
While Others Cultivate, I LVL UP In My Sleep Using The Dungeon System

It all began with a poor orphan who would work every day for long hours to pay for his Aunt's medical bills. When his life begins to fall apart and he is homeless sleeping in an alleyway he hears a robotic voice. {Do you wish to integrate with the Dungeon System} "Yes" he answers, without much to lose. And from then his life had never been the same. He was taken into a dungeon each night to hunt and he began to realise just how little he really knew about the world that was much wider than he thought. Discord Server: https://discord.gg/TtnGfdKanr Note: I do not own cover art

Adam_A · Fantasy
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560 Chs

Hooded Criminal Part 1

Adam without realising it, allowed his Bloodlust to take over and beat the gang, after the small amount of hate he felt towards the despicable nature of that gang.

He was noticing that although his emotions clouded his judgement and should be suppressed in certain situations with his Hunter's mind, they also granted and fuelled his power and drive.

But Adam couldn't help but feel slightly wary and confused by the lack of police in the areas that Elizabeth was taking him to, and couldn't help but praise Elizabeth's cautiousness and planning that surpassed even his own.

She took into account that the amount of police intervention was low in the poorer areas and targetted small and non-influential gangs that she would be able to draw to her side easily.

The police focused more on the richer and more central areas of the city, leaving the outer and poorer areas neglected, as everything was controlled by those of higher status, wealth and power.