
Where the dream losts

She was the messenger of God, sent on earth to end the war between human and the witch realm and bring the peace back. But she did more than that, she fell in love with the price of the witch realm. But the problem was she had to return. As the phoenix was not supposed to fall in love with earthly beings. He became her shadow on earth, but for her, he was her lifeline now. At last she did what she had to do, rebel against heaven and got banished from there. But what she didn't know that “love could bring the end of immortal beings too” But she would rise from her ashes again to burn everyone who was part of the conspiracy and claim what was hers. In the 21 century For the past 21 years, the king of the witch realm was trying to find his lost prince through the blood trekker spell. And finally, he found him when the seal was broken. But the search opened the door or many more hidden secrets of past centuries. ***** An arrogant CEO who thinks the world was his, but beyond this facade, there was a lonely person who was trying to fight his demons. A bubbly and mischievous heroine who believed in an eye for an eye. Let's see how much havoc she would create in the CEO's life. He was the lost prince and she was here to find him. But they both were unaware of the betrayals, and schemes waiting for them. Would their love survive or their dream would be lost. Come and join the journey of love, betrayal, loyalty and magical war of witches and wizards with a dip of past lives. THE COVER IS NOT MINE, OWNER CAN CLAIM IT ANY MOMENT.

nishidurani · Fantasy
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208 Chs

I'm your mother.


A lady named Maria was closing her cafe when she heard the sound of fighting and screaming.

She decided not to meddle in the matter because the human realm is not safe for witches. They are taken as abnormal due to their powers and hunted down from generations. So she always avoided coming to the eyes of people and living a simple human life.

But once she saw that a woman was fighting against eight men with natural elemental abilities. She realised all of them are like her WITCHES.

But still, the woman with water element ability is very badly injured and even if she tried to help her, she would die. So she stayed at a distance and waited for the opportunity to save her.

They are asking her again and again about the location of a baby. But she was not replying. But the last blow of lightning was too lethal for her. She immediately fell a few feet away and coughed up blood.

They gave her one last chance and asked again about the baby. She closed her eyes and cried and then pointed in a certain direction and told that baby was at the park hidden behind the benches. They left her at once to find the baby.

The moment they went away Maria teleported herself there and brought the unconscious woman with her to the cafe.

She brought some warm water and cleaned her face and wounds and started using strips and bandage to cover her wounds but that was not enough because she had severe injuries.

Suddenly the women got awake and tried to attack. But Maria stopped her by telling her she is fine with her and she saved her from there.

"Relax it's okay, you are fine here. I mean no harm. I am also a witch. I saw you there so decided to help you. I am treating your wounds so you will be better in a few days." Maria explained.

But the lady started crying "No I don't have time I have severe injuries and I am poisoned. Please save my baby please save him. I beg you please save my baby." She hysterically started repeating herself

"Okay okay relax, tell me where your baby is. We will go and save him." She coaxed the crying lady.

"He is at the nearby hotel, I have hidden him there but soon he will wake up and start crying then people will find out. I lied to them that the baby is in the park but when they are not able to find him they will come back to me. We don't have much time." She pleaded.

"Okay then let's go," said Maria with a kind smile.

"How? We can't go out like this, they will find out. And you will also be dragged in this mess." She denied 

"Don't worry I have my ways " she replied with assurance

Amanda was still sceptical but she decided to trust this lady. To be honest she doesn't even have a choice.

Maria saw that the lady was looking sceptical and hesitating, so she waited there with an assured look on her face. After hesitating for a while the lady finally nodded and held Maria's hand.

So, Maria teleported them to the back door of the hotel. the lady was looking shocked in her arms.

Very few powerful witches have the capability to teleport. Mostly are related to royal families. She looked back at Maria but decided but didn't say anything. Since they didn't have much time.

She told her the floor and room number. Then again they reached there in a blink of an eye. She can never get used to this. But she was happy that she got the baby back and he was still sleeping soundly.

She picked up the baby very gently and whispered: "I am sorry my prince."

"Prince!! "Maria asked shockingly.

"Oh! I named my son prince." She replied avoiding her gaze.

"Oh! Okay! "Strange,'' she thought. This whole scenario is weird but let's ask the questions after reaching home. The place is not safe after all.

"So, are you ready?" She asked, holding their hands.

"Yes, we are." Replied Amanda.

Then again in the blink, they disappeared from there. But this time they were at Maria's home.

Maria was too tired after using her power many times so she slumped on the sofa while the other part was used by Amanda since she was still injured and dizzy because of today's events.

"So, what's all this? Who were those men? Why did they want to kill you and search for your son?" Maria barged all the questions that were in her mind.

"Well, I. I .." Before she could say anything, the baby started crying."Can you please give some milk to the baby before asking questions? He is hungry since morning and I am poisoned to give my milk to him. Please..."

"Sure, I am not in a hurry". She gave a gentle smile and went to the kitchen to warm some milk. But when she came back there was no woman, just a baby sucking his thumb. And ashes on the ground.

As a witch, she very well knows what it means. The lady died and left her soul.

"Now what can I do about you?" strangely like the baby could understand, he smiled and forwarded his hand like asking her to hold it.

She gave a gentle smile." Looks like we are stuck now."

"So from today onwards, I am your mother."


Amanda took the baby in her arms and gently patted his head. When the baby looked at her, he smiled. His smile reminded Amanda of his Mistress Queen Alicia.

Tears fell through her eyes. "I am sorry prince but I can not be with you anymore. I have to go for your survival. They keep looking for me and reach you. But if I can't be found then the path will be cut.

I am leaving my soul for your protection. It will hide your aura forever till you use your power which is stronger than my soul. Hope you would never do that."

"That lady Maria will take good care of you. I know it's early but my heart says she is a good woman."

Then she burned herself and said a few incantations.