
While Growing by Sania Zehra

Wordictedbyblood · Teen
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13 Chs


All in my heart,

Is known to a soul;

Who is quite smart,

Doesn't need a poll.

She gets me a heartening hope,

Which deeply satisfies;

She's got an innate stethoscope,

And the ability to advise.

She has the ability to prove,

Of all that's been said;

She has got me out of grooves,

And heeled my wounds that bled.

She magnifies my happiness,

When I am feeling glad;

She helps to heal my injured heart,

Whenever I am sad.

She's such a pleasure in my life,

I hope that she can see;

I might sometimes strife,

But I know she's there and will be.

I thank you today,

For all that you've given me;

I always do pray,

To be with you, I know you agree!
