
Where Our Hearts Meet

In which three couples are brought together by fate and are torn apart by that same fate because they met at the wrong time. Fate~ Fate is cruel cause our hearts met when I could not love you, when all I could do was break your heart.

LavenderBLOOM · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
2 Chs


Light slowly filtered into the room through the small gaps in the curtains bringing Liu Wei out of his deep slumber.

By no means did he sleep well but he slept and that to him was better than nothing.

Liu Wei shifted his body slightly and tried to pull himself up from the couch until he felt a weight against his chest, glancing down it was of course his completely knocked out friend Li Jun. Before laying back down he brought up his hand to caress his head, "Wake up you're starting to cut off my air way" the sharp words spoken by him largely contrasted to that of his actual actions.

It's been like this forever, well since they've known each other Li Jun has always been an exception to the rules he'd created more so in the last 3 years than before.

"Urg... it would be a blessing to die at my hands or in this case head" Li Jun said groggily not making any moves to lift his head.

"It's early and you're already talking shit" Liu Wei let out the snarky response before lifting his head off his chest and getting up from the couch.

"aww don't bully me I have a ragging hangover" the smaller boy pouted rubbing his temples.

Liu Wei paid the other no attention as he picked up his phone from the side table. "It's 7am, hurry up and wake up. I'll shower first then we can go to your house for your clothes" he said glancing down at his phone before placing it back onto the table and walking towards the bathroom.

"why can't I just wear your clothes~" Li Jun whined plopping himself back down on the couch closing his eyes.

"Look at me then look at you and then consider why, idiot." Liu Wei resorted before stepping into the bathroom and closing the door.

"Wow tall people really think they're so great umph, well the world was made for people my size at least i can sit comfortably at the cinema" Li Jun rambled rolling off the couch and heading to the kitchen.


"You know I regret drinking that much last night" Li Jun said rubbing his left temple as he plastered his head against the window of Liu Wei 's black Porsche 911.

Liu Wei came from a more than well off family and it was more than obvious, unlike his house and car there were smaller things that made this so apparent like his collection of name brand watches and rings. Almost everything he owned was branded.

As expected of someone of his status, his dad was the CEO of Liu Corporation a company that specialises in innovative technology of the future. So being the busy man that he is made sure to give ample of spending money to the son he doesn't care about and Liu Wei made sure to spend it. As long as he followed his father's instructions and didn't cause trouble his dad would pretty much leave him alone, that was how their relationship worked.

"We can get some coffee after we register, hopefully this will teach you your lesson don't drink if you can't" Liu Wei responded nonchalantly spinning the car wheel and pulling into the University.

"Huh, whatever not everyone is as good as you and don't get hangovers" Li Jun sulked as Liu Wei pulled into a parking space in front of the school.

"I know, I'm pretty great right?" Liu Wei half joked as he got out of the car and ducked into the back to pull out his bag.

"Wow and I though I was the raging narcissist " Li Jun resorted waiting for him at the boot of the car, quickly scanning the area before saying,

"Rich boy your car has attracted a lot of attention."

Locking his car with the key Liu Wei straighten his back and began to walk in the direction of the main reception not paying any attention to the prying eyes that followed them.

"So what, call Wang Lei and ask him where he is"

Liu Wei casually said walking to the desk to register him and Li Jun.

Both him and Li Jun and their other friend Wang Lei were all students at Shanghai institute of technology, Liu Wei studied at the school of computer science and information engineering whilst Wang Lei had to settle for the school of mechanical and automatic engineering due to lack of space. Liu Wei didn't really care for studying technology but seeing as he didn't really have anything else he was interested in studying he followed his father's wishes, it wasn't anything to kick up a fuss about anyway. As for Li Jun he wasn't bothered either so as always he followed Liu Wei, it was a good field to get into the jobs paid more than well so he couldn't care less. However, their friend Wang Lei was completely obsessed with technology and although he had the face to do acting or modelling he loved it so much that he didn't even care that he couldn't study in his field of choice as long as he could study something to do with technology it was fine.

After signing them both in Liu Wei walked over to Li Jun standing near by the door.

"Wang Lei said that he's waiting at a coffee shop on campus, its not far from here we just need to walk straight and turn left" Li Jun said relaying the information he was told.

"Umm let's go then its 8:30 now and the opening ceremony begins at 9:00" Liu Wei spoke brief before walking out the door.


"Over here" yelled Wang Lei disregarding the other people in the shop.

Both Liu Wei and Li Jun had already spotted him as soon as they walked in, he wasn't the type you could miss.

Wang Lei had bleached blonde hair that brought out his dark almost black brown eyes and each one of his ears were decked out in earrings that had to be expensive. Although he was no where near as rich as Liu Wei he was still quite well off - his mum was a notable French fashion designer, this could quite easily been seen from his face he had quite distinctive European features such as his eyes and nose as for his dad he was a software engineer for a big company.

They had all met about a year and a bit ago in their last year of high school when Liu Wei and Li Jun had to transfer schools, they became friends rather quickly mostly due to Wang Lei's friendly nature and also that he was patient with their standoffish nature. He was simple and kind hearted unlike the other people at their high-school. As it was a prestigious high school most were only there to try and build relationships with other rich families.

They both walked over to his table and sat down.

"I already ordered for you guys since we don't have long." he smiled softly signalling the waiter to bring over their drinks.

"Why did you get here so early?" Li Jun question taking a sip out of his coffee, it was dark just the way he liked it despite no knowing each other for long Wang Lei knew them well.

"I was way too excited, I could barely sleep last night" Wang Lei could barely hide his excitement as he slipped at his coffee, a slight smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

"What is there to be excited about?" Liu Wei said placing his already half empty cup of coffee down on the table.

Wang Lei just continued to smile paying no attention to Liu Wei's usual aloof and uninterested nature.

"You should be excited, don't pay him any attention. Wang Lei your enthusiasm is admirable" Li Jun laughed patting him on the on the head.

Wang Lei was too innocent for his own good, way too easy to take advantage of both Liu Wei and Li Jun knew this well all the girls and boys he had dated in high school only wanted to use him. Although Liu Wei seemed to not care much about anything they were both pretty protective over him, he had yet to really see how ugly the world actually is so they both tried to shield him from what they could.

"Of course whats there not be excited about i finally get to study what I've been dying to" Wang spoke as he finished off the last bit of his caramel iced coffee.

"Whatever, let's go to the opening ceremony its starts in 5 minutes" Liu Wei responded not really paying any attention to his statement.

"Um let's go" Li Jun smiled pulling Wang Lei up and locking their arms as the waited for Liu Wei to pay the bill.


Boring was the one word floating through both Liu Wei and Li Jun's head.

After they had all left the coffee shop they soon had to split up as Wang Lei had to go for his opening ceremony in the school of mechanical and automatic engineering where as Lu Jun and Liu Wei headed to the school of computer science and information engineering for theirs.

For the past hour and a half they had been listening to this old specialist rambling on about how they would be the ones to pave the way to the future. Liu Wei even mumbled bullshit underneath his breath as soon as he heard the statement.

"To conclude this meeting I would like to remind you all that it is mandatory for all our first year students to join an extracurricular activity, as we pride ourselves on being a united body so it is important for you to get to know students outside of your major and the institution of technology." The old man finished followed by a round of applause before dismissing the students.

Liu Wei and Li Jun exited the hall following the rest of the students.

"Should we got to the freshers dinner?" Li Jun question taking out his phone to contact Wang Lei.

"Not interested." Liu Wei responded tucking his hands into his pocket staring down at Li Jun as he texted Wang Lei their current location.

"Ah I could have used it as and opportunity to scope, but I guess that's too close to home right." He spoke looking up at Liu Wei with a devious smile before continuing.

"I guess we should just go get dinner, there's no way on earth that Wang Lei would miss the opportunity to make new friends and feel out his environment, see why can't you be more like him." He sighed jokingly.

Truth be told Li Jun didn't want to go either, he didn't really see the need to make other friends than the ones he already had. And on that topic he was pretty sure that Liu Wei felt the same, all the friends they had in the past were fake and abandoned them within seconds.

"GUYS HOW WAS YOUR OPENING CEREMONY!!!" Wang Lei yelled as he ran in their direction cutting Liu Wei off before he could respond to Li Jun. Once again people began to stare if they weren't already before, both Liu Wei and Li Jun attracted enough attention on their own but their looks together was on other level.

"Wang Lei, sweetheart you don't have to yell or run we're not going anywhere we are waiting for you after all" Li Jun teased smiling sweetly at him, that action alone was enough to make the girls swoon. Its a shame that he doesn't swing that way but it's not like he was lacking guys.

"I know, I know I'm just a little excited" Wang Lei smile sheepishly pushing his dyed hair back out of his face. That too was a treat to the eyes of the people around.

"You're always excited." Liu Wei combated.

"What he meant to say was our opening ceremony was a good as one can get" Li Jun said smacking Liu Wei's arm.

"Oh that's good mine was super fun and interesting, speaking of fun and interesting what club are you guys planning to join?" Wang Lei questioned pulling a leaflet full of clubs that they were given on the way out that neither Liu Wei or Li Jun bothered to take.

"Umm, you should know by now I'll choose whatever Liu Wei chooses. What about you?" Li Jun spoke taking the leaflet from Wang Lei and scanning it.

"I figured that to be honest but I was thinking about joining the music club, its sounds fun we should all do it together." Wang Lei said softly looking about them both with puppy eyes.

It wasn't uncalled for they both weren't particularly out going people so as a group of three they rarely got to spend time with each as their interests were vastly different.

"Swimming?" Liu Wei mumbled under his breath curiously but it was still loud enough for Li Jun to hear.

"Ah you're interested in swimming?" Li Jun questioned.

"No." Liu Wei said quickly. He would do anything but that.

"Why not we should do it, it been whole year now let's make some new memories. We used to have the time of our lives swimming, remember that's how we met" Li Jun smiled looking up at the tall black haired boy.

"Ah you should, I remember you briefly talking about it. Plus I don't really think you guys would enjoy music, you just have to promise you'll make time for me" Wang Lei spoke honestly.

As far as he was aware Liu Wei didn't have very good memories of swimming hence why he traded it in for boxing, but he had always heard how amazing he was from Li Jun and how he would always win. So he was all for helping Liu Wei replace his negative memories and experiences with new positive ones even if it meant spending less time with them.

"Li Jun" Liu Wei responded his voice stern as if warning him.

"Liu Wei" Li Jun mimicked not taking him seriously at all. He knew for a fact that Liu Wei didn't mean anything by it, if Li Jun pushed him to do something he'd do it. To be honest he'd pretty much do anything he asked.

"Well you two continue to argue I'm going to sign up for the music club." Wang Lei laughed at their antics and began to leave.

"We aren't going to our freshers dinner but remember to call me when you get to yours" Li Jun spoke.

"You didn't even have to tell me I already guessed it, and yes I know mum I'll call you when I get there and if I get drunk and need a ride. I know this off by heart already" Wang Lei smiled cheekily before continuing to leave.

"Ha this brat, come on let's go sign up." Li Jun smiled softly, Wang Lei was too cute too innocent just the perfect type to manipulate screw over and lie to. That's why they had these rules in the first place, to be fair it applied to all of them like when Li Jun had his hook ups he would always or atleast mostly check in with Liu Wei.

"Li Jun, I ..." Liu Wei trailed off, his feet rooted to the ground he didn't even move when Li Jun began to walk.

"You can't do this, we can't do this anymore we can't let him control us it's been a whole year already." Li Jun said walking back and placing his hands softly on his cheek. It was cute but slightly awkward as he had to go on his tiptoes to reach fully.

Seeing no attempt of a response from Liu Wei he joked "Come on if you suck you won't pass tryouts and then you can just pick another most likely boring activity, but you see the Liu Wei I used to know doesn't like to lose"

"Fine whatever let's get this over with and go eat." Liu Wei finally spoke allowing Li Jun to pull him along.

"This early what about dinner." Li Jun teased wrapping his arm around Liu Wei's.

"Unlike you I haven't eaten all day, and seeing as I always pay why are you complaining" Liu Wei replied opening his car doors.

"True. ah how about we make a bet if you can beat me tomorrow I'll buy all of us dinner" Li Jun proclaimed boldly hopping into the passenger seat.

"Then no drinking tonight." Liu let out a light chuckle as he started the car.

"What?" Li Jun questioned as they pulled out of the University and began to head over to the swimming facility.

"A hangover won't do you any good, will it" Li Wei smirked at him as he teased before pulling his eyes back to the road.


I am really making things up as I go along at this point but I hope you guys are enjoying this so far.

Question of the chapter:

Who is your favourite out of the trio so far.

P.s sorry for the late chapter I can not even begin to tell you how busy school has been but I'll try to get it out more frequently.

LavenderBLOOMcreators' thoughts