
Where the Captain's Soul Lies

Only two rule the sea but what happens then black and red collide. Each have their own secrets buried, some secrets are better hidden. When the crimson captain will stop at nothing to take back what is rightfully theirs and the captain who's ship is as dark as night will do what it takes to fill the void in their soul. There is a strong chance their alliance will hurt more than help but are they willing to risk that? only time will tell.

LemonDino3008 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 10


*"Wake up!" I'm awoken by a loud clap and burring pain on my back "Get up you ungrateful girl" another clap and more pain erupt from my back.

"Mother stop, please" too exhausted to fight back but my protests are useless, Knox wakes up and starts to growl but I move him back before she can hurt him.

"You know what girl; I'm finally getting rid of you" that's the last I heard of my mother before she locked Knox and I in that room. Moments later, burning.*

Waking up in a panic, I quickly reach my hand back to touch the scars on my back. Hearing a creak in the floorboards from the other side of the room I quickly draw my sword.

"Hay, Steel! It's just me, it's Zen" my vision starts to come back as I start to see the dim glow of his yellow eyes.

"I'm sorry" I breath putting my sword back.

"Bad dream?" Zen asks and I nod letting out a short laugh.

"Captain" I hear a distant yell "We'll be at the docks soon"

"I need to change" I say placing a hand on my head to stop the spinning as I walk out.

"Where have you been" I hear Knox start to lecture as I walk into my room.

"I fell asleep in the office" I say sitting on the furs that cover my bed.

"For eight hours?" Knox sounds surprised, I am too.

"Thats the longest I've slept in a while, I have to change" I get up and make my way over to my closet, putting on a black shirt that falls off my shoulders, a small black corset, and a floor length black skirt. I leave my hat and coat substituting it for a long black cloak with a large hood to hide my face, I grab a brown leather bag attaching it to my waist along with my sword and leave my room taking my hair out of the braid on the way.

"Are you ok?" taking my boots off my desk as I hear Zen come in.

"Yea" I say putting the paper down "I'm sorry for drawing my sword earlier" I say genuinely.

"It's alright" he says as a handsome smile crosses his face as he sits in front of my desk "What was your dream?" a more serious look replaces his smile.

"The last attempt my mother made on my life" I stare out of the small window leading out to the open sea "Parts of my back are scarred from the fire she started" I Zen tense as I tell my story "I was five, that was the last I ever saw of her" Zen slammed his fist onto my desk causing a crack to form "Your turn" I give him a sad smile, leaving out the part where I mascaraed an entire village.

"My older brother was supposed to take over but I was stronger, so my father was going to hand over the title to me. My brother wanted the title so he killed our father and framed me, I was given the scar and exiled." it was his turn to look out the window.

"I'll help you get it back" I say calmly, his yellow eyes glow as he smiles at me.

"I'll help you kill your mother" he says, now it was my turn to smile at him "That necklace and your eyes."

"A story for another time" I say re adjusting the long skirt "What of your eyes" I smile at him curiously.

"A story for another time" he smiles back.

"We should go" he nods and we walk to the deck putting my hood on "Aurthor, take a few men to get the supplies we need" he nods taking the paper and a few men and leaves "Nash, get someone to discuss the new ship" he nods and walks off the ship.

"And us?" Zen questions next to me putting on his own cloak, I give him a look "I have to keep my secrecy as well."

"We can get what Gracie needs" I say as Zen puts his own hood on as we walk off the ship "Curse this dress" I mutter.

"A woman who doesn't wear a dress" Zen says mockingly.

"It's harder to fight" I say fighting to adjust the skirt as we walk through the muddy streets "I can't openly carry a sword as you do, I guess this dress helps me conceal it better" he nods as we walk into the apothecary.

"We're here on behalf of Captain Steel" I say formally as I put the paper and a cloth bag of coins on the counter "You have twenty minutes" I fought back the smirk threating to cross my face as I see the man behind the counter visibly shake, I walk out the door as Zen follows.

"That was smooth" Zen leans in as we walk to the various stands lined up and down the street.

"The Temptress is here" I hear a woman whisper.

"So are the Black Rose and Hydra, there's going to be a war" another woman whispers back.

"The hell is Waller doing here, this is my territory" I hiss "let's get what we need and head back, I'm not talking to Waller like this" Zen nods and we rush back to the apothecary.

"Times up" Zen yells, the man runs back to the counter placing pushing several bottles towards us, pushing them in my bag we leave and head back to the ship.

"Give these to Gracie" I hand the back to one of my men and head towards my room "the Temptress is here" I tell Knox.

"These are your waters, why are they here?" I shrug changing into my usual attire, putting on my hat and floor length coat as Knox and I leave.

"Looking lovely as always Captain Steel" Zen says walking out of his own room in a red shirt, black leather vest, and knee length red coat.

"Looking handsome as always Captain Xykoss" I smile tying my hair in a low ponytail letting a few pieces fall around my face.

"You think he's here because I'm here?" Zen asks as we walk back on deck.

"Could be, he may think you're trying to overthrow me. He could be trying to assist" I say laughing.

"Show time" Zen says replacing his smile with a cold expression as I do the same.

"I'm looking for Captain Steel and Captain Xykoss" a slightly taller skinny man with brown hair and clothes yells up from the docks as Zen and I look down at him from my ship.

"What do you need us for" Zen yell down and the man's eyes widen and he starts to walk up the ramp to my ship, Zen and I draw our swords pointing them at the man.

"What do need us for" I yell down this time, the salty sea air blowing our coats back our cold eyes staring trough his own scared ones.

"I'm he-here on behalf of Cap-Captain Waller" he studders and I bite my cheek to hide my smirk "H-he requests your-your presence on his ship" I glance over to Zen as we lock eyes as he gives me a slight nod.

"Very well then, lead us to him" I say putting my sword away as Zen does the same as we walk down the ramp as the man shakily leads us to his captain's ship.

"Um, Ma'am does the ti-tiger ne-ed to come?" the man looks horrified as he stares at Knox.

"It's Captain Steel" I firmly correct him "Yes, he does. You touch him and I will not hesitate to tear you limb from limb and feed you to the dogs" my face held no emotion as I stand inches away from his face, despite the noticeable height difference.

"She'll do it to" Zen says from behind me as he proceeds to pet Knox.

"Forgive me Captain Steel" he bows his head and we keep walking, a few minutes later we reach the ramp of a smaller dark brown ship "Wait here I'll get Captain Waller" we nod as we stand on deck.

"This is, comforting" Zen looks around with a slight look of disgust as we watch a rat scurry across the deck.

"Agreed" I say lifting my coat "Remind me to burn this coat when we get back to my ship" a small smile crosses Zen's face.

"If you weren't so short it wouldn't drag Steel" he lets out a short laugh.

"Well, we can't all be giants" I say back slightly nudging him, he grabs his arm with a look of fake hurt and I resist the urge to laugh.

"Captain Waller will see you in his office" we replace our playful moods with emotionless cold faces as a different man walks out. We nod and follow in down the hall.

"Knox, go back to the ship" I tell him before we walk, Knox gives me a look "Now" he shakes his head and runs off the ship heading back to mine.

"I have a bad feeling" Zen leans down and whispers.

"Thats why I sent Knox away" I say slightly reaching down to grab the knife from my boot and slip it in my sleeve, Zen nudges me slightly and I grab another one handing it to him as he slips it in his sleeve.

"Friends!" an average looking dirty blond-haired man stands up from his, distasteful, office "Captain Steel, I didn't expect you to be a woman. Can't say I object" Waller smiles and I see Zen's jaw tense.

"What do you want" Zens voice was dark.

"Captain Xykoss, always in a hurry. Sit, have a drink" Waller stands pouring something into a wooden cup, Zen and I glance at each other.

"No" we say in unison, Waller blinks away his shock.

"Right to the point, I want an alliance" he says with a more serious tone.