
Who Even Is This Girl?

Her name was Skarlet. Her father died in a car accident when she was five and now she was completely mentally broken because her 19 year old sister Amber committed suicide. She would've done anything to get her back. I guess she lived up to her word because she made a deal with the devil. To be Satan's personal assassin. Satan gave her a name, and then, she killed the people that she was assigned to kill. She skinned them all after she killed them. Then even worse, she ate them, absorbing their souls into her body. And her sister? She's her partner in crime. Her mother was interviewed. She stated that after Amber died, she was never the same and I guess she was right. Skarlet had locked herself up inside her own room, the worst part, her mom didn't know when she had left because she never left her room, even when it was time for dinner. Skarlet and her sister were closer than an impossible knot. They couldn't be broken apart no matter what. Which is why Skarlet workeds for the devil.