
Where Were You

I never thought I would ever see him again. Jackson... We were best friends from five to twelve. Who was I kidding? He was my only friend. The only one I could rely on, the only one who was there for me... Until he suddenly was not, when I needed him the most. Now, after all this time, we've both made something of ourselves and now my job was asking me to be friendly with him again to try and secure the contract that was worth hundreds of millions of dollars. If I fail, I could lose my position and my job, something I've worked harder than anyone I've ever known to work for. I can do this. I can swallow the resentment and put on a smile until we get the contract. I will not lose everything I've worked for because of him. He has already caused me enough pain and suffering, he's not going to give me anymore. Not if I can help it. *R-18* WARNING PROFANITY, ADULT CONTENT BOTH SEXUAL** AND NON, ADULT SITUATIONS, PHYSICAL AND MENTAL ABUSE DOES OCCUR. PLEASE READ WITH CAUTION IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE TO THESE TOPICS AND SITUATIONS* **Lots of it ALL SCENARIOS AND CHARACTERS ARE FICTIONAL

Mara_Heller · Urban
Not enough ratings
90 Chs

63 Fight

Jacksons smile next to the open shower entrance has me frozen. His words have me blushing, as he stands there, arms crossed waiting for me to continue. 

"I love the way you whispered my name. Did you know I was here?" The shit eating grin on Jacksons face makes me giggle softly as I shake my head no.

His right brow raises as he bites his bottom lip, eyeing me from my toes to my head, like he was drinking me in like a tall glass of water. 

His next words come out low and demanding, "Continue, I want to see you come thinking of me." 

My mouth goes dry as another rush of desire floods through me. I begin to move my fingers again slowly, watching his eyes flicker between my hand and my face. Seeing his desire growing as I spread my lips apart, giving him a better view, makes my core tighten. I speed up just a little bit, a short, needy moan escaping my lips before I bite my bottom one. 

Jacksons eyes darken as I gasp, starting to become more comfortable as I build myself up. Jackson stays exactly where he is, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, his eyes watching as he chews on his lip, letting his tongue dart across it every now and then. My body grows hotter, tighter, under his watchful gaze. My breath comes in shorter, louder pants as our eyes lock and he doesn't look away.

His dark hooded eyes have me entranced. I know our hearts are beating in rapid sync along with our breathing. As my legs begin to tremble and my fingers, tired but determined, go faster, I can't even blink away from his stare. It's like he's right there in front of me instead of against the wall. Like I could reach out and touch him as I...


I cry out, letting out a stuttering moan as I cum hard from my hand. 

Jackson lets out a low painful groan as I shudder from my fingers, lifting them to my mouth to suck my own juices off of them. I giggle and smirk at him, a finger still in my mouth as I step back under the water and turn the shower off.

I step from the shower and grab the towel to start drying off. Jackson stays standing where he was only turning to watch me as I dry off with those dark eyes.

I start to apply lotion when Jackson takes the bottle and offers, "Allow me." 

He begins to massage the lotion into my skin, he's thorough and it's over too soon for me. He sets the lotion bottle down before pulling my back to his chest, wrapping his arms around me and holding me close to him. 

"Is something wrong?" I ask, noticing the way his eyes close as if he's taking comfort in my presence.

His hold on me tenses before he lets out a heavy sigh, releasing me from his arms.

"I have to travel back to the UK, I'm required to be there in front of the court of appeals. I have to leave Wednesday."

I turn shocked, "You're innocent though! You were released!"

"It's so I can give my statement on what happened that day to the court for the final review on the matter. "

"But... my... I mean...." I take a breath, this isn't about what I want. This is serious. "Alright. When will you be back?" I ask, making my way to the closet to get dressed. 

"Saturday, if I'm lucky." 

I nod, "Very well. I don't like the thought of you being so far away from me again, but I understand. Please, try not to get arrested again for murder." I ask him seriously as I slip into a simple blue sheath dress.

When I turn around, Jackson is right next to me again, a smirk on his face, "I'll try my best to not get arrested." He gives me a quick peck on the cheek, looking me up and down, "Do you love this dress?" 

"Uh... I like it... that's why I have it. Why?" I ask him confused.

He pulls me against his chest and without missing a beat, whips it off over my head, "Then I won't tear it off you." His lips crash into mine as he lifts me up and takes me to the bed.

I don't mention anything about plans for my birthday. He will probably not be here anyways and I know he's been stressed about this situation. I know he's hoping that this will cause everything to finally start to die down though. While this apartment is nothing to frown upon, it's not either of our places. I'm a little hurt though, he hasn't mentioned my birthday at all actually. Does he even remember it is coming up? 

I leave it alone as we enjoyed our weekend together, even though at times he still seemed miles away. When Wednesday came around, I woke to him kissing me at one in the morning. He was leaving to head to the airport and clutched my arms around his neck and held him close until he told me it was time to let him go. 

I sniffled in my sleep heavy state, not wanting him to go. He soothed me a minute more before I lay back down in the bed. I awoke to him not there and pouted before breaking into sobs. I know I was being childish, but I really wanted to spend time with Jackson doing something fun for my birthday. Honestly, I just wanted to be with him for my birthday. My attitude was glum the whole time I got ready for work and could not shake the bad mood. Even my outfit reflected my dark mood with my black slacks, black blouse, with just a long gold chain as a necklace to break up all the black.

I wore flats, not wanting to hurt my feet today by wearing heels and possibly making my mood worse. When I got to work, Alice and Scott approached me. With one look, they froze and I saw the shiver run through them as I could feel even the security guards that walked behind me motion for them to not bother me. I turn to them and ask them to remain here. I didn't need them right outside my office door.

Anna jumps into my view as I turn back around and head to my office.

"Melita, I need to speak to you." Anna was quick to enter my office and shut the door behind her.

I took my seat and scowled, "What's up Anna? I'm not in the greatest of moods today." I plop into my seat and cover my head with my hands. I had ended up crying hard enough to give myself a headache and the medicine I took, had not kicked in yet.

"I needed to warn you about a certain ..." She never finishes what she was going to say as the next second my door is kicked in making me jump to my feet.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!" Sybil shouts her eyes are wide in a crazed fury.

She comes at me and throws a punch at me, that I quickly dodge and my arm around hers. She tries to yank her arm free as I shout at her.


She tries swinging with her left arm but they're weak and can't connect good enough to do any damage.


She gets a grip of my hair, trying to yank me off her from the lock I have on her right arm. Little does this bitch know, I took some Judo in college. Using the leverage I have with her arm, I step forward and flip her body weight over mine, throwing her to the floor hard. She shrieked as she rolled over my back and let go of my hair to try and catch herself but the move still took the wind from her.

Coughing, she's trying to catch her breath as the security guards rush in and take a hold of her.

"Anna, call the police and tell them I've been assaulted. I'm calling Mr. Dornell right now." I pant out going to grab my office phone. 

Alice shouts from outside my office, "Already calling him Ms. Xenos!"

Sybil is on the floor, screeching and kicking out against the security guards, cursing every foul thought that comes to her mind. I take the long way around the three on the ground and step outside my office. Scott comes running up to me with the first aid kit, but I wave him off. 

"Thank you, but I'm not hurt."

"But you're bleeding." Scott points to my cheek and in reflex I touch it and hiss.

Sure enough, there's dark red blood on my cheek. A ring or her nails must have caught me when she went to punch me. 

Scott opens the kit and pulls out the gauze and presses it to my cut. 

"Thanks, hand me the alcohol pads and the antibiotic ointment." I hold my hand out as he pulls out some of the alcohol squares.

Anna comes over and takes the squares, "I'll help you." I relent and lower the gauze. She turns and asks for someone to go grab some wet and dry paper towels so she can see what's going on better.

"These stupid little alcohol squares are not going to get the area clean enough." Anna mutters as she starts to wipe around and down my cheek, quickly discarding the pad that's full of blood and makeup. 

One of the guys comes with a handful of wet and dry paper towels that Anna quickly thanks him for before returning to face me and gasping. 

"Keep the gauze on it for now!" She lifts my hand back up as I start at her response. "It's still bleeding fast."

I shrug, "Yeah, most head wounds tend to bleed like that." I say as a matter of fact, which pauses Anna to give me an odd look. 

Eric Dornell comes rushing out from the elevator followed by his cousin George Dornell the CFO of the company. Shit.

They both rush over and pause hearing the cursing, shouting and threats spilling from Sybil at everyone.

George walks over and without even batting an eye shouts, "WOMAN! STOP MAKING A BIGGER SCENE AND EMBARRASSING YOURSELF!" He then shuts my office door and turns to the parliament of wide eyed owls that have replaced my staff. He clears his throat, "Unless you are directly involved in this incident, I suggest everyone get back to work. As exciting as it all is, I'm sure. Unless someone has some zip ties in their area?"

A few people stood up and brought over a couple that they would use for keeping cables together. "Perfect take those to the security personnel please. Otherwise I'm afraid that somebody is going to be more seriously injured in there."

 While George was handling that, I saw Eric talking to Scott who was informing him of everything he saw. Another group enters the floor from the elevator and notice it's the HR department. Anna tells me to go ahead and take the gauze down and starts to wipe my face with the wet paper towels. It stings again and she curses under her breath. 

"Melita, I think you're going to need a stitch or two." Anna dabs at the cut some more and shakes her head. 

"I'm sure it'll be fine, I just need to keep the pressure on it until it clots." I mutter under my breath.

Anna gives me a dead pan stare, "No, it needs a stitch or two. Trust me." She stands and goes to her desk, coming back with a compact mirror. 

I take it from her and remove the gauze.

That. Bitch.

Happy New years Eve everyone!

Mara_Hellercreators' thoughts