

Let see....where do i begin."Loop" sounds like a nice word.Let start with "Loop".My life more like I am stuck in a endless loop .Can't get out of it .Just following same old rhythmic pattern I've been doing all my life."Is my life going to end life this?" a question i often ask myself .Will i be able to achieve anything worth .Who knows . It's a messed up world out there .Maybe I'm more messed up for thinking like this .But at some point in your life you gotta wonder about what you really want from your life .I have never been able to ask myself that question .Well to be honest I asked myself but i can't find a worthy answer .I have absolutely no idea what i am missing from my life or what should i do to find it .At some point i thought writing would help me inspire .Here i am now .Still not inspired .Life is interesting afterall . It keeps you guessing .Some find their answer ,some don't .I want to find my answer .I want to feel Alive . Maybe 'Loop' wasn't such a great title for the chapter after all .Maybe i should've named it "Life" , Cause Life is the most optimistic word a person ever hopes to find .