
Chapter 1

She ran across the streets from the dangers that was following her but she fell down. That fall seem like it had no end. She screamed at the top of her voice but nobody came to her rescue and the only thing visible was darkness. She had no idea what was happening. The panic transformed to dizziness, she felt like she is gonna become unconscious but the fall didn't stopped. That feeling of falling from a cliff is still there. The cool wind blowing to her face became a bit hot and she felt like she is slowing down and the next sensation was floating in the air...just floating, no movement other than her panicked heartbeats and silence. The fall came to an end. She saw nothing other than darkness. She began to regain her strength and decided to figure out this strange feeling. Moving her hands and legs she tried to stand. Her legs felt something. Its soft and cozy like wool, next she moved her hands to find something hard and rough like stones and the surface was cold. What is happening??...That kept pricking her mind. She is clueless. Is this a dream?. She saw a small white dot in the darkness like the eye of a cat. She looked at it carefully for sometime. She noted that it was getting bigger and the brightness of the white color bothered her eyes. It began to grow and sooner she realized that it wasn't a white dot but light like suns Ray's hitting the earth in the morning and it really was a disturbance for her eyes and she felt pain in her eyes. The light became brighter and bigger. All of a sudden she saw light and white everywhere around her Like she is consumed by a light emitting source. She closed her eyes tight due to the bright light. She tried to move but her legs no more supported her. She fell to the strange ground that was like wool. Tiredness and nausea consumed her and she drifted to a deep sleep hoping she will go back to wherever she belong.