
Where the heart is

Helena Smith was a lady who seemed to have it all. Smart, beautiful and sexy as hell. But she had one major flaw - as what others seemed to think of it - she is an orphan. Ashton Kempt. Edison Hunt. Known to others as the 'golden boys'. Why? They are perfect. Rich, smart, confident and handsome. One is gentle and refined. The other one is gruff and manly. One is from the present while the other is from her past. Will she be drawn back to the man from her past? A past that she has been running away from. Or will she take the leap and go into the waiting arms of the one from her present. Will she be able to start dreaming of a future with him? Just when life was starting to go well for her, people from her past started turning up. What would she do now that someone wants to hurt her and her family? Would she run away again just like before or would she stay and face her demons? A heartwarming story about a woman who deals with every curve ball that life throws at her. Watch how Helena overcomes her doubts, distrust and traumas with the help of those around her. Be with her as she tries to find out who she really is and come out triumphant.

Bliss_Cale · Urban
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204 Chs

Chapter 1: Fateful day

I'm late. I'm late. I'm late. I said over and over again to myself. This sure is one of those days that nothing - nothing just goes your way. I woke up with a very positive feeling but before I knew it, misfortunes just came my way. No wonder I got dumped. I glanced at the ticking pedestrian clock, waiting for it to turn green.

Those 30 or so seconds sure feels like an eternity, I thought. I looked up and saw blue and cloudless skies. Please, please, grant my wish today, I fervently prayed. I clutched my bag as if every bit of my precious possessions are inside it. Well, come to think of it, it does contain everything that I currently have right now.

Finally, the clock turned green. I hurriedly crossed the lane. As I was about to step onto the pavement, a car suddenly honked loudly making me stub my toe on the cement.

"Oooww!!" I bellowed loudly making every pedestrian look at me. I bowed my head in embarrassment. I can feel my face - even my ears heating up. I hurriedly walked away. I am still a few minutes away from the one of the largest language hub in the city where I am supposed to have my interview.

I half jogged, half walked towards the EasyLanguage Corporation. As I neared the entrance, I immediately checked my portfolio just to make sure for the nth time that everything is in place. I don't want to mess things up. I badly need this job.

"Oh, for the love of G**.!!!" I screamed in an unladylike manner making every passerby look at me with amusement. I was so busy checking my portfolio that I failed to notice the grated manhole. My right heel is stuck. I took of my shoe and tried to free it from the grip of the manhole to no avail.

"Great! Just great!" I muttered. "First coffee, ripped skirt, stubbed toe and now this?! Unbelievable." I kept muttering. The passers by are all amused upon hearing the strings of misfortunes that I have encountered since waking up to this fateful day.

"Do you need any help?" a man asked. What a lovely voice, I found myself smiling even before I looked up. And when I did, I can only look at that familiar face like a dumb girl.