
Where Evil Rebounds

Money and power are inextricably linked. Then there's the old adage about money being the source of all evil. The Caliwells are at the pinnacle of society's privileged ladder, with their predecessors making significant contributions to the establishment of their state, Efla. Thailah Rivera meets Benjamin Caliwell, the current heir to the Caliwell fortune, following the death of his wife, Lilith. They both married after considerable pushback in their commoner-to-elite romance. Moving into the Caliwell house completely changed her life. Secrets begin to emerge, and their previous evil is revealed like an open book in front of her. However, without proof and merely guidance from a ghost, it is simply insane.  How does she convince Benjamin that his family is the reason he is frustrated? Furthermore, she is the lone commoner among them and the least credible. Also, Benjamin might be a part of the larger plot, feigning his own pain. Blood, after all, is thicker than water. Will Thailah ever expose the Caliwells and uncover the mysteries behind her father's disappearance and Lilith's death?

DaoistcgkFXg · Urban
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10 Chs


After dropping her off, Benjamin reversed his car and drove to Malcon Park. What she said to him irritated him, but he reasoned that if she knew he was Benjamin Caliwell, she wouldn't speak negatively about him in his presence. But that pretty much sums it up. That was how she truly felt about him.

Benjamin slammed the door of his car when he arrived into Malcon Park. He then proceeded up the trail till he reached the top of the hill. His day had been completely spoiled, and he didn't see the point in going for a walk any longer. Since his encounter with the small scooter lady, he had been filled with wrath.

Even if he was all of those things, it was inappropriate to bring Lilith into the discussion. She had no regard for the dead, which was unacceptable.

The town came into view from the crest of the hill, and it was as small as it had always been. He merely sat there, tuning into nature, fighting off his rage and the negativity that fed his soul. His mind returned to the young lady and what she said. Then he started deciphering her charges. Was he indeed harsh, prideful, arrogant, and everything else she said? Lilith never said that to him, therefore he'd never believe it from a stranger's mouth.

"She has no idea what I look like," he repeated aloud, attempting to persuade himself.

He was ideal in every way, and it was only a matter of time before she fell for him. He was, after all, Benjamin Caliwell, he reasoned. While lying down, it occurred to him how egotistical his ideas were. When he considered what made him lovable, the only thing that sprang to mind was the fact that he was Benjamin Caliwell.

"Fuck! She is correct "he exclaimed, leaping to his feet.

Then he felt compelled to speak with her again for reasons he couldn't fathom. He wanted to clear up any confusion she might have had. He was Benjamin Caliwell, for fuck sake, and he assisted her.

Then he remembered that he had caused the difficulty in the first place.

When he'd made up his mind, he strolled back to his car and drove home, hoping to meet the lady there. Unfortunately, he was unable to locate her. Then he approached the maid, who was polishing the lamp by the stool near the stairway.

"Where is the lady that came by to deliver some packages?" he inquired.

The maid paused dusting the lamp, perplexed, to see if she had heard correctly, because why was a Caliwell enquiring of a commoner? She pondered.

Mrs. Caliwell saw Benjamin from the landing of the stairs and asked before the maid could speak.

"What are you looking for?"

"Nothing," Benjamin said, peering up at her from the bottom of the stairs.

Mrs. Caliwell then began walking downstairs. "Is this about the all-white party?" she asked halfway down the stairs.

"No, mother, I'm perfectly OK with it.Do whatever brings you joy," he said.

"I know you didn't want this, Benjamin, but you see, I'm only doing it for you.Perhaps after you remarry, her ghost will finally leave you alone," she speculated.

"Please, Mother!" He became enraged and raised his voice.

"How come no one can let Lilith rest in peace?" "She is dead, fucking leave her alone," he said, before storming off, mumbling some things.

Mrs. Caliwell, who was taken aback by her son's behavior, stood stunned for a moment. Then she wondered what had gotten into him—probably the sleepless night from the previous night.

"What are you staring at?" she asks the maid, who had been spying on them while pretending to clean.

Hissing at the maid, she walked up to her room, holding up the loose ends of her gown. Everything she did for Benjamin was done out of love, but he didn't appear to think so. They would never have an heir to the Caliwell fortune if he continued to wallow in sadness over his wife's death.

Mrs. Caliwell slammed her bedroom door, exhausted by the tension between her and Benjamin and the rush up the stairs. She then leaned back on the door, taking deep breaths to relax herself.

She noticed her late husband's picture on the vanity table in the middle of the room.

"If you had died peacefully without engaging Lilith, Benjamin and I might not be having such a terrible time. All I wanted was a happy family, but you wouldn't give it to me, and now Benjamin is being pulled into this mess "She sobbed as she approached the photograph.

She squeezed hard on the image, as if she tried to strangle the life out of her deceased husband via it. She hadn't gotten enough satisfaction from torturing him, so even in death; she planned to continue abusing him.

The memories of that night came flooding back, how she tortured her husband, Bernard, in the same house where they were.

Then she told the henchman she was with to assassinate him.

The tale was supposed to be that he was attacked in the garden while out for an evening stroll, but things didn't go as planned. It was too late because she had slain her husband before realizing they weren't alone. Lilith chose to be the nosy one.

Mrs. Caliwell knew that if Lilith told everyone the truth about what she had seen, it would keep her away from her loving son, Benjamin, so she had no choice but to do what was necessary. Lilith had become a thorn in the flesh and a weed in her lovely rose garden, and you know what the Gardner does with weeds? She took care of Lilith.