
Chapter 1. Debut

It is now first week of January and I am still reminiscing all the bad and good experiences that I have been through last year. Every year has a bittersweet moment for me. I am doing good in my studies. I was being focused and being serious as a scientific researcher. I succeeded and failed at my beloved sport which is chess. I laughed and I cried. I live my life and my name is Alex. I have a unisex name in which my mother named me that but I am a simple girl with strict parents and I love them.

I live at a place where strong signal doesn't exist so for me to communicate through internet I have to place the WiFi in a higher level from the ground. I am now inside the house. Laying down in bed and thinking about anything that I could think because thinking is one of my favorite hobbies.

The night is getting deep and I should sleep now. I thought about studying for our third term examination as a grade 12 student. I checked my phone and I saw a new message. Oh, I was added at a new group chat in messenger.

EMILY'S BIRTHDAY is the name of the group chat. I open the chat and I saw my classmates messages about Emily's birthday and we have to go this first Sunday of January for her debut. Emily was my long time classmate and my childhood friend since I transferred at central elementary school here at San Isidro, Davao and became my childhood friend when I was on the third grade. I'll tell my cousin John about this tomorrow so I could ride with his motorcycle in going to San Isidro.

I woke up in the morning and later on realized that today is Sunday and I have to go to Emily's debut. It is now Sunday so it is our wash day. I have only one sister – Justine, and she also have a unisex name. Both of us is helping mom in washing our clothes and dad is also busy for household chores.

"Mom, me and John were invited to Emily's debut later" should I add the 'can I go' question for it? My parents are strict and I'm already used to it. I know they love me and I'm very blessed to have a parents like that.

"Okay, when will you go?" she asked while still washing the clothes.

"Later mom, maybe 4:30 or 5:00".

"Be careful for the both of you". She allowed me to go because I'm going with my cousin John. She trust John not because he is her nephew but because John is also my childhood friend and he cares for me like my brother.

"Thanks mom". I have to be quick in finishing these clothes now.

It is now 4:30. Me and John is preparing for ourselves to go. I ride with him on his motorcycle. San Isidro is ten kilometers from our place which is named Seminar. Our school is at San Isidro also.

We arrived from a minutes of travel. I saw my classmates which I last met before my immersion in Senior High November first week last year. There are quite many visitors and attendees here now. I sat at a chair and just seeing my classmates and other people talking. I am not a talkative person. I'd rather be alone with my phone or maybe I'm just not used to talk a lot to anybody. I am an introvert myself and I am happy for who I am.

"Hey." Someone patted me at my back.

"Oh, hi Baby." It was Ethan. 'Baby' because his name in Facebook is Baby Ethan. And 'Baby' is their term of endearment of his girlfriend. Ethan is one of close friend and my classmate since Senior High. I remembered last year December when he chatted at me whenever his sad everytime they have an argue with his girlfriend.

"How are you Ethan"?

"I'm fine, it's been a long time since we talked." He told me that while eating a dessert.

I'm not used to be close with my boy classmates except some, but I'm starting to feel more comfortable with him compared before. We were having a constant irritating conversation last year. He always teased me with anything and he became my great enemy. He feels happy whenever I was pissed. Time came that my patience was gone, I threw him the bottle of big tumbler. And that stopped him to tease me. From that, I stopped talking to him and got a peaceful life. No more bully around.

The party is still on. My classmates and friends where having fun talking to each other. I still sit beside Ethan. It feels like I found a brother of him. Maybe because he understands me as a silent and weird person. And I feel comfortable for people who know and understand me. And maybe because I miss the one who frequently bully me before.

The party is about to end. Few people are here. And suddenly I heard someone sing at the videoke. Maybe I thought lots of things before I knew that the one singing is just beside me. I know that Ethan can sing. But this time, I realized that he has more beautiful voice than I ever thought.


"Hey John." I stared at him, waiting for any words that he would say.

"The night is getting deeper, I guess we have to go home." He's starting to approach ky friends, classmates and Emily.

"We have to go Emily, thanks for all. We really had a great time." John told Emily while smiling at her.

Ethan is done singing and we're telling our goodbyes.

"You really have a beautiful singing voice Ethan." I gave him a compliment. He smiled at me and pat my arms.

"I want to hear you singing too. Don't be shy soon Alex." I smiled because of shyness and he still smiling.

Our classmates are approaching us. I was just smiling at them since I'm not that really talkative unlike my cousin John.

We tell our goodbyes and we went home.