather and it turns out that even though I died serving four life sentences in prison I still ended life having done more good than bad which is the cause of my confusion. I've taken an innumerable amount of lives so how is it possible that I'm not in the negative? As curious as I am about my karma wealth Heather already told me that she isn't able to tell where my negative or positive karma comes from.

What I do know is that once you die the good and bad you've done throughout your life is weighed and if you have a positive amount you can spend your points to have a better afterlife and if it was negative you go to an afterlife concentration camp to work until you get positive karma.

"Alright so that's the spending money, let's see what I can do with it." I say clasping my hands together while watching Heather turn the monitor back to face her while tapping the keys on her keyboard.

"Well with one hundred thousand points you can do and buy almost anything in the shop but to start I am required to tell you that you can choose to save your points so the next time you die you can have them to spend as well as whatever points you gained in that life." Snorting I shake my head while staring into the pretty eyes of Heather.

"Heather I'd say I worked hard for the karma points but I didn't even know I was doing good deeds so if I gained one hundred thousand points by thinking I was a bad person imagine how many points I'll make if I'm trying to be a good person. The point that I'm trying to make is that it doesn't matter if I spend all my points because I haven't changed in the slightest after my death so in my next life I'll simply gain all the points back because I'll still be doing the same thing." I made it once and I'll make it again. Besides, depending on what I can buy I may not die again.

"Understandable Mr.Sykk then that leads us to our next step which is deciding your next place of residence. After death, your former body is no longer suitable to hold life which means you will need to get reincarnated into a new body. There is a chance you may know the world you are reincarnated in but you and I will have no say in where you will be living." Pinching the bridge of my nose I shut my eyes and let out a heavy sigh. That could be a problem, I've watched quite a lot of shows so not knowing how dangerous the world I'll be going to is quite scary.

"That's fine Heather but is there any way I can see a list of the things I can buy with my points or do I have to choose first?" I question as Heather shakes her head while turning the screen showing a plain cardboard box which I hesitantly click.

"With that done I now give you access to the shop." Tapping a key on her keyboard a new screen pops up on the monitor with a similar layout to what amazon looks like advertising a wide variety of products all on the front page. Passing me the mouse I begin to scroll through the wide variety of items spanning from buying a simple cat to buying a galactic alien that'll protect you from all harm. I had an idea of what I had wanted to buy from this shop before I had access to it but now that I can see firsthand how large the shop is I'm throwing all previous ideas out the window. I want to be as prepared as possible for the new world and not going the extra mile to examine almost every item in the shop will not be my downfall.

Sighing softly to myself I click on the category Powers/Weapons/Armies knowing that the purchase I desire will more than likely be somewhere in that category. Staring at the long variety of weapons, superpowers, and armies I begin the long process of scrolling through and adding the desired products to my cart.


Feeling a smile come to my face I read over the descriptions of the final products I decided on purchasing after five hours of looking through almost every category. It may have taken me a long time but I wanted to be sure that I explored all of my options and now once I read over these descriptions one final time I'll be ready to get reincarnated.

Accelerated healing Tier III-You will heal much faster than the average human. Cost 5,000

I wasn't given much information as to how fast I would heal but it doesn't matter to me as long as I heal somewhat faster than I normally did I'll be happy.

Portal Creation- The user can open a hole in the universe connecting two non-adjacent locations. Cost 20,000

The reason why I chose portal creation is that I don't want to be limited to just the universe I was born in. Not only that I will also be able to use the portals to escape from dangerous situations and if push comes to shove I can use them as a weapon.

Dungeon Key Tier III- The Master Dungeon Key gives the owner access to all dungeons which are used to train. Time is slowed while you are training and you can be given rewards as you complete the dungeons, but be warned if you die in the dungeon you won't come back. Cost 20,000

The Master Dungeon Key seemed like a no-brainer to me because I'll be able to have a place to train and I can farm rewards that could be extremely good.

Soul Weapon Tier III- A Soul Weapon is a weapon unique to you growing in power along with you giving you unique abilities when out. Cost 30,000.

A soul weapon seemed like a no-brainer to me. I'll get unique abilities and a weapon that will grow alongside me.

Soul Pet Tier VII- A Soul Pet is a pet that is beyond loyal growing in power as you grow in power. Cost 20,000

I know what you might be thinking that a Soul Pet is a waste of time and is a waste of twenty thousand karma points but soul weapons and pets travel with you into your next life so to me it's a no-brainer. Not only that I purchased a tier seven pet so I'm hoping that I get something good that'll be able to protect me.

Multilingualism- You can speak every language. Cost 100

Smiling to myself I purchase the items that cost me ninety-five thousand karma points before I direct my attention back to the patiently waiting Heather who has stayed silent through this whole process.

"It is finished," I say with a cocky grin, turning the monitor back to her.

"Good now in fifteen seconds you'll be reincarnated into a random time period and into a random family in the new world. Thank you for doing business with Karma United." Shutting my eyes I take a deep breath while crossing my fingers in hopes that I get born into a good family. I shouldn't know until one year after I'm born when my child-brain is fully developed but I'm looking forward to it. Feeling a tingling sensation sprout from my spine I put up no resistance in letting my soul transfer bodies.

It's summer break so I'm back. Hope you guys like the new story I'll have a new chapter out by Sunday.

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