
Where I am ?

A bewildered being wakes up in a room that he himself does not know. Where I am? What was he doing before? That he should...? *Ding* "Welcome soul N°57212, in a coincidence of destiny you have been selected by my goddess to be a worthy candidate for our experiment. Now become the most Outstanding being of this reality. Welcome to the Ikemen System"

Nashi103 · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

Chapter 82: Finding Saitou Ichigo part 2

While Tadano and his girls walked, they looked around curiously.

The students around them observed with curiosity.

The boys were amazed by Agari and Yamai, completely enchanted by their pretty faces and tempting figures.

The girls were charmed by the handsome young man, who occasionally winked at them.

This caused screams and murmurs among the students.

The boys also looked at the young man, and seeing him surrounded by such beauties, they felt envious and pierced Tadano with jealous glances.

Tadano didn't care and continued walking, greeting and winking at the girls he found most pleasant to look at.

Yamai behind him smiled mischievously and extended her hand to Agari.

Agari grumbled and handed over another batch of coupons.

*Some time later*

Now the group stood in front of a large room.

The door read "Second Music Room."

As they entered, they saw a group of students practicing their choir. In front of them was a man with blonde hair who was guiding them with a baton in his hand.

When the man wasn't satisfied with their performance, he stopped and started scolding them.

Ichigo: "...How many times have I told you to control your tone..." grumbled the man before being interrupted by Kaguya's words.

Kaguya: "Saitou-Sensei, you have visitors... Students, take the rest of the hour as free study and prepare for your next class... You may leave," she said, pointing at the students, who quickly smiled happily and fled the room.

Ichigo: "Wait! Hey! Ugh! Now the student council is so authoritarian that they decide about my class..." the man said furiously, turning to face us.

Kaguya: "These are just minor matters, Saitou-Sensei... Besides, you have things to discuss with this young man here... So I'll take my leave," she said and, after finishing her words, left the room. Seeing her leave, Tadano was a bit perplexed. It seemed he didn't much like this Ice Princess. On the other hand, outside the door, Chika stopped Kaguya from leaving.

Chika: "Come on, Kaguya-San, don't leave so soon... Aren't you curious about what they'll talk about? I'm very curious..." she said while pulling Kaguya's clothes.

Kaguya: "Please don't lump me with your class... An educated lady from the Shinomiya main house wouldn't have such concerns..." she said, turning to leave. Or she tried to when Chika pulled her clothes again.

Chika: "Please don't abandon me, Uuuu... Please at least stay with me while I listen for a while... I don't want to be caught by the teachers," she said with a tearful face.

Kaguya sighed and stayed after removing Chika's hands from her uniform. Her good heart prevented her from leaving her friend behind.

Kaguya: "Ah, alright..." she said, somewhat annoyed.

Chika: "Kaguya-San! I love you!" she said, hugging Kaguya with tearful eyes and a pitiful expression.

Kaguya: "I get it! I get it!... Now let go! You'll stain my uniform!" she complained.

Hayasaka, next to them, smiled at the friends' interaction before quickly changing her expression when Chika looked at her and asked.

Chika: "You must have a device to listen, right?" she said with bright eyes.

Hayasaka sighed and, like Doraemon, pulled out a strange device from her uniform and pointed it at the entrance to the music room. Then she gave a pair of earphones to each of the girls before putting on some herself. She would be lying if she said she wasn't a bit curious.

When they were all ready, they listened attentively. Inside the room, Saitou Ichigo looked at the handsome young man in front of him.

Ichigo: "Well, kid? What do you have to say to me? If it's a confession, let me tell you that this father doesn't like gay stuff and only prefers curvy women like that green-haired one behind you..." he said arrogantly.

Tadano: "Ha! Very brave to talk about my woman in front of me," the young man said.

Ichigo: "Oh? Did I hurt your feelings? Excuse me, boy, I tend to say..." he tried to speak before being interrupted by a quick punch that grazed his cheek. The punch was so powerful and fast that it left a small cut on his cheek. Ichigo touched his cheek and saw the blood. He immediately screamed in fear and fell to the ground, terrified.

Ichigo: "You! Are you here to kill people?" he said, pointing at Tadano.

Tadano: "Not at all... I was just making a point. Also, I don't like you referring to her like that. Her name is Agari Himiko. Call her Agari-San from now on, okay?" he said, pointing to Agari, who had blushing cheeks and a silly smile on her face after hearing Tadano's words about her. Yamai looked at Agari with jealousy. Suddenly, the coupons in her pockets didn't feel as good as before.

Tadano: "She's my servant, her name is Yamai Ren. She may not be as good as Agari, but she's mine, so I won't tolerate any harm towards her, understood?" he said, pointing behind him to Yamai, who had the same silly smile as Agari after hearing his words.

Ichigo nodded, scared. Then Tadano knelt in front of the fallen Ichigo and said.

Tadano: "I have a proposal for you, are you interested in listening?" he said with a wild smile on his face. The scene didn't look like a negotiation, rather it seemed like a scene of a thug extorting an unfortunate person. Ichigo nodded and sat in seiza, looking at the young man.

Tadano extended his hand, and Yamai quickly took out the documents and handed them to Tadano. Tadano nodded and spoke.

Tadano: "I understand you're thinking of leaving the academy and starting your own idol company. I'd like to be part of that. No! Rather, I'd like to hire you to be my partner in creating that company. I'm sure we could do a great job together," he said, smiling.

Ichigo: "You... How do you know about..."

Tadano: "You don't need to ask how I know... I just do. That's all you need to know. And before you say anything, I want you to look at these documents," he said, handing him the papers.

Ichigo took them with trembling hands, still somewhat scared by the young man's aggression, and read them carefully. At first, they didn't seem special, as he doubted what this boy could know about the entertainment world. But the more he read, the more his eyes widened. The light of hope also shone brighter and brighter. When he finished reading, he threw himself to the ground and said.

Ichigo: "Is this even possible?"

Tadano: "Of course! With enough effort, we could even become the most important company in the world!" said the young man with a dazzling glow in his eyes.

Ichigo was captivated by the young man's confidence and nodded. Then he remembered something and said.

Ichigo: "Although your plan is incredible, I'm still not entirely sure if you know how to manage and train an idol..." he said, still somewhat doubtful.

Tadano: "Haha, I figured you'd say something like that... I guess I should show off my skills a bit," said the young man as he cracked his neck and headed to the instruments. He picked up an acoustic guitar and signaled to the girls. Yamai understood, but Agari was a bit dazed. Tadano realized he hadn't trained Agari yet and regretted it a little, but didn't dwell on it and continued as he took a seat and started tuning the guitar.

Yamai stood behind him and asked.

Yamai: "Which one?"

Tadano: "Uhmm... Let's use the fourth on the list," said the young man.

Yamai nodded and started humming, preparing her voice.

Tadano: "Ready?"

Yamai: "Yes..."

Tadano: "Alright, begin..." said the young man as he started playing the guitar, filling the room with melodic sound.

[BGM Aqua Terranium – Yanagi Nagi]

With the sound of the guitar and Yamai's humming behind him, all the listeners were transported on a journey they might never forget in their lives.

Tadano: "The detritus floating in the warm water… Over a long time, it forms threads and becomes a cocoon…"

Yamai's humming continued behind him as Tadano kept playing. All the listeners felt their hearts tighten. The song told a sad story about a couple trapped deep in the sea, stuck in time for who knows how long, one using themselves to protect the other from all the turbulent feelings that might arise, hoping that when they finally awoke, they could enjoy the beautiful world outside without worries in their heart. The song was beautiful and heartbreaking. Even Yamai, supporting with background vocals, shed a few tears. Not to mention the girls outside the room. Chika had already burst into a sea of tears, Hayasaka wasn't much better, and a few tears threatened to fall from the corners of her eyes. On the other hand, Kaguya had a smile. Her previously cold and somewhat annoyed eyes for having to eavesdrop were now somewhat unfocused but filled with overflowing happiness.

*Mental Landscape of Kaguya*

Bakaguya: "It's him! IT'S HIM!!! I would recognize this feeling anywhere! He's here!" shouted an excited Chibi Bakaguya, jumping from side to side


Ice was hugging Child, who was somewhat sensitive after listening to Tadano's song. Seeing how now almost 90% of the room was pink, she sighed resignedly. Looking down, she saw Child staring at the screen. On it was reflected the handsome young man who sang that sad song while playing his guitar, the feeling of desolation he emitted was overwhelming. Child watched him intently as the blush on her cheeks deepened. As much as Ice disliked the idea, she had to admit he looked a bit cool. But nothing more than that.

Bakaguya: "Haha, now that we have him in person and in front of us, we mustn't let him go! We must catch him! I mean, just look at him! He's incredibly handsome and cool, look how he plays the guitar, look how he softens our heart with his voice and the lyrics of his song. Undoubtedly, he's someone incredible that we can pursue!" she said very excitedly, bouncing happily from side to side, spreading pink flames and flower fields wherever she went.

Given that Child wasn't resisting, it was very difficult for Ice to contain the excited Bakaguya, but with much determination and perseverance, she managed to resist her, though barely.

Ice: "I refuse! He may be as handsome as you want or as talented in music as you want, but that business is destined to fall! He will become a man on the street in no time! We need a man at our level, someone cultured and with perfect grades like the president is the best option in those cases..." she tried to defend herself.

Bakaguya looked at her with a blank expression and responded.

Bakaguya: "Please stop lying to yourself... Miyuki may be as intelligent as you want, but that's all. He remains fragile and very insecure, you know what happened to him when he was young and his family situation, right? You don't need to lie to me, we are united after all. I know you investigated him. And just as I know it... You know it too. He's not really a genius, he just works hard. The moment he relaxes, his grades will start to fall. Do you really want to spend the rest of your life with someone who only studies 24/7? Is that the love and romance you seek? Wouldn't it be better to trust this handsome guy here? Besides, you should know as well as I do that he's incredibly popular! Remember the playback numbers Hayasaka showed us that time? Those were an amazing 25 million plays, you know?" said Bakaguya, very proud of her choice.

Each word seemed like a dagger hitting Ice, but she stood firm, though not as arrogant or proud as before.

Ice: "T-Then let them compete... If Miyuki loses in the only thing he's good at, then... then I... I'll accept him." she said reluctantly.

Bakaguya had a big smile on her face upon hearing Ice's words. While both personalities argued, Child had escaped at some point from Ice's grasp and was sitting in front of the screen, humming the young man's song. Bakaguya smiled at seeing Child. In contrast, Ice frowned. This was almost a lost battle from the start. Ice understood that Bakaguya was kind, as with Child enchanted by Tadano, Bakaguya would have it easy to deal with her, not to mention Bakaguya's own influence, which was now as great as Ice and Child combined. She could only hope that Miyuki could surprise her again and defeat this formidable rival.

*Music Room*

After finishing the song, Tadano looked at Ichigo, who was a sea of tears and snot, writhing on the floor. He frowned with disgust but still asked.

Tadano: "So, do you think I have the skill?"

Ichigo nodded.

Ichigo: "Your singing and guitar skills are masterful, unparalleled with anyone I've heard before. Not to mention that servant of yours. If you trained her to be this good, then it won't be difficult for us to get a group of proper idols in no time," he said very excitedly.

Tadano: "Then... do you join me?" said the young man, extending a hand to Ichigo on the floor.

Ichigo: "Of course, partner! From now on, you and I will be brothers for life! And we will create countless idols until we become the largest entertainment company in the world!" he said with renewed vigor and excitement on his face, taking the young man's hand and standing up. On the floor, the folder with the documents Ichigo had read earlier could still be seen, having fallen when he cried with emotion over Tadano's song. The cover of the folder containing the documents read.

[Hololive Initiative]

Author's Note: "I know, I took too long. I've been really tired lately, and I'm sorry for that. Putting that aside, here is your chapter. And yes, I plan to introduce the Holowaifus. I mean, Hololive is a goldmine in every sense of entertainment. That said, let me know in the comments who I should choose for the first generation. I've thought of three: Korone, Pekora, and I'm undecided between Marine or Coco. If I'm not mistaken, there are five in each generation, so leave your choices for the other two. With all that said, remember to drink plenty of water, and I love you very much. Sincerely, your favorite depressed author."

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