

"I'm on my way, I'll be there in ten minutes" I said to my mom and ended the call. She told me a news which isn't that surprising- my dad is ill so his death is coming and he wanted to tell me something. I knew this day would come. 

My dad and I didn't really have that much father-and-son bond, we're more of a whose-more-weak-is-a-loser vibe. Yes, he gave me all his riches; companies, cars, multiple houses, resorts- everything. I'm an only child if that explains it. Our family is known to be one of the richest families in Asia and in fact, we're the second family after the Romualdez. The target of our line is to take the first spot and grow bigger, hence taking all the Romualdez down is our goal.

The gates opened and the guards greeted me before I drove off. As I was nearing the door, I saw a car which I suppose isn't ours because of an unfamiliar landscape artist which was cutting the plant I planted. I stopped the car ready to scold the helper. 

"Don't touch those and who the hell are you?" I asked him as he turned his back to me and confusion is visible to his face. So he's new. This plant is the only plant here that I find comforting and beautiful but he's cutting it. "Ah, I'm Lucas Soriano and I was not touching your plants. I was looking at them" He said and continued staring the plants. So, he's not a helper?

"And who gave you permission to do that, may I ask?" I said and he turned to me now looking pissed. "Look, I don't want to give you another bad news but your plant is dying. Water it regularly and at least take care of it if you don't want it to be cut" He said and started walking towards the entrance of our house. To some it may be a Hacienda that they can't live in but to me, it's still a structure  built for humans.

As we walk together towards the entrance, helpers greeted us and this Lucas even smiled at them. First rule of this household is to never talk to a helper unless you'll scold them or give them orders. "Sir, your father's waiting for you at the dining area, you might want to go there before he explodes" said by my friend-ish helper. He was with me since I was born so he's the helper I'm most comfortable to be with, so he's somewhat exempted to the first rule. I nodded at him and went to my father. Lucas is still following me so I guess he's somewhat involved in what my father's statement will be, so I stopped and looked at him and since he was looking down, I think he didn't realize that I stopped so he bumped his head on to my head.

"Why did you stop?" 

"Why the heck are you following me?" 

I looked at him waiting for his response but he just shrugged and started walking away and stopped when we heard a cough. I looked up to see my father standing at the top of the stair case looking directly at me. 

"what do you want?" I asked and he started going down. "Keith Del Ferrer, you really don't know what change is" he smiled and continued .

"I think you know that death is inevitable and mine's just lurking around the corner, so I have one final order."

The smile in his face faded and he left me in shock.

"Bring your lover here. I have to see who's going to be your partner first before I die" 

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