
Where I am ?

A bewildered being wakes up in a room that he himself does not know. Where I am? What was he doing before? That he should...? *Ding* "Welcome soul N°57212, in a coincidence of destiny you have been selected by my goddess to be a worthy candidate for our experiment. Now become the most Outstanding being of this reality. Welcome to the Ikemen System"

Nashi103 · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

Chapter 85: Sorry Shirogane part 3

Tadano walked out through the doors of the building with a playful smile on his face.

He was happy.

Just as he was about to leave Shuchiin Academy, a voice made him stop.

Kaguya: "Tadano-san… please wait." said a panting Kaguya.

For a delicate woman, Kaguya had good physical performance.

Tadano: "Oh, what's the matter Shinomiya-san… is there something so important that you had to run…" said the young man before thinking of something and putting on a surprised expression.

Before Kaguya could speak, the young man approached her and looked at her feet.

At that moment, a feeling of embarrassment overwhelmed her, but before it settled in, a dull pain ran through her.

Kaguya: "It hurts…" she said in a pitiful tone, tears forming at the corners of her eyes about to fall.

Tadano: "Just as I thought… How can you be so careless and run with an injured ankle? Are you stupid?" the young man scolded.

Then he took her in his arms and carried her princess-style.

The young man saw out of the corner of his eye a blonde hair approaching them quickly.

He signaled with his hand and headed for the car that was waiting for them, followed by the girls.

As he walked, a small candy materialized in his hand, and he handed it to Kaguya.

Tadano: "Eat it, it will ease your pain…" he said in a stern tone.

Kaguya was somewhat embarrassed and sad about her current situation, but also a little scared by his stern tone.

She timidly opened her mouth and ate the yellow candy the young man offered her.

A warm current enveloped her body and relieved the dull pain she felt in her ankle, she felt all her accumulated stress dissipate, and drowsiness overcame her. The last thing she saw was a warm look from the young man.

*POV Tadano*


Tadano: "What a troublesome older sister I have." I said as I sat in the car seat.

Not long after, Yamai and Agari got in.

A few seconds later, the little blonde beauty joined us.

Looking at her somewhat annoyed, I said.

Tadano: "You let her run knowing she was injured?"

Hayasaka: "I'm sorry, young master, by the time I reacted, Kaguya-sama had already run off…" she said very apologetically.

Tadano: "Whatever, give the driver the address of her residence, I'll take you there… I've given her something to relieve her pain and she'll sleep for a while. Anyway, you should have a doctor see her."

Hayasaka: "Thank you for your help, young master." she said while bowing her head.

Tadano: "Don't worry… just be more attentive next time. *Sigh* Who would think I'd have such a reckless older sister." I said while combing Kaguya's soft black hair.

Hayasaka watched us in silence.

Tadano: "What?" I asked, seeing her strange look.

Hayasaka: "It's nothing…" she replied doubtfully.

Tadano: "Don't hold back, speak confidently." I said more relaxed.

Hayasaka: "By any chance, is the young master interested in Kaguya-sama?" she asked.

Tadano: "While I won't deny that she's cute… I don't know if it's appropriate… you see, I'm already engaged and even though my fiancée is okay with adding multiple sisters, I'm not sure if the pride of this little lady can handle it. However, I'll care for her as much as possible." I said while stroking her head.

Hayasaka's eyes sparkled for a moment and she said.

Hayasaka: "So, you are interested in her?" she asked with expectation.

Tadano: "Who wouldn't be? Kaguya is an uncommon beauty, you know? However, I won't force anyone, nor will I leave the people I already have…"

Shinomiya: "Trash… say that when you're not smiling so stupidly for completing the mission."

Tomoya: "Say that when you're not so happy inside…"

Nagisa: "Tadano-san, your words don't reflect your actions…"

Tadano: "…"


[Main Mission (Completed): "Sorry friend, she's mine now"]

Description: You have demonstrated your skill and surpassed Shirogane even in what he does best. Now the cold personality of Kaguya is defenseless against you, and Kaguya as a whole is very interested in you.

Objective (Completed): "Crush Miyuki Shirogane in an academic competition and earn the complete love of Kaguya Shinomiya"

Reward: +200 Idol Points, +1 random draw from the Premium roulette, Title [She's mine!]]

[She's mine!]: "+10% affinity from the opposite sex, +20% affinity if the individual is in a relationship. -20% affinity from same-sex individuals in a relationship."

Ignoring the strange title but very happy for the Idol points, I continued stroking Kaguya's head.

Thinking of something, I took an item from my inventory.

It was a red ribbon.

Then I carefully started combing Kaguya's hair into her characteristic ponytail.

Until now, Kaguya had her hair down, just like before she met Shirogane in the original story.

Apparently, he hadn't given her the hair ribbon.

I stopped once I was satisfied.

Then I looked at Hayasaka, who was looking at me somewhat stunned by my action.

I smiled at her face and then took out another of those candies I gave Kaguya from my inventory.

This was an item I had obtained from the roulette when I still used Ikemen points.

[Momotaro's Delights]: Small spherical candies of different colors, they have the effect of relieving physical and mental pain for an hour. It is rumored that these were the favorite sweets Momotaro ate during his adventure to defeat the evil Oni.

These were a wood-rank item, and I hadn't really found an appropriate use for them until now. Their taste is good, but I'm not very fond of sweets.

However, they were very useful when I met with Yamai and Agari.

Offering it to Hayasaka, I said.

Tadano: "Try it… it not only calms pain, but it can also relieve your stress. You must have had a long day taking care of Kaguya, right?" I asked.

Hayasaka looked at me and then at the candy in my hand.

Timidly, she took it and tried it.

I could see her expression relax.

Tadano: "Looks like it did you good… now if you wish, rest. I'll wake you up once we get to your residence."

Hayasaka: "Then I'll take your kind offer, young master." she said respectfully and after a couple of minutes, she fell asleep.

Tadano: "Like master, like servant…" I said in a mocking tone.

Then I looked at the pair of girls who had kept quiet until now.

Tadano: "I haven't forgotten about you… you've done a good job today and will be rewarded accordingly." I said with a mischievous look.

Both blushed and nodded.

*Several hours later*

After dropping off Kaguya and Hayasaka at their residence, we headed to a Love Hotel to reward my reliable workers.

Once I calmed my lust, I asked.

Tadano: "So, what do you want?" I asked while toying with Agari's breasts with one hand and pinching Yamai's butt with the other.

Both girls moaned in response, but I didn't care.

This was strangely relaxing for me.

Agari: "I-If it's not too much to ask… could you make me some delicious food… I-I heard from Komi-san that your cooking skills are very good and I'd be interested in trying it." She said timidly.

Tadano: "Alright… I'll prepare something special for you," I said as I kissed her cheek.

She laughed happily.

Yamai: "C-Could you… could you go on a date with me?" she asked while trying to avoid my gaze.

I stopped bothering Agari and looked at her, puzzled.

Tadano: "Are you serious?"

Yamai: "Can't you?"

Tadano: "It doesn't matter… since my manga's release is starting, I'll take you with me to Akihabara. We can have a date there."

Yamai nodded happily and hugged me tighter.

I was lying on the bed with both beauties hugging me, one on each arm.

Since we were all naked, Yamai's hug made her breasts rub against me.

Likewise, her leg moved dishonestly over my little brother.

Before I could say anything, another pair of soft mounds pressed against me on the opposite side.

Turning to see, I was surprised by the plump lips of a panting Agari.

With this, the sound of sweet moans and the pink atmosphere filled the room once more.

Author's Note: "Sorry for the delay, this author had a schedule change and I've been really tired. Well, here's today's chapter. Remember to drink plenty of water and that I love you very much. Sincerely, your favorite depressed author."

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